Deliver It Cast
A common behavior that leads to agile team dysfunction is seeking credit. This takes away from the emphasis of teamwork and we should instead encourage people to focus on doing the right thing and telling the story of their work. Feedback: Twitter - email - Support: Product Coaching and Consulting - Support - Links:
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Thinking out loud can help to improve collaboration, transparency, and co-creation in teams. By making one's work and thoughts more visible, it can lead to interesting discussions, corrections, and ultimately better ideas that help customers win. Feedback: Twitter - email - Support: Product Coaching and Consulting - Support - Links:
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A quick grab bag of Q’s and A’s as I worked on some ideas for future shows. Feedback: Twitter - email - Support: Product Coaching and Consulting - Support -
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For product folks, how do you identify the core problem? How do you know when you've fixed enough small problems to start tackling the bigger picture? And do people who make things really love problems or is problem-solving just a necessary (and sometimes exhausting) part of the creative process? Feedback: Twitter - email - Support: Product Coaching and Consulting - Support - Links:
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Understanding the reasons behind the needs of a story, a problem, or a question, helps you learn more about your customers and product. How can you find the deeper issues that exist, you can ask “So that”. Feedback: Twitter - email - Support: Product Coaching and Consulting - Support - Links:
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Exploring the idea of what it takes to change your mind. How I changed my mind recently, how you can, and help others change theirs. Feedback: Twitter - email - Support: Product Coaching and Consulting - Support - Links:
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This episode talks about an idea that Product folks have some higher-level design goals when we are thinking about things. What are the 4 lenses or areas we are usually designing something for? Feedback: Twitter - email - Support: Product Coaching and Consulting - Support - Links: Kent Beck -
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Back with a quick hit on why understanding your customers’ Order of Operations for their work is magical Feedback: Twitter - email - Support: Product Coaching and Consulting - Support - Links:
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Taking this episode to stop and reflect on the current state of product owners, agility, and lots of other basic information. If you are just starting out, this is a great first episode. If not, it’s a good idea to review the basics and make sure you aren’t skipping anything. Also looking back on the last 50(ish) episodes and what main ideas came from each one. Feedback: Twitter - email - Support: Product Coaching and Consulting - Support - Links:
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Often times the lesson you need to learn is stuck in your head and only crystalizes when you’re ready. Such is the case for the notion of sharpening the saw that Bob Galen continually talks about. Now that I get it, I wanted to explore the idea more with him and get the background and tips about how to do that for PO’s. Feedback: Twitter - email - Support: Product Coaching and Consulting - Support - Links: Bob Galen - - -
info_outlineHow many discussions, debates, or other conversations do we get stuck in over practices and tools? What would happen if instead, we focused on the principles that those things are supposed to enable for us? In this episode, a review of some principles from different disciplines and areas that we can use to guide us. Which do you use already?
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Lean Software Development: An Agile Toolkit - Mary and Tom Poppendieck
ModernAgileShow#26 | Interview with Mary and Tom Poppendieck
Jens-Fabian Goetzmann - Seven Product Management Principles
Mallory Kim - 12 Principles for better UX
How Lean and Agile Relate and How You Can Win by Using Both
20 Psychological Principles That Will Help Your Students Learn More Effectively
YDS: What are the Principles of the Scrum Framework?
What Is Kanban? Explained for Beginners.
5 Principles Of Cooking That Will Give You A Solid Culinary Foundation