Did That Really Happen?
This week we're traveling back to the ye old internet days of 2015 with Zola! Join us as we learn about Vine, Backpage, Florida strip club rules, and more! Sources: Casey Newton, "Why Vine Died: Closing the Loop" The Verge (2016) https://www.theverge.com/2016/10/28/13456208/why-vine-died-twitter-shutdown John Herrman, "Vine Changed the Internet Forever. How Much Does the Internet Miss It?" New York Times (2020). Justin Perlman, "What was Backpage? Why Did It Shut Down?" Philadelphia Weekly February 29, 2024....
info_outlineDid That Really Happen?
This week we're going back to 16th-century Peru with Aguirre, The Wrath of God! Join us as we learn about Spanish women who went on expeditions, the real Lope de Aguirre, the wild stories behind the production of this film, and more! Content Warning: This episode contains discussions of incest and sexual abuse. Sources: Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aguirre,_the_Wrath_of_God Roger Ebert Review: https://www.rogerebert.com/reviews/great-movie-aguirre-the-wrath-of-god-1972 Geoff Andrew, "Great Beginnings: Aguirre, The Wrath of God," BFI:...
info_outlineDid That Really Happen?
This week we travel back to dinosaur times with 65! Join us as we learn about all kinds of prehistoric weirdness, including pack-hunting dinosaurs, Spanish moss, swamp creatures, the big asteroid, and more! Sources: Emily Osterloff, "How an Asteroid Ended the Age of the Dinosaurs," Natural History Museum, available at https://www.nhm.ac.uk/discover/how-an-asteroid-caused-extinction-of-dinosaurs.html#:~:text=The%20impact%20site%2C%20known%20as,largest%20crater%20on%20the%20planet. Eric Hand, "Updated: Drilling of Dinosaur-killing Impact Crater Explains Buried Circular Hills," Science,...
info_outlineDid That Really Happen?
It's a new year, so it's once again time for our annual special episode on depictions of the future! Join us as we take a look at 2019-as-imagined-in-1981's Blade Runner, with discussions of gas flares, Japanese influence on American culture, the resurgence of 1940s fashion, and more! Sources: Ryan Britt, "Blade Runner: How Its Problems Made It a Better Movie," Den of Geek, available at https://www.denofgeek.com/movies/blade-runner-making-of-history/ Roger Ebert Review: https://www.rogerebert.com/reviews/blade-runner-directors-cut-1992 Ben Sherlock, "Like Tears in Rain," Screen Rant,...
info_outlineDid That Really Happen?
For our last episode of 2024, we're traveling back to 1920s Hollywood with Singin' in the Rain! Join us as we learn about mood music on set, elocution lessons, fan magazines, stunts, and more! Sources: Pamela Hutchinson, "The Silent Era Film Stars Who Risked Life and Limb Doing Their Own Stunts," The Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/film/filmblog/2015/sep/07/silent-era-film-stars-risked-their-lives-doing-film-stunts "The Evolution of Stunts: Part I," British Action Academy, available at https://www.britishactionacademy.com/blog/the-action-reel/the-evolution-of-stunts-part-one/ Ronald...
info_outlineDid That Really Happen?
This week we're traveling back to 1989 with Lisa Frankstein! Join us as we learn about leg warmers, intuitive people and emotional vampires, the world's biggest contraceptive sponge, tanning beds, and more! Sources: Tori Telfer, "A Brief History of Leg Warmers," Bustle, available at https://www.bustle.com/articles/29436-whatever-happened-to-leg-warmers-hint-animals Rare Historical Photos, "The Legwarmers Craze of the 1980s," available at https://rarehistoricalphotos.com/legwarmers-fashion-1980s/ Ngram, "Intuitive person:"...
info_outlineDid That Really Happen?
This week we're traveling back to 1920s England with Wicked Little Letters! Join us as we learn about the real women who appear as characters in this movie, including Edith Swan, Rose Gooding, and Police Officer Gladys Moss! Sources: Audrey Cartron, Women in the Police Forces in Britain, 1880-1931, MA thesis, full text available at https://library.college.police.uk/docs/theses/CARTRON-Women-in-the-police-forces-in-Britain-1880-1931.pdf Sislin Fay Allen, National Archives: https://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/education/resources/significant-people-collection/sislin-fay-allen/ History of Women...
info_outlineDid That Really Happen?
This week we're traveling back to 1970 with Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret! Join us as we learn about Earth Day, female cantors, espadrilles, supermodels, adhesive pads, and more! Sources: Sources: Kathleen Horton, "The Story of. . . The Supermodel," The Conversation, available at https://theconversation.com/the-story-of-the-supermodel-26388 Sarah Lindig and Natalie Matthews, "The Evolution of the Supermodel," Elle, availble at https://www.elle.com/fashion/g28495/evolution-of-the-supermodel/?slide=25 Google Ngram, "Supermodel":...
info_outlineDid That Really Happen?
This week we're traveling back to 1990s Miami with Wasp Network! Join us as we learn about terrorist attacks on Cuban resorts, the Angola Crisis, that McDonald's in Guantanamo Bay, and more! Sources: Central Intelligence Agency National Foreign Assessment Center, "An Analysis of Cuban Military Intervention in Angola and Ethiopia," 31 October 1978, available at https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP80T00634A000400010046-2.pdf "Angola, Independence and Civil War," Britannica, available at https://www.britannica.com/place/Angola/Independence-and-civil-war The Angola Crisis, 1974-1975,...
info_outlineDid That Really Happen?
This week we're traveling back to 1920s Minnesota with Sweet Land! Join us as we learn about immigrant marriages, German acceptance in Minnesota, English-only churches, and more! We also debut the new Tina Belcher Film Grading Scale, and award this film a respectable score of Two Butts. Sources: La Vern J. Rippley, "Conflict in the Classroom: Anti-Germanism in Minnesota Schools, 1917-19," Minnesota History 47, no.5 (1981): 170-83. https://www.jstor.org/stable/20178699 Tina Steward Brakebill, "From "German Days" to "100 Percent Americanism": McLean County, Illinois 1913-1918: German...
info_outlineThis week we're going back to the 1970s with If Beale Street Could Talk! Join us as we learn about the Rockefeller Drug Laws, New York jails, the term "Holy Roller", and more!
Brian Mann, "The Drug Laws That Changed How We Punished," NPR, available at https://www.npr.org/2013/02/14/171822608/the-drug-laws-that-changed-how-we-punish
Fodei Batty, "How to Understand the Complicated History of 'Go Back to Africa'" Washington Post, available at https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/monkey-cage/wp/2016/04/26/is-go-back-to-africa-always-an-insult-heres-a-brief-history-of-american-back-to-africa-movements/
African Americans in Ghana, Khan Academy: https://www.khanacademy.org/humanities/whp-origins/era-7-the-great-convergence-and-divergence-1880-ce-to-the-future/x23c41635548726c4:other-materials-origins-era-7/a/connecting-decolonization-in-africa-and-the-us-civil-rights-movement#:~:text=The%20desire%20to%20repatriate%E2%80%94to,building%20their%20new%20nation%2Dstate.
Heather Ann Thompson, "How a Series of Jail Rebellions Rocked New York--and Woke a City," The Nation, 21 March 2019 https://www.thenation.com/article/archive/new-york-jail-rebellion-1970-tombs-mdc/
Daniel Chasin, "Two Steps Forward, One Step Back: How New York's Bail Reform Saga Tiptoes around Addressing Economic Inequality," Cardozo Law Review 43, no. 1 (October 2021): 273-312
Aleza Van Brunt and Locke E. Bowman, "Toward a Just Model of Pretrial Release: A History of Bail Reform and a Prescription for What's Next," The Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology 108, no.4 (2018): 701-774. https://www.jstor.org/stable/48572970
Ngram: https://books.google.com/ngrams/graph?content=%22holy+roller%22&year_start=1800&year_end=2019&corpus=en-2019&smoothing=3
Oxford English Dictionary, s.v. “Holy Roller (n.),” March 2024.
Gregg Kilday, "Making of 'If Beale Street Could Talk': How 'Moonlight' Oscar Winner Barry Jenkins Brought James Baldwin's 1974 Novel to the Big Screen," Hollywood REporter, available at https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-features/a-look-making-beale-street-could-talk-1160625/'
Rotten Tomatoes: https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/if_beale_street_could_talk/reviews
Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/If_Beale_Street_Could_Talk_(film)