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The Push to Ban Phones in Schools Accelerates Cybertraps 133

Cybertraps Podcast

Release Date: 08/23/2022

Ghana Update and the Growing Problem of Deepfakes Cybertraps 153 show art Ghana Update and the Growing Problem of Deepfakes Cybertraps 153

Cybertraps Podcast

Update from Ghana - #2023–03–13_1100 Meeting with the Cybercrime Unit of the Ghana Police Service - #2023–03–14_1200 Visit to 5/6 classroom at Primus Hybrid School - #2023–03–19_1400 Pan-Africa webinar for parents - How can parents and carers monitor their children’s online activity without infringing on their privacy? - What are the long-term effects of excessive technology use on children’s mental and physical health? - How can parents and carers stay informed about new technology trends and potential risks? - What should parents and carers do if they suspect their child...

Fred in Africa Cybertraps 152 show art Fred in Africa Cybertraps 152

Cybertraps Podcast

Fred is in Africa until April 1. Sign up for Interview with . US State Department sponsored trip through Fred’s . Jethro’s chat with Rise of low level betting in rural areas. Ho, Ghana - Tech forum and fair for women. Statistic - In Africa, adoption of Smartphones is about 30% in high school and 10% in middle school.

Corporate Media vs. Independent Media with Tony Brasunas Cybertraps 151 show art Corporate Media vs. Independent Media with Tony Brasunas Cybertraps 151

Cybertraps Podcast

TONY BRASUNAS, independent journalist and author of the forthcoming , which aims to explore  media distortion and disinformation in the U.S. as well as the upswell of independent media that has risen up to combat it. Corporate media vs independent media “” New trends: corporate media trying to maintain control Factcheckers as part of corporate media Astroturf independent media (not actually independent) Tremendous bias from corporate media Innocent bias, Systemic bias, Nefarious bias. - Journalists being fed info or were agents, or were public figures Impact of the...

GALE Forces with Dr. Glenn Lipson Cybertraps 150 show art GALE Forces with Dr. Glenn Lipson Cybertraps 150

Cybertraps Podcast

This interview is from a recent conference that Fred and I attended called . We had the chance to talk with some great people from around the country. I hope you enjoy this episode. Fitting that for our 150th episode, we would have Dr. Glenn Lipson join us on the program again. - Forming a bucket brigade instead of a single bucket - Help others know their role. - Connecting across the country. - Intervening early prevents people falling down a slippery slope - Recognize the path of many interventions. - Find a champion - Anything worthwhile you’re doing should be comfortable sharing. -...

Keeping the Hawaiian Language with Felicia Villalobos Cybertraps 149 show art Keeping the Hawaiian Language with Felicia Villalobos Cybertraps 149

Cybertraps Podcast

This interview is from a recent conference that Fred and I attended called . We had the chance to talk with some great people from around the country. I hope you enjoy this episode. Felicia Villalobos - Hawaiian Language permit - technology issues.

How to Investigate Social Media with Brytton Songenfrei and Justin Darling Cybertraps 148 show art How to Investigate Social Media with Brytton Songenfrei and Justin Darling Cybertraps 148

Cybertraps Podcast

This interview is from a recent conference that Fred and I attended called . We had the chance to talk with some great people from around the country. I hope you enjoy this episode. 148 Brytton Sorgenfrei & Justin Darling - 2 people for the whole state - Teaching administrators to start taking snapshots - How to investigate social media.

Virtual Life vs Real Life with Cassie Trueblood Cybertraps 145 show art Virtual Life vs Real Life with Cassie Trueblood Cybertraps 145

Cybertraps Podcast

This interview is from a recent conference that Fred and I attended called . We had the chance to talk with some great people from around the country. I hope you enjoy this episode. meet 6 times a year, over 100 cases each year. Different in what they can take action for. Teachers growing up with social media, using it for everything. Boundaries Virtual life vs real life

Stop Educator Sexual Abuse Misconduct & Exploitation Cybertraps 147 show art Stop Educator Sexual Abuse Misconduct & Exploitation Cybertraps 147

Cybertraps Podcast

This interview is from a recent conference that Fred and I attended called . We had the chance to talk with some great people from around the country. I hope you enjoy this episode. Terri Miller: President of SESAME - - NV criminalizing sexual acts with students over the age of consent - designed to prevent passing the trash - Dr. Billie-Jo Grant - board member at SESAME -

Investigating Your Own Teacher with Matt Drange Cybertraps 146 show art Investigating Your Own Teacher with Matt Drange Cybertraps 146

Cybertraps Podcast

This interview is from a recent conference that Fred and I attended called . We had the chance to talk with some great people from around the country. I hope you enjoy this episode. Investigative Reporter for Business Insider - Investigating grooming of high school students by teachers Grooming the community, then grooming the family, then grooming the victim.

Training Paraprofessionals with Jamie Boyd Cybertraps 144 show art Training Paraprofessionals with Jamie Boyd Cybertraps 144

Cybertraps Podcast

This interview is from a recent conference that Fred and I attended called . We had the chance to talk with some great people from around the country. I hope you enjoy this episode. Jamie Boyd, Southern Arkansas University - Online K–6 coursework that leads to licensure targeted at paraprofessionals - Only university where enrollment has gone up. - Valued as professionals - How to solve the problem: - Pay - Focus in great teaching and providing autonomy

More Episodes
  • News Item – The Boston Globe Publishes an Editorial Urging Schools to Prohibit Student Phone Use at School

  • Overarching Questions / Issues

  • This is a global issue

  • 2022/2023 freshman are the iGen – born after introduction of iPhone in 2007 (!)

  • Is this part of a move to de-emphasize screens in education generally?

  • Will strict private schools scare away tech-savvy students?

  • Justifications

  • Distraction / Loss of Focus
    • On average, kids unlock their phones 50 times each day
  • Impact on Grades
    • Many educators report improved performance when access to devices is restricted
  • Post-Pandemic Need for Non-Phone Socialization
    • Kids who engage more face-to-face are generally happier
  • Less spontaneity and real-world creativity

  • Teaching self-control should be part of school’s social-emotional curriculum

  • “I think great ideas come from boredom.” – John Kalapos, Buxton history teacher and tech committee chair

  • Methods

  • Complete on-campus bans – no smartphones at all

  • Partial bans – students allowed to use phones between classes and at lunch

  • Lockbags / Pouches
    • In some schools, teachers and administrators have a tool for unlocking containers
    • Other schools have unlocking magnets at each exit; kids tap the bag on the magnet as they leave
    • Partnership with Yondr [ https://www.overyondr.com/ ]
    • Originally founded in 2014 to limit use of phones in music venues
  • Cabinets (“Cellphone Hotels”) / Lockers / Hanging Shoe Organizers

  • Some schools permit “dumb” phones and the use of laptops to access the internet
    • One private school is promoting the Light Phone [ https://www.thelightphone.com/ ]
  • Teachers encouraged to model good behavior by observing school bans

  • Objections and Concerns

  • Parents want to be able to contact their children
    • In 2015, NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio abandoned a policy against phones in schools
  • Kids are NOT enthusiastic
    • Protests and fire alarms pulled at Torrington High School in Feb. 2022
  • Kids ignore school policies (as many as 2/3 disregard bans, according to a national survey)

  • Efforts to police bans may also be damaging to learning and student mental health

  • For some students, a phone may be their only technology

  • Concerns over security of devices during the day

  • Some teachers and school board members want to have schools incorporate phones (and especially social media) into curricula

  • Schools need to upgrade phone systems to make it possible for parents to reach children

  • Schools need a plan for digital withdrawal; phones, apps, and social media designed to be addictive

  • American Academy of Pediatrics dropped screen time limits for kids 5 and older because the impact of screen time varied based on the personality and circumstances of each kid

  • Resources

- #2022–08–22 Sorry, kids, no more phones in school
- #2022–08–21 Boston high school teacher wants city to implement smartphone ban
- #2022–08–18 “They don’t interact with each other.” The growing movement to ban phones in high schools.
- #2022–08–15 Utah middle school bans phones from entire school day
- #2022–08–14 High school phone ban ‘more urgent than ever’ amid pressure on teens
- #2022–08–13 Some Mass. high schools adopt strict cellphone-free policies this school year
” - #2022–07–16 A boarding school in the Berkshires is banning smartphones for students and teachers
” - #2022–05–09 Chicopee High principal says cell phone locking has resulted in better student performance
- #2022–02–25 Police respond as high school students protest phone policy
” - #2018–06–01 How one local high school teacher got his students to actually put away their phones