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Unlearning Mixed Messages Around Food and How Diet Culture Looks in the Latina Community with Zariel Grullon

Diet Culture Rebel Podcast

Release Date: 08/30/2023

Does existing in a larger body cause joint pain? (with Physical Therapist, Dr. Lisa) show art Does existing in a larger body cause joint pain? (with Physical Therapist, Dr. Lisa)

Diet Culture Rebel Podcast

Hey Rebel! Does existing in a larger body automatically lead to more joint pain and daily discomfort? You may automatically assume, "yes!"...but what if that's a myth? To help navigate this popular topic I brought in Dr. Lisa, a weight-inclusive physical therapist and body image coach, to help us dive deep into how diet culture infiltrates the physical therapy space and challenge many misconceptions surrounding body size and pain. Get ready to hear all about: What actually causes pain (and how it’s not simply a result of body size). How to move away from the mindset that it’s your fault...

How I Feel About Coaches Who Say You Need To How I Feel About Coaches Who Say You Need To "Look The Part" (Answering a Listener Question)

Diet Culture Rebel Podcast

Hey Rebel!  Today we are answering a question submitted by a listener named Veronica. She asks, "What do you think about coaches who promote body transformations, the before and after, the way they work? I am a Pilates instructor, became a coach myself, but I don't agree with the system, so I don't promote it." In today's episode, I also share my opinion on topics like: Progress pictures Weighing yourself every day Tracking macros And coaches who say you need to look a certain way because you are an example If you have your own question that you would like addressed here on the Diet...

Overcoming 20 Years Of Body Shame and Stress About Food (Michelle's Story) show art Overcoming 20 Years Of Body Shame and Stress About Food (Michelle's Story)

Diet Culture Rebel Podcast

Hey Rebel! There's nothing I love more than hearing people who struggled with their relationships with food for so long recount how intuitive eating changed their lives for the better. That's the story you'll be hearing today, as my past group coaching client, Michelle, shares how she went from obsessing over food, struggling with her body image, and overcoming addiction, to now being in a place where she can go on spontaneous dates, listen to her body, and never diet again! Michelle shares so much wisdom about the mindset shifts she made to begin challenging her relationship with food. She...

The Future Of Intuitive Eating With Elyse Resch, Co-Author Of Intuitive Eating! show art The Future Of Intuitive Eating With Elyse Resch, Co-Author Of Intuitive Eating!

Diet Culture Rebel Podcast

Hey Rebel! I am thrilled to have Elyse Resch, co-founder of Intuitive Eating, on the podcast today for an insightful discussion about the future of intuitive eating. As an anti-diet dietitian and a certified intuitive eating counselor, I've personally benefited from Elyse's training and am excited to share her invaluable insights with you! In this episode, we delve into The future of intuitive eating through a social justice lens The importance of autonomy in food choices for raising the future generation of intuitive eaters How struggling with food could result from your needs not being met....

My Reaction To Oprah's Special: Shame, Blame and The Weight Loss Revolution show art My Reaction To Oprah's Special: Shame, Blame and The Weight Loss Revolution

Diet Culture Rebel Podcast

Hey Rebel. Recently, an Oprah special came out titled "shame, blame and the weight loss revolution", all about the popular weight loss drugs right now... and it got a lot of attention. So I decided to watch the special so you don't have to and today I am breaking it down with all of my thoughts... and I have a lot.  Surprisingly, there are a few things I agree with. But there are more things that I have concerns about... Give it a listen to hear all about the special and even more about the science (or lack thereof) behind these medications. Resource from Medical Students for Size...

Quiet The Food Noise: 3 Ways Intuitive Eating Can Help show art Quiet The Food Noise: 3 Ways Intuitive Eating Can Help

Diet Culture Rebel Podcast

Hey Rebel! Let's talk about food noise. Do you feel like you're always thinking about food? Have you ever felt like: When sitting down for breakfast, I can't stop thinking about lunch. When sitting down for lunch, I'm already thinking about dinner. When eating dinner, I'm calculating how I could do "better" tomorrow.  When you're trying to sleep, you can't stop thinking about breakfast tomorrow. It is that constant chatter about food in your head. The thinking about food 24/7. And maybe food noise sounds a little bit different in your head, but if it feels all-consuming, if it feels...

Eating Disorder Awareness Week: How Disordered Eating Is Normalized In Diet Culture show art Eating Disorder Awareness Week: How Disordered Eating Is Normalized In Diet Culture

Diet Culture Rebel Podcast

Hey Rebel! Last week was an important week: Eating Disorder Awareness Week! Today I wanted to share some eating disorder statistics with you to shed light on the frequency and seriousness of these life-altering conditions.  Throughout this episode we will explore:  The role dieting plays in the development of an eating disorder Normalized "health" habits that are red flags for eating disorders Eating disorder statistics I want you to know Real-life experiences to connect to and inspire you Having struggled with disordered eating myself and working with 100s of women to heal their...

Overcoming the Fear of Failure & Embracing Change show art Overcoming the Fear of Failure & Embracing Change

Diet Culture Rebel Podcast

Hey Rebel! Have you ever wondered, "what if intuitive eating doesn't work for me"? Buckle in for today's episode as we delve into a topic that resonates with many - the internal battle with doubt and fear that arises when we face the new journey to find a healthier relationship with food. We all recognize that little voice of doubt, whispering concerns and fears whenever we're on the brink of embracing change. It's a universal experience, and most importantly, it's completely normal. We'll explore the often overlooked consequences of dieting, shedding light on how these practices not only...

Rethinking Your Response To Aging With Midlife Health & Nutrition Specialist, Val Schonberg show art Rethinking Your Response To Aging With Midlife Health & Nutrition Specialist, Val Schonberg

Diet Culture Rebel Podcast

Hey Rebel!  Have you ever thought about aging, menopause, and body changes over the lifespan and felt anxious? It makes sense when the diet and beauty industry prey on us to be scared of these things. But what if you could rethink our response to aging and create a more compassionate, neutral, and realistic narrative around these very normal experiences? This is why I had Registered Dietitian and Midlife Health Specialist Val Schonberg on the podcast today! My associate dietitian Angie recommended her to come on after she recently took a continuing education course by Val, and I'm so glad...

If The Scale Stresses You Out, Here's What You Can Do show art If The Scale Stresses You Out, Here's What You Can Do

Diet Culture Rebel Podcast

Hey Rebel.  Have you ever felt like the scale holds a lot of power over you? It's like if you step on a scale, that will dictate the following food choices you make and how you feel about yourself. I get it, and so many of my clients have felt the same way. I want to share with you some options if you feel this way so that you support your overall wellbeing without the scale getting in the way of that. Here's what you can hear in today's episode: Reflective questions to explore your relationship with the scale Tips to navigate getting weighed at the doctors office Stories about my own...

More Episodes

In this week’s episode, Bonnie is joined by non-diet dietitian, Zariel Grullon.

In today’s episode Bonnie & Zari will discuss: 

  • Zariel’s personal story of healing their relationship with food & body
  • Unlearning mixed messages about food & body from upbringing Clean Plate Club mentality
  • How insecurity can impact your relationship with food
  • How diet culture & food struggles look different in the Latina community
  • Working through the honeymoon phase of Intuitive Eating 
  • Challenges of being a dietitian in a bigger body
  • and so much more! 


Resource mentioned in podcast: 

Are you living in fear of losing control around food? Take our free quiz here! 

Connect with Zari G: 

Instagram: @loveyourchicos

Sign up for Zariel’s newsletter here 

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