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Ch 2 pt 1 - Vindication - Wollstonecraft

CraftLit - Serialized Classic Literature for Busy Book Lovers

Release Date: 12/05/2024

Ch 4 Part 1 - Vindication - Wollstonecraft show art Ch 4 Part 1 - Vindication - Wollstonecraft

CraftLit - Serialized Classic Literature for Busy Book Lovers

Full Video Series at Mary Wollstonecraft Eats the Rich and Eviscerates the Haters 00:00 Opening 01:07  I Have Notes 03:28 Challenges of Change and Freedom 09:57 Education and Women's Dependency 12:49 Women's Power and Societal Expectations 14:04 Equal Education and Virtue 17:45 Critique of Chivalry and Courtesy 20:38 Conclusion and Upcoming Content 21:35 START of Chapter 4 and Women's Degradation 24:19 The Role of Reason and Rationality 29:04 Cultural and Societal Influences 31:16 The Pursuit of Pleasure and Its Consequences 38:22 The Impact of Education and Social Expectations 43:10...

Ch 3 - Vindication - Wollstonecraft show art Ch 3 - Vindication - Wollstonecraft

CraftLit - Serialized Classic Literature for Busy Book Lovers

Full Video Series at Mary Wollstonecraft goes off on Rousseau, hoisting him with his own Petard, as it were.* 00:00 Opening 00:57 I Have Notes 06:26 CHAPTER 3 06:44 Introduction to Bodily Strength and Gender 07:34 Misconceptions About Genius and Health 10:21 The Superiority Debate: Men vs. Women 11:43 ROUSSEAU Footnote: Why Women Can't ________ 17:38 Education and Female Virtue 19:01 EXTENSIVE   FOOTNOTE from Mr. Day's "Sandford and Merton", Vol III 22:30  Critique of Rousseau's Views on Women 27:11 ROUSSEAU Quote re Girls & Dolls & Coquettes 30:39 ROUSSEAU Footnote on Girl...

Twelfth Day of CraftLit - 2024 show art Twelfth Day of CraftLit - 2024

CraftLit - Serialized Classic Literature for Busy Book Lovers

Twelfth Day of CraftLit (2024) All of CraftLit's Christmas episodes can be found at LINK TO DAY 1 of the Twelve Days of CraftLit— VIDEO: AUDIO ONLY: If you missed the other days, here's a quick directory: DAY 1: DAY 2: DAY 3: DAY 4: DAY 5: DAY 6: DAY 7: DAY 8: DAY 9: DAY 10: DAY 11: DAY TWELVE A Christmas Carol-in prose, being a ghost story of Christmas by Charles Dickens (The original manuscript) narrated by for Part 1 - Staves 1-2 Part 2 - Stave 3 Part 3 - Staves 4-5 _____ Digital Premium Audiobook Shop:  CraftLit’s Socials Find everything here:  ...

Eleventh Day of CraftLit - 2024 show art Eleventh Day of CraftLit - 2024

CraftLit - Serialized Classic Literature for Busy Book Lovers

Eleventh Day of CraftLit (2024) All of CraftLit's Christmas episodes can be found at LINK TO DAY 1 of the Twelve Days of CraftLit— VIDEO: AUDIO ONLY: If you missed the other days, here's a quick directory: DAY 1: DAY 2: DAY 3: DAY 4: DAY 5: DAY 6: DAY 7: DAY 8: DAY 9: DAY 10: DAY ELEVEN A Rhyme for Christmas (Publication delayed by the author's determined, but futile attempt to find the rhyme) (1911) By: John Challing  (Radcyffe Hall) - From: The Wit and Humor of America, Volume VII -    eText:   Read by: Alan Davis Drake -   The Errors of Santa...

Tenth Day of CraftLit - 2024 show art Tenth Day of CraftLit - 2024

CraftLit - Serialized Classic Literature for Busy Book Lovers

Tenth Day of CraftLit (2024) All of CraftLit's Christmas episodes can be found at LINK TO DAY 1 of the Twelve Days of CraftLit— VIDEO: AUDIO ONLY: If you missed the other days, here's a quick directory: DAY 1: DAY 2: DAY 3: DAY 4: DAY 5: DAY 6: DAY 7: DAY 8: DAY 9: DAY TEN Christmas at Red Butte By: Lucy Maud Montgomery -       From:    eText:    Read by: Lynne Thompson -     A Christmas Surprise at Enderly Road By: Lucy Maud Montgomery -     ...

Ninth Day of CraftLit - 2024 show art Ninth Day of CraftLit - 2024

CraftLit - Serialized Classic Literature for Busy Book Lovers

Ninth Day of CraftLit (2024) All of CraftLit's Christmas episodes can be found at LINK TO DAY 1 of the Twelve Days of CraftLit— VIDEO: AUDIO ONLY: If you missed the other days, here's a quick directory: DAY 1: DAY 2: DAY 3: DAY 4: DAY 5: DAY 6: DAY 7: DAY 8: DAY NINE A Christmas Inspiration  By: Lucy Maud Montgomery -   From:    eText:   Read by: Darcia Douglass -     A Christmas Mistake By: Lucy Maud Montgomery -   From:   eText:   Read by: TriciaG -   ...

Eighth Day of CraftLit - 2024 show art Eighth Day of CraftLit - 2024

CraftLit - Serialized Classic Literature for Busy Book Lovers

Eighth Day of CraftLit (2024) All of CraftLit's Christmas episodes can be found at LINK TO DAY 1 of the Twelve Days of CraftLit— VIDEO: AUDIO ONLY: If you missed the other days, here's a quick directory: DAY 1: DAY 2: DAY 3: DAY 4: DAY 5: DAY 6: DAY 7: DAY EIGHT   A Conscience Pudding (1904) By: Edith Nesbit -     From:   eText:   Read by: Cori Samuel -     (c.1841 - 1919) daughter of Henry Morgan-Clifford, a British Liberal Party politician, and wife of the 15th/25th Baron Dunboyne, an Irish peer. She sometimes also wrote under her married...

Seventh Day of CraftLit - 2024 show art Seventh Day of CraftLit - 2024

CraftLit - Serialized Classic Literature for Busy Book Lovers

Seventh Day of CraftLit (2024) All of CraftLit's Christmas episodes can be found at LINK TO DAY 1 of the Twelve Days of CraftLit— VIDEO: AUDIO ONLY: If you missed the other days, here's a quick directory: DAY 1: DAY 2: DAY 3: DAY 4: DAY 5: DAY 6: DAY SEVEN The Eve of St. Nicholas  By: Elizabeth M. Laws Hibberd / Faith Wynne (1836 - c. 1930) -     From:   eText: What the Little Bird Told the Christmas Tree (1913)    Read by: Ruth Golding -   The Thin Santa Claus or The Chicken Yard That Was a Christmas Stocking (1909) By: Ellis Parker Butler...

Sixth Day of CraftLit - 2024 show art Sixth Day of CraftLit - 2024

CraftLit - Serialized Classic Literature for Busy Book Lovers

Sixth Day of CraftLit (2024) All of CraftLit's Christmas episodes can be found at LINK TO DAY 1 of the Twelve Days of CraftLit— VIDEO: AUDIO ONLY: If you missed the other days, here's a quick directory: DAY 1: DAY 2: DAY 3: DAY 4: DAY 5: DAY SIX Reginald on Christmas Presents (1904) By: Saki -    From: Reginald (1904) -    eText:   Read by: Bob Gonzalez -     Grandmother's Christmas Story (1913) By: Elizabeth M. Laws Hibberd / Faith Wynne (1836 - c. 1930) -   /   From:   eText: What the Little Bird Told the Christmas Tree (1913)...

Fifth Day of CraftLit - 2024 show art Fifth Day of CraftLit - 2024

CraftLit - Serialized Classic Literature for Busy Book Lovers

Fifth Day of CraftLit (2024) All of CraftLit's Christmas episodes can be found at LINK TO DAY 1 of the Twelve Days of CraftLit— VIDEO: AUDIO ONLY: If you missed the other days, here's a quick directory: DAY 1: DAY 2: DAY 3: DAY 4: DAY FIVE The Snow Man (1902) By: Alfred B. Cooper (1863 - 1936) - From: eText: (interactive) Read by: Garth Burton -   Yes Virginia... (1897) By: Francis P. Church - From: eText: Read by: 2Bears - (September 1, 1849 – October 31, 1927) was an American educator. She was the founder and first president of what is today National Louis...

More Episodes

FOR ACTUAL TEXT of Mary Wollstonecraft's *A Vindication of the Rights of Woman* USE CLOSED CAPTIONS—Links to discussed topics can be found below the timecodes.

Please add QUESTIONS and CLARIFICATIONS in the comments.

FULL SERIES: bit.ly/craftlit-vindication

00:00 Intro notes
01:56 Understanding MW's Annotations
05:02 Note 1 on Islam - PBS LINK: https://to.pbs.org/49mmu6H
05:44 Sura Ghafir 40:40
06:17 Note on Islam 2 
07:03 Define: Providence
08:00 Notes on Genesis and Creation
10:07 Definition: Sensual
11:01 Virtue and Moratily in MWs View
12:22 Deifine: Positive 
14:23 CHAPTER TWO TEXT: A Vindication on the Rights of Woman
14:30 The Prevailing Opinion of a Sexual Character Discussed
16:07 Women's Education and Virtue
18:09 Critique of Rousseau and Other Authors
28:16 The Superficial Knowledge of Women and Soldiers
31:51 The Impact of Standing Armies
34:57 The Tyranny of Sensualists
35:32 Rousseau's Unnatural Sophia
42:28 Post-chapter Footnotes

*Links for you*

Not Discussed Today, But Useful Now & In Future Episodes

Full-Text Links

More links and info on MW’s death can be found at the end of this post.

Not Wollstonecraft, but also good to know...

Bot Army—Irksome Humans May Not Be Human

My response:

Ages ago, there was a Twitter bot that you could forward a tweet to and get a reading of a % chance whether or not the tweet came from a bot. I used it all the time—and calmed down A LOT. Then it disappeared.

Does anyone else remember using something like that?



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MW’s Death

Trigger Warning: Women’s Healthcare—Placental sepsis

Placental sepsis led to the death of Mary Wollstonecraft in 1797 after she gave birth to her daughter Mary Godwin. It is now more commonly known as puerperal sepsis or postpartum sepsis. This condition is an infection that occurs after childbirth. In the past, it was a major cause of maternal deaths related to childbirth, especially before modern hygiene practices and antibiotics became available.

Global Situation Today:

- Maternal sepsis remains a serious issue and is still a significant cause of maternal deaths around the world.

- The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that maternal sepsis accounts for about 10% of all maternal deaths globally. It tends to be more common in areas where many births happen at home, there are not enough skilled healthcare workers, and healthcare systems are weak.

Historical Background:

During Wollstonecraft’s time, doctors often worked in unhygienic environments and did not yet understand germs. Consequently, infections after childbirth were sadly common and often turned deadly.

- Peer Reviewed Journal Articles on Placental Sepsis: Cambridge: https://bit.ly/4f3Absz; AIMDR: https://bit.ly/4gicca2; Incidences of: https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC6903710/

-Trigger Warning: Details on MW’s death: bit.ly/craftlit-MWs-death