The Cyclist Pod
S1E88 - Stephen and Raya autopsy the 2nd lockdown and how the cycling world has gone nuts. And bolts. And stems, cogs, pins, derailleurs... they've all gone. It's the great parts shortage of 2021. We're only a few weeks from fist fighting in the aisles of Evans Cycles for a brake cable.
info_outlineThe Cyclist Pod
S1E87 - Raya's got THAT watch (before ANYONE, the jammy b*tch). After Stephen stops grumbling, we discuss needles, axles, and apologise for the THING YOU CAN'T STOP EMAILING US ABOUT.
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S1E86 - Socially distanced Stephen and Raya cover cycling in fog, breaking spokes mid-ride, how our podcast strategy is ruled by dog pictures, and Raya's deathwish.
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S1E85 - Coronabored? Same. So we're aiming to be the antidote. If not the vaccine. There's some public service broadcasting to help explain what you can actually do cycling-wise during a lockdown.
info_outlineThe Cyclist Pod
S1E84 - Stephen discovers his love of his bicycle has been cited in his divorce. Tragedy or badge of honour? BADGE.
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S1E83 - pandemic killed your cycling holiday? No probs. We show you where you can actually go cycling (show recorded before UK lockdown 2, so advice now useless).
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S1E82 with Romesh Ranganathan!
info_outlineThe Cyclist Pod
S1E81 The Cyclist Pod; distanced but never distant!
info_outlineThe Cyclist Pod
S1E80 - The Cyclist Pod comes back after an extended break with a distanced but IN THE SAME ROOM podcast. Baby steps guys, baby steps.
info_outlineThe Cyclist Pod
S1E79 - it's time to put Strava in the spotlight. Pay, you say? Pah.
info_outlineStephen and Raya are still not sat across eachother and it's not because they've fallen out, it's because the 'rona is still locking Raya away and making the journey socially irresponsible.
In this special Coronavirus episode - part 2 of a series of 2, Raya and Stephen start to see how cyclists, athletes, and the general public are adapting to this new world of cycling.
They look in detail at indoor training which is the new normal; the full range of cycling devices available; how the turbo trainer has gone from a nicety to an invaluable essential item; and how people are keeping the cycling vibe going in testing circumstances.
And with more and more countries banning cycling as well, how it's the only training option. Attaching a shopping basket to a TT bike is fooling nobody.
Organised events, football, the Olympics, shopping, virtual cycling platform RGT, and dogging. They're all discussed.
It's like a Zoom call with two of your best buddies who never give you a chance to speak. Your ray(a)s of light through the doom and gloom.
The Cyclist Pod (c) Stephen Grant and Raya Hubbell sponsored by dhb
Music 'Zazie' c/o Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License