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(E92) SICK NEW WORLD and the return of KEITH BUCKLEY // DENIHILIST // Beer Breakdowns and New Heavy Releases


Release Date: 11/07/2023

(E107) Best BEER and METAL of Q2 2024 show art (E107) Best BEER and METAL of Q2 2024


Hopwolves, you know what time it is... The bois dive into their favorites from the 2nd quarter of 2024. This week's Beverage Breakdowns include INDIGO GIN (42.5%) from Empress 1908 (Todd's Pick) and PLUMIFICATION PLUM SOUR (4%) collab from Velum Fermentation and Tortured Souls Brewing (Arie's Pick). After the episode make sure to jam our favorite tracks from our favorite Q2 albums/EPs Turn it up to 11, crack open that beer, it's about to get  Episode Breakdown: Intro | 0:00 Beverage Breakdowns | 5:14 Top 5 EPs of Q2 | 11:24 Top 5 Albums of Q2 | 19:34...

(E106) Aadam Soorma of TRACE BREWING show art (E106) Aadam Soorma of TRACE BREWING


Hopwolves, you know what time it is... The bois talk shop with new friend of the show of . We discuss how he became the head of marketing at the brewery, favorite Pittsburgh bands, what it's like to serve coffee and beer all day, fists to the thermostat, revisiting St. Anger, and so much for E106! This week's Beer Breakdowns are MODELITA ESPECIAL (4.4%) from Grupo Modelo (Aadam's pick), CINNAMON DOLCE NITRO STOUT (6%) from Firestone Walker Brewing Company (Todd's pick) and ARIZONA HARD LEMON TEA (5%) from Hornell Brewing Co., Inc. (Arie's Pick). Turn it up to 11, crack open that beer,...

(E105) Lui Broch Larsen and Cornealius Qvist of NOTHING NOBLE show art (E105) Lui Broch Larsen and Cornealius Qvist of NOTHING NOBLE


Hopwolves, you know what time it is... The bois talk shop with longtime friends, first time guests, LUI BROCH LARSEN, and CORNEALIUS QVIST of Copenhagen Metalcore outfit . We discuss Pissed Core, Bass Pro Shop, why their last album didn't land quite like they wanted it to in their neck of the woods, awkward American encounters, and so much for E105! This week's Beer Breakdowns are ANARKIST HAZY JUICY DIPA (7.5%) from Theodor Schiøtz Brewing Company (Lui's pick), HOEGAARDEN ORIGINAL WHITE ALE (4.9%) from Hoegaarden Brewery (Cornealius' pick), MAREDSOS TRIPLE/TRIPEL (10%) from Abbaye...

(E104) Kyle Mazlik, Dan Nelson, and Jeremy Harlan of SUNMANCER show art (E104) Kyle Mazlik, Dan Nelson, and Jeremy Harlan of SUNMANCER


Hopwolves, you know what time it is... The bois talk shop with new friends KYLE MAZLIK, DAN NELSON, and JEREMY HARLAN of Atlanta's . We discuss how Sunmancer came to be, Kyle's days in Broadcast the Nightmare, Dan's birthday at the Gathering of the Juggalos, Jeremy's affinity for Dean guitars, and that's just the tip of the pint glass! This week's Beer Breakdowns are BLUE MOON (5.4%) and FIREBALL WHISKEY (Kyle's picks), MICHELOB ULTRA and EAGLE RARE (Dan's picks), MILLER LITE and MEZCAL (Jeremy's Picks), GUINNESS DRAUGHT STOUT and LEMONCELLO (4.2%) (Todd's picks)...

(E103) Best BEER and METAL of Q1 2024 show art (E103) Best BEER and METAL of Q1 2024


Hopwolves, you know what time it is... The bois dive into their favorites from the 1st quarter of 2024. This week's Beverage Breakdowns include DRAUGHT STOUT (4.2%) from Guinness  (Todd's Pick) and HONDURAS, 18 RABBIT from Needmore Coffee Roasters (Arie's Pick). After the episode make sure to jam our favorite tracks from our favorite Q1 albums/EPs  Turn it up to 11, crack open that beer, it's about to get  Episode Breakdown: Intro | 0:00 Beverage Breakdowns/Best Beer of Q1 | 5:37 Top 5 EPs of Q1 | 13:40 Top 5 Albums of Q1 | 30:18 Top Most BREWTAL EPs of...

(E102) Gabe Mangold of ENTERPRISE EARTH show art (E102) Gabe Mangold of ENTERPRISE EARTH


Hopwolves, you know what time it is... The bois talk shop with Death Metal Gypsy GABE MANGOLD of ENTERPRISE EARTH. We discuss how EE wrote the majority of Death: An Anthology together as a band in Lake Tahoe, unintentionally championing early year releases, which classic 90s rap track had influences on the album, and that's just the tip of the pint glass! This week's Beer Breakdowns are from Oskar Blues Brewery (4.7%) (Gabe's pick), (6.2%) from Meanwhile Brewing Company (Todd's pick) and (6.2%) from 11th Hour Brewing Co. (Arie's Pick). Spineless from is featured at the end of the...

(E101) WRECKLESS LIFE and Drew Slavik of SEE YOU NEXT TUESDAY show art (E101) WRECKLESS LIFE and Drew Slavik of SEE YOU NEXT TUESDAY


Hopwolves, you know what time it is... The bois talk shop with mastermind Drew Slavik and walking party . We get into liking weird metal, perfect circle pit venues, tracks being too loud, how RELAPSES (out now via ) came to fruition, relinquishing creative control, and trying to make Relapses Fest a fer real thing. Cheers, hopwolves! The Demon and Me (Wreckless Life Edits) from is featured at the end of the episode. Turn it up to 11, crack open that beer, it's about to get  Episode Breakdown: Intro | 0:00 What is Relapses | 2:46 How Relapese Came to Be | 3:58 Drew...



Hopwolves, you know what time it is... After a long journey, we finally make it to EPISODE 100! Such a surreal moment for us as we discuss how we're feeling about this milestone, the direction of the show moving forward, and, of course, beer and metal bayybbee. Cheers to E100, hopwolves! Thank you for coming on this journey with us. This week's Beverage Breakdowns are BARISTA DOUBLE COFFEE PORTER (7.3%) from Burlington Beer Co (Todd's Pick) and TRIBUTE BLEND 2024 from Starbucks (Arie's Pick). Turn it up to 11, crack open that beer, it's about to get  Episode Breakdown: ...

(E99) Trevor Dunlap of GHOST OF ELHR and CRIMSON VISONS show art (E99) Trevor Dunlap of GHOST OF ELHR and CRIMSON VISONS


Hopwolves, you know what time it is... The bois talk shop with the King Ov Flesh himself of Rust Belt Blackened Death outfit and artist at . We discuss dropping the new GoE EP Frayed At Every End (OUT NOW), what it means to be an artist with the rise of AI, Linkin Park affinity, ghost stories, and a hell of a lot more for Episode 99! A Scarlet Oration (feat. Adam Mercer of A Wake in Providence) from is featured at the end of the episode. Turn it up to 11, crack open that beer, it's about to get  Episode Breakdown: Intro | 0:00 EP Reception | 3:37 Reddit/Metal Archieves |...

(E98) Best BEER and METAL of 2023 show art (E98) Best BEER and METAL of 2023


Episode Breakdown: Intro | 0:00 Beer Breakdowns | 2:51 Top Featured Beer | 14:31 Top 5 EPs | 25:11 Top Most BREWTAL EPs | 36:53 Top 5 Albums | 43:43 Top 5 Most BREWTAL Albums | 1:02:06 Most BREWTAL Song | 1:13:11 Most BREWTAL Artist | 1:20:11 Outro | 1:30:28 Hopwolves, you know what time it is... The bois dive into their favorites from 2023! This week's Beer Breakdowns include VAPORWAVE TRIPLE IPA (10.5%)  from Burlington Beer Company (Todd's Pick) and JUICY TRUTH HAZY IPA (6.5%) from Rhinegeist Brewery (Arie's Pick). Turn it up to...

More Episodes

Episode Breakdown:

  • Intro | 0:00
  • Beer Breakdowns | 14:07
  • Metal News | 24:10
  • Album Releases | 37:03
  • Certified BREWTAL Bangers | 43:10
  • Featured Band | 54:32
  • Outro Song | 1:08:02

Hopwolves, you know what time it is...

This week's Beer Breakdowns are DAMN IT FEELS GOOD TO BE A GINGER TEXAS STYLE GINGER ALE (5.1%) from Lone Pint Brewery (Todd's Pick) and SPOOKY TOOTH IMPERIAL PUMPKIN ALE (9%) from Fat Head's Brewery (Arie's Pick).

The bois open up the metal floodgates to discuss the 2024 Sick New World lineup and return of Keith Buckley for the Metal News of the Week.

New Music includes bangers from VCTMS, THE VOYNICH CODETORN SOUL, ENTERPRISE EARTHSPIRITBOX, and OSIAH among a slew of other filthy tracks/albums.

As always we're leaving our favorite part for last with an in-depth discussion of the track Ill Will from Dayton, OH Metal Outfit DENIHILIST.

Turn it up to 11, crack open that beer, it's about to get BREWTAL!

Artwork by megabeast Kevin Burfield

Intro track by absolute legend ZaKrahe 

Brewtal was chopped and sliced by Arie Lombardozzi of Death Dealer Productions with additional production from Todd Bailey.

This episode was recorded on 10/13/23.