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Transforming Complaints

Design Yourself: Coaching and Creativity for How We Live, Work and Lead

Release Date: 05/15/2024

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Design Yourself: Coaching and Creativity for How We Live, Work and Lead

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Design Yourself: Coaching and Creativity for How We Live, Work and Lead

Demands on our time, attention, and other resources are real. For many of us, our default way of processing stress is to dig in and take action. This action orientation leads to a swirl of activity, which exacerbates the situation. How do we center ourselves in the middle of the storm? In this episode of Design Yourself, we discuss how to get out of the whirlwind. We cover: Reasons for the whirlwind What to do to calm the storm How to make the calm a sustainable way of being Stay Connected To book your 1:1 Vision Reading: For show notes visit:   To connect on Linked In:  To...

Transforming Complaints show art Transforming Complaints

Design Yourself: Coaching and Creativity for How We Live, Work and Lead

Frustrations are a normal part of life, but living in a state of frustration is exhausting. What is at the core of our dissatisfaction? How can we start to shift from this space into something new? That is what we discuss in this Design Yourself episode on transforming complaints.  In this episode, we discuss: Why honoring our complaints is a necessary starting point Four moves a complainer can make to transform from complaint to request Why trust is critical is coaching someone else to transform their complaint Ways to build trust and rapport when you are on the...

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Design Yourself: Coaching and Creativity for How We Live, Work and Lead

Things don’t always go according to plan. And sometimes it’s almost comical just how far off the rail our plans go. What can we learn from these experiences? How can we get back to our goals in a productive way that honors the realities of what we are experiencing? That’s what we discuss in today’s episode on What To Do When Everything Goes Wrong.   Stay Connected To book your 1:1 Vision Reading: For show notes visit: To connect on Linked In:  To connect on Instagram: Rate, Review & Subscribe to the podcast on  &   ...

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Design Yourself: Coaching and Creativity for How We Live, Work and Lead

We are all on a path, and obstacles showing up is inevitable. How we respond is not. How do you determine how to move around barriers? Where do you look for guidance? What if you had the confidence to trust your inner wisdom? In today's Design Yourself episode, we explore together how to be your inner compass.  In this episode, we discuss: The components of our inner compass (vision, values, guiding principles, guard rails) How to define these components Key strategies for operating with our compass  Stay Connected To book your 1:1 Vision Reading: For show notes visit: To...

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Design Yourself: Coaching and Creativity for How We Live, Work and Lead

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Design Yourself: Coaching and Creativity for How We Live, Work and Lead

Who you are today is the guide to who you will be tomorrow. What wishes do you have for your future self? What wisdom do you want to be sure to carry with you? In the episode of Design Yourself, we explore questions to inspire Future You. Stay Connected To book your 1:1 Vision Reading: For show notes visit:   To connect on Linked In:  To connect on Instagram: Rate, Review & Subscribe to the podcast on  &    Ideas Shared Reflection Questions What is something you can do right now as a gift to Future You? What does Future You want you to know right now?...

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Design Yourself: Coaching and Creativity for How We Live, Work and Lead

Humans can adapt, but so can systems. What happens when we spend the majority of our time caught focusing on what we have to do…and we don’t focus on what is problematic about the way we do things? In this week’s episode, we challenge the notion you always hold the answer and instead remind listeners that it’s not your fault.   Stay Connected To book your 1:1 Vision Reading: For show notes visit: To connect on Linked In:  To connect on Instagram: Rate, Review & Subscribe to the podcast on  &    Resources and Links  and 

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Design Yourself: Coaching and Creativity for How We Live, Work and Lead

Human beings are interconnected, and we really can accomplish more together. But when it comes to visioning, how do we know what’s ours versus someone else? How can we connect what someone else sees as possible to what we really want? That’s what we get into in today’s Design Yourself episode on Vision Alignment: Tapped for a New Opportunity.   Stay Connected To book your 1:1 Vision Reading: For show notes visit:   To connect on Linked In:  To connect on Instagram: Rate, Review & Subscribe to the podcast on  &    Ideas Shared The...

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Design Yourself: Coaching and Creativity for How We Live, Work and Lead

Productivity is a dead-end pursuit. Our to-dos will always fill whatever space we give it. How can we let go of the habits driving us to do more, better, faster? How can we make time for what matters most? In this episode of Design Yourself we explore: Our relationship with time; Examples of how time influenced the daily routines of artists Sylvia Plath and Erik Satie;  Sharon's musings on how urgency and scarcity impact our relationship to how much time we have and how much time we need; Reflection questions to create awareness and alignment on how we each move with and in time. ...

More Episodes

Frustrations are a normal part of life, but living in a state of frustration is exhausting. What is at the core of our dissatisfaction? How can we start to shift from this space into something new? That is what we discuss in this Design Yourself episode on transforming complaints.

 In this episode, we discuss:

  • Why honoring our complaints is a necessary starting point
  • Four moves a complainer can make to transform from complaint to request
  • Why trust is critical is coaching someone else to transform their complaint
  • Ways to build trust and rapport when you are on the receiving end of a complaint


Stay Connected

To book your 1:1 Vision Reading:


For show notes visit:


To connect on Linked In: 

@Sharon Lipovsky

@Point Road Studios 

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Rate, Review & Subscribe to the podcast on Apple & Spotify


Ideas Shared

4 Moves to Transform from Complaint to Request

  1. Mindset Shift: Behind every complaint is an unasked request. 
  2. Get Clear on What You Want: What might resolve the complaint? Be specific.
  3. Start with yourself: Success begets success. What is one thing you can do to start seeing positive momentum? What can you do? 
  4. Engage with others: What can others do? Communicate a request with specificity. 

Supporting Others to Transform their Complaint

  • Establish a foundation of trust. When you do not trust someone, you will not change their mind.
  • Listen to Understand. Be curious. Ask powerful questions.
  • Summarize What You Heard. Playback what is clear to you now. Stick to neutral, observable facts. Do not step into the role of problem solver or advisor.
  • Be Clear About the Path Forward. Co-create what comes next. If needed, draft a medium/long-term view of what a sketch of what your best thinking is on what will need to occur over time. Be specific about near-term actions.