DWE Episode 093: From Leonardo da Vinci to Chuck Yeager
Release Date: 09/02/2008
Dancing With Elephants
Please accept this as video proof that we are making an effort... Misguided as it is.Please check out and send links to . Give us a call at 1-206-426-2722 Write us at: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] or [email protected] Time: Sooooon. Until then, keep an eye on the center ring.
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It's almost here, Grant's Advent Calendar for 2009.
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It's time for a Special DWithE Minuet: Lowe's Build and Grow Workshop
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It's time for a Special DWithE Minuet: The Harry Potter Exhibit
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We're trying something new here at DWithE...
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Okie doke, here's the Dancing With Elephants Listener Feedbag Show for Episode 096
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Here it is, the video featuring Nikolai's Thumbs-up/Thumbs-down Review of The Radio Adventures of Dr. Floyd Studios.
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On this week's episode of DWithE, we talk about moving and conduct an interview with some very special guests. ...
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We're sorry, but Tonya has been burning the Midnight Oil at work this week, so the best that we can do until the deadlines have passed is this little teaser. Enjoy!
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Okie doke, here's the Dancing With Elephants Listener Feedbag Show for Episode...
info_outlineItems featured on this week's show:
Bristol Renaissance Faire
Chicago Air & Water Show 2008
AV-8B Harrier
F-16 Fighting Falcon
F-15 Eagle
F-22A Raptor
Blue Angels
Fidgert of The Radio Adventures of Dr. Floyd
Dr. Floyd's 2008 Summer Reading Challenge
Podcasts featured or mentioned on this week's show:
The Howling Wolves Podcast
A Window to the Magic
Help us plan our day off, check out CityofChicago.org and email or call us with your suggestions
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Please check out and send links to DWitheE's Bookmarks on del.icio.us.
Give us a call at 1-206-339-5368
Write us at: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] or [email protected]
Next Week: Maybe the Olympics, not sure yet. Until then, keep an eye on the center ring.