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Model It, Live It, Let Them Experience It. with James Moffett Resilient Schools 2

Resilient Schools

Release Date: 08/11/2022

The Authority: Baruti Kafele on The Equity & Social Justice Education 50 Resilient Schools 15 show art The Authority: Baruti Kafele on The Equity & Social Justice Education 50 Resilient Schools 15

Resilient Schools

In this episode, we’re bringing you a conversation from The Authority Podcast, part of the Be Podcast Network.   Today’s guest, Principal Baruti Kafele is author of seven best-selling books, including the topic of today’s episode: The Equity & Social Justice Education 50.   He and Ross discuss:   ●      Equity vs. Equality — the strategy vs. the goal and why it matters ●      Does my presence positively alter the trajectory of my students? ●      The personal nature of this work and...

The Dangerous Inadequacy of Joy with Matthew Taylor Resilient Schools 14 show art The Dangerous Inadequacy of Joy with Matthew Taylor Resilient Schools 14

Resilient Schools

<p>Setting our sights on cultivating joy as the key to solving work culture malaise is inadequate and even dangerous. A singular focus on joy tempts us to view our culture woes as a technical rather than an adaptive challenge because technical challenges are much easier to solve. We take plug-and-play “joy factor” activities off the shelf and avoid anything that doesn’t feel good.  This creates dissonance for people when they are experiencing challenges. Even more dangerously, the focus on creating joy—even thoughtful joy—obscures or distracts from what our work culture...

Improving the Student Environment with Lauren Jewett Resilient Schools 13 show art Improving the Student Environment with Lauren Jewett Resilient Schools 13

Resilient Schools

Staff mindset, what can I control vs. what can we not control Advocate for students and teachers If we’re not well, how can we promote wellness for our students? Every day is a fresh start. How to tell between what is a special need and what is trauma. Kids start to other themselves at a certain point when they see they aren’t getting what others are getting. Self-beliefs around learning Helping students say positive things about themselves. Asking students what their strengths are and what they’re good at. All kids need help, regardless of their IEP status. Ross Greene’s work on...

How To Help Kids Win In School And Life With Mitch Weathers Resilient Schools 12 show art How To Help Kids Win In School And Life With Mitch Weathers Resilient Schools 12

Resilient Schools

As students, we all know the importance of being successful in school. But what does it really take to achieve that success? While good grades and test scores are certainly important, there are other key skills that can make a big difference in a student’s ability to succeed. These skills, known as executive functioning skills, can be described as the things students need to be successful in school and in life. Executive functioning skills include things like goal setting, working memory, time and task management, organizational skills, accountability, and self-regulation. These skills are...

Making a Reset Room with Dr. Wendy Watson Resilient Schools 11 show art Making a Reset Room with Dr. Wendy Watson Resilient Schools 11

Resilient Schools

Dr. Wendy Watson is the Principal of Garry Middle School in Spokane, WA. Garry is a Title I school, and they took a unique approach In recent years, Dr. Wendy Watson and her team at the school have made a concerted effort to improve support for students’ academic and behavioral needs. This has involved increasing the number of behavior interventionists from one to four, and adding additional support systems to help students de-escalate and regulate their emotions. One of the key challenges faced by Dr. Watson and her team was ensuring that these support systems worked well together. To...

Human-Focused Culture with LaVonna Roth Resilient Schools 10 show art Human-Focused Culture with LaVonna Roth Resilient Schools 10

Resilient Schools

As an engaging and interactive keynote speaker, consultant, educator, and mom, LaVonna bridges her passion for how the brain learns with identifying how every individual S.H.I.N.E.s with their mindset and social-emotional well-being. She leads a small business where her and her team boost schools in embodying a Human-Focused Culture. A culture where we put those doing the work at the heart of the impact desired. How? By supporting schools in harnessing the S.H.I.N.E. framework, increasing psychological safety, & building a foundation based on the brain sciences. S.H.I.N.E. is the secret to...

How to Increase Hope with Cathleen Beachboard Resilient Schools 9 show art How to Increase Hope with Cathleen Beachboard Resilient Schools 9

Resilient Schools

Cathleen Beachboard is an award-winning educator, best-selling author, and leading innovative expert on raising psychological hope in schools. Her Building H.O.P.E.© framework has improved resilience, well-being, and achievement in thousands of schools across the country. As a sought-after speaker on well-being and retention, she provides practical tools and strategies for parents, educators, and school leaders to increase hope so students and staff can thrive. Hope is a positive cognitive process Hope is a mix of your goals, pathways and agency. Hope is determined in different ways. Hope is...

Managing Obsessive Compulsive Disorder with Stephen Smith Resilient Schools 8 show art Managing Obsessive Compulsive Disorder with Stephen Smith Resilient Schools 8

Resilient Schools

Stephen Smith’s life was going great. He was an award-winning college quarterback with a vibrant social life and a bright future ahead of me. But then OCD came out of nowhere and derailed everything. He started having repeated intrusive thoughts that made him doubt the most fundamental characteristics about himself. Depression hit, and he felt like he was stuck. He went from playing quarterback in college to being housebound in six months due to misdiagnosed and untreated OCD. It took a lot of time and money to access effective OCD treatment, but once he had the right diagnosis and found ERP...

It's All About The People With Erika Garcia-Niles Resilient Schools 7 show art It's All About The People With Erika Garcia-Niles Resilient Schools 7

Resilient Schools

is a principal in MIssouri. https://twitter.com/flyingmonkey13/status/1499808853063577600?s=21 we don’t remember our impact but they sure do. behind the scenes at new district better than I could have imagined. Focus on people - It’s all about the people. People by day, paperwork by night. It’s about surrounding yourself with the right people. Leave before you’re ready. Don’t find the next thing, find the right thing. Use coaching to help someone reflect on themselves. Ask questions of them to get them to reflect We can get hung up on the things we don’t believe, rather than...

Mental Health Awareness with Dr. Elaine Harper Resilient Schools 6 show art Mental Health Awareness with Dr. Elaine Harper Resilient Schools 6

Resilient Schools

is an experienced teacher, counselor and leader in the arenas of education and mental health. Dr. Harper is the former educational services director for Positive Education Program in Cleveland, OH. Her practice, Elaine Harper Consulting LLC, serves by teaching, facilitating, coaching and mentoring individuals, teams, schools and organizations who work with children and adolescents presenting emotional and behavioral challenges. Dr. Harper founded Trauma Sensitive Teaching Network which connects teachers, counselors, leaders and others dedicated to serving children and adolescents through...

More Episodes

James Moffett is a principal in Kansas and he loves kids.

  • Pretty empathetic
  • Relationships
  • Teri Barilla
  • Question things I did as an educator
  • If you were doing these things before the pandemic, you were as ready as you could be for the pandemic
  • If you wouldn’t accept it from your supervisor, don’t dish it out to your kids.
  • Accountability, structure, consequences, - all structured in love.
  • It’s such a mindset shift for educators because it’s not how school was for us.
  • Model it, live it, let them experience it.
  • How do we help schools see that kids are respected on day 1.
  • Teachers are structured beings
  • Each vs. every.
  • The Rabbit Effect
  • How to be a transformative principal? Rest and recover and put more focus on the relationships you have in your building.