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#60 Generational Healing (even when it’s messy)

Dare Greatly Podcast

Release Date: 07/30/2024

#66 What It Looks Like to Heal Anxiety: Performing Jazz Pianist Kate Skinner Shares Tips That Changed Her Life show art #66 What It Looks Like to Heal Anxiety: Performing Jazz Pianist Kate Skinner Shares Tips That Changed Her Life

Dare Greatly Podcast

Have you ever wondered what it REALLY looks like when someone says they turned their anxiety around and it’s no longer as big of a deal as it used to be? Do you wish you could just sit down with them and ask them to explain in more detail how that worked for them? If so, you’re going to love my conversation with today’s guest on the show, Kate Skinner...   Today’s episode is a must-listen because you’ll gain powerful insights on what to do (and not do) to take back your life from anxiety, to ignite your creative pursuits, and learn how a battle with cancer didn’t stop my...

#65 - Do This One Thing to Set Up Your Year to Be The Best It Can Be show art #65 - Do This One Thing to Set Up Your Year to Be The Best It Can Be

Dare Greatly Podcast

In today’s episode, you’ll learn how one activity can set your new year up for the best it can be.   Your next chapter is going to be beautiful. It’s going to be just what it needs to be. Not because of what happens to you. But because you know how to be a co-creator with how you respond to the world around you and the people in it, regardless of what they do or don’t do.   And the way to do that is to be intentional and choose a Word of the Year or a theme as your guiding principle.   This one exercise will help you navigate your new year more empowered, more...

#64 - How to Be Super Productive Without Forgetting Why You’re Doing It In The First Place - a Heart Three Sizes Too Big show art #64 - How to Be Super Productive Without Forgetting Why You’re Doing It In The First Place - a Heart Three Sizes Too Big

Dare Greatly Podcast

Have you ever wondered how to juggle being productive while also being present with the people you interact with? - Or, are you so into your To Do list, you overlook the people you love in your day-to-day life? My guest today, Maria Reid, is here to remind us that even our To Do lists can be more heart based and less check-box based.   Maria, known in her community as one with a heart three sizes too big - who knows how to Make Life Sweet, has built a company that thrives on leading with the heart, taking women to Italy with her sister and showing them a great time, she’s known for...

#63 - Grace and the Middle Path show art #63 - Grace and the Middle Path

Dare Greatly Podcast

We all have that innate tendency to be hard on ourselves sometimes, and the concept of Grace can be confusing if we don’t understand what it is or how it works. We know it’s important to take personal responsibility, but we also know it’s important to invite Grace into the process of personal growth. So how to do that?   This is what I call the Middle Path.    Join me this week as I explore insights into Grace in the hopes that it illuminates how generous Grace really is and what it looks like. You’ll hear why the real skill of giving yourself (and others) the...

#62 Stay MENtally Strong: Sean's Story / Suicide Prevention and Awareness show art #62 Stay MENtally Strong: Sean's Story / Suicide Prevention and Awareness

Dare Greatly Podcast

This is one of the hardest topics and most emotional episodes that have ever been on the Dare Greatly Podcast, the topic of men’s mental health and suicide.   Today’s episode is special because it is so real and honest.  My guests I am sharing with you have been through a really difficult time losing their husband and father to suicide. As you listen, you will gain insights on how to help your loved ones who are struggling. They are doing important work to minimize stigma with finding help and hope when you need it.   If you’ve ever felt alone, you don’t know where...

#61 - Imposter Syndrome, Artist Pep-talk Series show art #61 - Imposter Syndrome, Artist Pep-talk Series

Dare Greatly Podcast

We all want to feel like we are good enough. We all have an innate desire to feel confident, but Imposter Syndrome can keep us from feeling like we belong, no matter how hard we’ve worked or how accomplished we are. Why is that? What exactly is Imposter Syndrome? How do you know if you have it and if so, what can you do to minimize it?   One of the most important things you need to know on this journey from being blocked in your creativity to restoring your creative strength, vitality and inspiration is: you will feel like you don’t belong. You will see others who are further...

#60 Generational Healing (even when it’s messy) show art #60 Generational Healing (even when it’s messy)

Dare Greatly Podcast

Would you describe yourself as someone who could use some healing given what you’ve inherited from the generations who’ve gone before you? Do your parents or grandparents have some unresolved trauma that you’re carrying? This summer has been impactful for my family in that my cute dad recently passed away. My dad is really my biological uncle who adopted me when my mom passed away at a young age. Many of you have asked questions about my past, I’m sharing it here.  I’m so excited to dive into today’s episode all about what it means to take the good from your previous...

#59 - Five MidLife Decisions Ahead of Time show art #59 - Five MidLife Decisions Ahead of Time

Dare Greatly Podcast

Making decisions ahead of time is a powerful place to operate from. When you consider what you want your midlife years to look like, you have options that can open up fulfillment and joy. Midlife does not have to be hard or sad.   This quote stopped me in my tracks and will not leave my mind. Consider it for yourself: “Ten years from now, you’d give anything to be this age again, this healthy, this cute, and have this time again. Go do something that makes you proud of yourself today.”   If you’re a mom whose children are starting to become more independent, you...

#58 - How Getting Support For Your Marriage Works show art #58 - How Getting Support For Your Marriage Works

Dare Greatly Podcast

My journey in the Marriage and Family Studies world has been influenced by lots of amazing mentors, from John Gottman to William Doherty, to Brene Brown. Through their teachings, reading all their books, and my own experience and introspection, I came to understand the importance of fighting for your marriage. It's a powerful way to approach your relationships and explore where a consumer mindset may be undermining your marriage. Fighting for your marriage will allow you to show up fully with your partner, and it can transform the way you experience fulfillment in the most important...

#57 - Trusting Your Body When You Have a Chronic Illness: Interview with My Friends Series - Shelby Hansen, Shelby Lives Vibrantly show art #57 - Trusting Your Body When You Have a Chronic Illness: Interview with My Friends Series - Shelby Hansen, Shelby Lives Vibrantly

Dare Greatly Podcast

Do you or someone you love live with a chronic illness or with chronic pain? Then you’re going to want to lean in and listen closely to Shelby Lives Vibrantly.   As a life coach, invisible illness warrior, and kidney transplant recipient, Shelby has navigated the waters of chronic fatigue and chronic pain for over two decades and can help you feel more energized and alive than ever before. Using a combination of nervous system regulation paired with mindset coaching, she helps moms who experience chronic conditions increase their energy, feel at peace with their diagnoses and body,...

More Episodes

Would you describe yourself as someone who could use some healing given what you’ve inherited from the generations who’ve gone before you? Do your parents or grandparents have some unresolved trauma that you’re carrying?

This summer has been impactful for my family in that my cute dad recently passed away. My dad is really my biological uncle who adopted me when my mom passed away at a young age. Many of you have asked questions about my past, I’m sharing it here. 

I’m so excited to dive into today’s episode all about what it means to take the good from your previous generations, and manage the challenges that come with it, even when it’s messy. Honoring your father and mother can be a beautiful thing, but it can also be really difficult if there’s generational trauma and the previous generations haven’t done the work of healing.

In this episode, I share some of my personal story with trauma to help you gain perspective of how generational healing works. You’ll learn how to identify the post traumatic growth you’ve gained along the way, the difference between PTSD, and Complex PTSD, and leverage your childhood as a strength. 

If you’ve ever struggled with wanting to build a better legacy for your family you are creating versus the one you inherited, this episode will give you perspective to navigate those situations with more intention.

What You’ll Learn on this Episode:

  • Why generational healing is useful but can be difficult to do on your own without the right kind of support.

  • How to reframe trauma and see where you’ve experienced Post Traumatic Growth.

  • The importance of understanding the difference between PTDS, and Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

  • Why building on the good you’ve inherited is important and how to identify your generational strengths.

If you worry about how to help your kids navigate today’s world and you’re wondering how to help them, you’re in luck. My Free Guide for Parenting Teens is my go-to resource, where you’ll learn tools and strategies applicable to children at any age, and you can click here to download.