Your Writing Coach
Your Writing Coach Podcast Are you in the process of writing a book or do you want to become an author? Find out my top tips for writing and book publishing, whether you’re self-publishing on Amazon KDP or your publishing through a traditional author. Learn when to hire a ghostwriter, how to get started on writing your book, and tools you can use to become an effective writer. In this episode, Danielle and Sicily, founders of Octane Design Studios in Kentucky, interviewed me for their podcast More Than Graphics - an award-nominated podcast for women and creatives in the tech space!...
info_outline Top Tips for Writing and Publishing a Book with Octane Design Studios Part IYour Writing Coach
Your Writing Coach Podcast Are you in the process of writing a book or do you want to become an author? Find out my top tips for writing and book publishing, whether you’re self-publishing on Amazon KDP or your publishing through a traditional author. Learn how to develop good writing habits, how to use mind maps to build your book content, and how to find a ghostwriter. In this episode, Danielle and Sicily, founders of Octane Design Studios in Kentucky, interviewed me for their podcast More Than Graphics - an award-nominated podcast for women and creatives in the tech space! Getting...
info_outline The Advantages of Using the Wordpress Platform to Build Your Author WebsiteYour Writing Coach
Your Writing Coach Podcast Are you an author of a book? If you are an author or writer, you’ll want a fantastic website for clients and leads to visit that garnishes excellent SEO so people can find you online. Today, I have the pleasure of speaking with Danielle and Sicily, founders of Octane Design Studios in Kentucky. This is the first of a two-part series where we chat about Wordpress plugins, Wordpress maintenance services, custom WordPress development services, and how you can hire Danielle’s WordPress web design company. What is a WordPress website? WordPress is a...
info_outline How to Monetize Your Book with an Online CourseYour Writing Coach
Your Writing Coach Podcast Are you an author of a book? Whether you’ve self-published or you’re publishing through a publisher, you can always use more revenue generation with your book. Today, I have the pleasure of speaking with Lucas Marino, author of Monetize Your Book with a Course on how you too, can make more income with your book by adding an online course to your offering. What is an online course? An online course is a class you can take at your own pace online. While some are free, we are going to chat about how you can make money with an online course that...
info_outline What is an email drip campaign?Your Writing Coach
Your Writing Coach Podcast Do you have your social media setup and posting on a regular basis? What about your email campaign? While many business owners see social as a great place to sell, where the gold is in selling is having an excellent email campaign. In addition to having a broadcast campaign, an email drip campaign is the most effective way to automate your email marketing and grow your email list. What is an email drip campaign? An email drip campaign is a marketing campaign that is setup through your email. You set up and schedule out your email drip campaigns...
info_outline What is an email campaign?Your Writing Coach
Your Writing Coach Podcast Season 02 Episode 15 What is an email campaign? Do you have your social media setup and posting on a regular basis? What about your email campaign? While many business owners see social as a great place to sell, where the gold is in selling is having an excellent email campaign. What is an email campaign? An email campaign is a marketing campaign that is setup through your email. You can plan and schedule out your email campaigns so you don’t have to write and send them at the time you’re creating your emails. Although email campaigns are the...
info_outline Can a ghostwriter edit your book?Your Writing Coach
Your Writing Coach Podcast Season 02 Episode 14 Can a ghostwriter edit your book? Have you thought about hiring a ghostwriter to work with you on your first or next book but you’re not sure how much they charge or how to hire a ghostwriter? The services that ghostwriters can offer and what they charge for their services vary greatly from writer to writer. You’ll need to do your homework to learn if they require time contracts, forms of payments they will take, and how fast they can finish your book. Find out what you need to consider when you hire a ghostwriter and how ghostwriters...
info_outline How much does a ghostwriter charge?Your Writing Coach
Your Writing Coach Podcast Season 02 Episode 13 How much does a ghostwriter charge? Have you thought about hiring a ghostwriter to work with you on your first or next book but you’re not sure how much they charge or how to hire a ghostwriter? The services that ghostwriters can offer and what they charge for their services vary greatly from writer to writer. You’ll need to do your homework to learn if they require time contracts, forms of payments they will take, and how fast they can finish your book. Find out what you need to consider when you hire a ghostwriter and how...
info_outline What is a Ghostwriter and When Should You Hire a Ghostwriter?Your Writing Coach
Your Writing Coach Podcast Have you thought about hiring a ghostwriter to work with you on your first or next book but you’re not sure if you can or if you’re ready to hire and work with a ghostwriter to write and publish your book? Would you like to know what services you can get when you use a ghostwriter? Get ready, because today we’re going to explore what services you can use when you hire a ghostwriter and when you need to hire a ghostwriter. Who Should Write a Book? While anyone can author a book, the verticals that benefit most from becoming an author are...
info_outline How to Grow Your Email List on a Small Business BudgetYour Writing Coach
Your Writing Coach Podcast Season 02 Episode 11 How to Grow Your Email List on a Small Business Budget Today I have a Digital Marketing Hotseat episode on Marketeers Mastermind! Bri Campano and her business partner Trevor from Numo - Numerous Perspectives where Bri and Trevor host a daily live show along with their numerous podcasts. Today Bri and Trevor are here to ask a digital marketing hotseat question: how to build an email marketing list when you have a small business sized budget? One of the Best Digital Marketing Campaigns is Email Marketing If you’re...
info_outlineMarketeers Mastermind Podcast
Season 01 Episode 25
Making Sense of Social Media Data
Many of us know we need to be on social media, but did you know that there is data from your social media accounts that you can use to create more focused and targeted social posts to get more traction on your platform? Tune in to find out how focusing on the data in your business, specifically the marketing data both on social media and website data, can work to your advantage when posting your social media posts.
Social Media Stats For Your Small Business
We will delve into social media stats to help you understand how they look, why we look at them, and what those stats mean. We will look at the metrics and make sense of the data that the social media platforms provide.
Many business owners find themselves in a situation where they will put out content haphazardly and hope they get followers, engagements, and likes. Small business owners get a little frazzled because there are so many options and social media choices that they can dig into with your social media. We will shed light on what you want to look at when you check out your stats.
Digital Marketing Metrics and Stats to Utilize for Your Small Business
There are a few reasons why data is essential for your social media campaigns. Mark will explain how data helps utilize your time, money, and energy more efficiently. Also, how using your social media data can help you stand out. Finally, you can gain insights into your social media postings using your stats to guide your digital marketing plan. A few social media platforms have statistics, and we're going to dive into what types of statistics they have.
Facebook and Instagram have different stats, even though they are both owned by social media platforms. So why would the same post do well on Instagram and not on Facebook? We will share insight on whether posting daily will get you better statistics and how the algorithms have advanced and evolved, including how to evolve with the algorithm and use statistics and data to improve your social media.
How Social Media Tools Help Your Small Business
The audience section of your Facebook statistics shows how many people on each platform are following you or your business. In addition, this section also gives you information on the age, gender breakdown, and cities that your followers live in. We will see how vital this information is and how this data will inform what you post on social media. Lastly, we will also look at insights, which go deeper into specific data such as impressions and interactions.
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