Dharma Junkie
The Buddha taught that the 5 clinging agrregates lead to suffering. In a sense, identity itself leads to suffering. Trying to be "somebody." Join Dr. Daniel Ingram, Gary Sanders, and myself as we discuss how to navigate this topic and teach the Dharma effectively in world that is, at a glance, obsessed with identity. It's a tough topic to navigate and one that is NEVER discussed. There's risk involved in even talking about this topic, but fortunatey for all of you I don't care about being cancelled or any of that. This topic in particular lead to my being ostracized from Wildheart...
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This talk was given on 7/29/24 at Empathic Practice in Pensacola, Florida. Please support our mission to spread Dhamma by donating via Venmo to GulfCoastDharma or through Cashapp to $Dharmajunkie stay blessed!
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This talk was given on 3/5/24 at Empathic Practice in Pensacola, FL.
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Gary Sanders lives in Los Angeles, CA where he founded SCV Mindfulness. He was empowered to lead Buddhist meditation and dharma groups at Against the Stream Buddhist Meditation Society. He also helped found Refuge Recovery, a Buddhist-based recovery program for all addictions, which has now spread worldwide. After moving to Portland, OR in 2015, Gary was asked to join the teaching staff at Portland Insight Meditation Community and was empowered to teach in the lineage of the great Ruth Denison. Gary travels frequently, teaching daylongs and workshops all around North America, and...
info_outlineDharma Junkie
This talk was given at Empathic Practice in Pensacola, FL. on 2/26/24. Everything I do as a podcaster and facilitator is donation based. If you enjoyed any of the talks or interviews, I could use your support. Please consider donating via Venmo to Gulfcoastdharma
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After a humble and often tumultuous beginning to his life, Daryl Dittmer has worked relentlessly on himself for almost 40 years. Having hailed from a blue-collar family and upbringing, work-ethic was instilled early and often. Daryl was put to work as a farm hand at an early age, at $1.50 per hour, and learned the immense value of hard work and long days. Since those days, Daryl has been a carpenter, sales professional, business owner, builder, landlord, real estate investor, and consultant. Now, we’re able to add “author” to that list.
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This guided meditation was given at Empathic Practice in Pensacola, FL. on 2/26/24
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Jill Sitnick's journey with PTSD began in her childhood, where she faced severe trauma due to an abusive father and a clinically depressed mother. Despite leaving her tumultuous home life at 19 and building a successful career in educational technology, the unresolved trauma from her past caught up with her in her late forties. After the passing of her long-term partner, Jill experienced severe PTSD attacks that left her feeling suicidal and constantly on high alert. After months of talk therapy without significant improvement, Jill's therapist suggested exploring MDMA-assisted therapy. MDMA,...
info_outlineDharma Junkie
This talk was given at Empathic Practice in Pensacola, FL. on 2/19/24. If you feel as though you have gained anything or benefited from any of this content, please consider donating via Venmo to gulfcoastdharma
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Daniel Ingram, MD is a meditation master (and self-described Arahant, meaning one who has fully awakened) with decades of experience training and teaching worldwide. On this episode we discussed the mission of the EPRC, why it's important, and I ask Elon Musk to pony up some cash for the cause. The Mission of the EPRC What many might call “spiritual”, “mystical”, “energetic”, etc. experiences and effects, we refer to as emergent phenomena. We refer to practices designed to lead to emergent phenomena, such as meditation, psychedelics, yoga, prayer, etc., as...