Tripping on Legends
Ghosts have a way of working their way into the things we become obsessed with. Focus your energy someplace long enough, haunted tales of fascination will trail along. What are we more obsessed with than video games. From hours spent dropping coin after coin to days spent in front of the screen trying to complete the level, it is no wonder so many urban legends about curses and video games have made their way into our modern narrative. Join Christopher Balzano as he powers up the new year looking at infamous cases of people believing video games to be haunted. There's old school standards...
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There’s that perfect shot which captures the emotion of a ghost story and freezes it in our mind forever. Sometimes it’s a picture snapped at the right time or a painting stealing a moment with a precise hand. We remember the famous Brown Lady of Raynham Hall and the Little Girl in the Burning Building. They are tangible proof of something our gut tells us is fact, but our mind argues is fiction. What happens though when the image becomes the haunting? What if it perpetuates the haunted legend that has the whole town holding their breath when they pass by? Join us live as we...
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Be careful when you pick up the phone. Know who you're dialing, get the number right, and whatever you do...don't invite anything in. The rumor is a ghost was contacted the first time Alexander Graham Bell used the phone, and it hasn't eased up since. The technology changes, but the creepy remains. From calls from the recently dead to urban legends about cursed numbers, the phone has always been a direct line to the spooky. Join Christopher Balzano as he tells some true stories of times when the line goes dead and explores the weirdest urban legends in the world of...
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We’re going live with the launch of the new book and two interesting news stories that strike right at the heart of what we do. The first is one making the rounds and gaining momentum. Glen Powell speaks on the ills of dating and the rise of cannibals on Bumble. See the interview: Next we have the story that may be a story that may be a fake story about a real story or a real story about a fake story. We try to unravel the mystery of Joy Junction and it’s creepy puppeteer. He’s a more in-depth plunge on the rabbit hole. Now, if you're local, you can do a bit of a spooky...
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A buried and resurrected episode with all of its warts and lofty ideas. Religions are based on belief, but also ritual and faith. Sounds like a perfect palate for urban legends and ghost stories. Now add an abandon church and a college campus. It’s one of the supposa be haunted kind of ideas. But what happens when no one wants to admit there is actually a haunting…or a haunted legends. Join Tripping on Legends as we look at two Florida ghost stories people say don’t exist. First, we’ll travel to the Panhandle to look at a cursed church that has become flypaper for all...
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Sometimes you just need to be there to get why a haunted legend comes alive. There’s a story of a witch, a woods, and people who visit her ghost in the hopes of touching her wall and earning a little of her power. Sound familiar? What happens though when the wall is more story than a structure and the witch is more myth than mystic? Join the Trippers in the shadow of the Turtle as they head back to Ormond Beach to search for the often whispered about Ormond Witch of Witch Road. They also retell what happened when they legend tripped Merritt Island to see if they could get invited to the...
info_outlineTripping on Legends
The dead man’s ghost is possessed by a pig who was feasting on his body as it sat on the edge of the water waiting to be retrieved by the police. Fishermen in the area won’t eat anything caught there or fish when the sun goes down because of the hog-like screams that come from the glowing specter who floats on the water. If this all makes perfect sense, you must live in Florida. Join the Trippers as they cross another bridge onto Marco Island to sit by the Turtle and talk about trestles. First, it’s off to Hillsborough County to the lost town of Boyette where people in the 1960s...
info_outlineTripping on Legends
There are a few reasons people make up folklore. They are trying to learn a lesson or remember something important to pass down. They are wanting to cherish a historical moment. Then some folklore is meant to explain something in nature that science has not yet tackled. Why are their lights in the sky? Where does thunder come from? Why does the snake slitter? Why are our kids dying? Walking Sam has been taking the blame for the teen suicide rate on the Pine Ridge Reservation for years. Problem is, he may be more monster than myth and more ghost than cautionary tale....
info_outlineTripping on Legends
Urkhammer or Ashely were just the beginning. Sure, we can agree they probably never existed, but did they have their own merch? In walks Doveland, Wisconsin and says, “Hold my urban legend.” In the second part of their Lost Cities, Lost Bones show, Trippers Christopher Balzano and Deanna Mulhern continue their trek across towns that never existed looking trying to make sense of all of these Mandela Towns before shooting over to Lake Okeechobee to debate whether their infamous bones are sketchy or point at a darker history of the “hole in the state.” We apologize ahead of...
info_outlineTripping on Legends
Ever been to Urkhammer or Ashely? Have you picked up your hat and cup and keychain from Doveland? Travel across the country and you'll find rumors of towns that don't exist and places people remember but can't quite communicate about. It could be collective amnesia, the Mandela Effect, or maybe just a case of the Internet having a little fun at our expense. We continue to scratch our heads at Roanoke, but what about Tinsdale. Join Trippers Christopher Balzano and Deanna Mulhern as they skip from town to town looking for the answers before landing smack dab in the middle of the...
info_outlineIt's one of those clichés that's repeated because it rings true. It was a dark night, and I was riding down this little country road at 2 in the morning. With that setup, nothing good is about to happen. Instead, hold your breath, try to stay awake, and wait for the ghost stories to write themselves.
Join the Trippers, Christopher Balzano and Denna Mulhern as they look into three of the spookier road legends, as twisted as the backroads they appear on. They'll delve into Huntsville, Texas’, Demon Road before getting into the legends of Magnolia Creek Lane near the Ocala and Merritt Island's Suicide Road.
Feel free to call our new phone number during our live shows to get involved, share a legend you’ve heard, or to just ask a question at (813) 418-6822.
Check out Christopher Balzano’s books, including the newly released Haunted Ocala National Forest at:
You can contact us with questions, comments, and your favorite legend or tidbit of folklore at [email protected].
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