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#121 - Roshi Joan Halifax - Talking about Edge States, Buddhism, Compassion, Living in Service to Others and Ourselves, and her latest book

Dirt in Your Skirt

Release Date: 09/04/2018

#142 - Jordan Lacenski - SheWolf Collective show art #142 - Jordan Lacenski - SheWolf Collective

Dirt in Your Skirt

 When Jordan Lacenski enters a room, you’ll know it. Her personality is magnetic, her energy palpable. Quick wit and a ready flash of smile will draw you into a conversation, and before you know it, you’ll feel like you’re already “in the fold.”

#141 - Alissa LaChance of Dirt Rich Compost show art #141 - Alissa LaChance of Dirt Rich Compost

Dirt in Your Skirt

Alissa LaChance joins the podcast to talk all about dirt, composting, and why you should care where your compost comes from. She is the owner of Dirt Rich Compost in Whitefish, Montana and talks about all the various ways to compost and why you should care.

#140 - We're Back and We're with Kolby Kay! show art #140 - We're Back and We're with Kolby Kay!

Dirt in Your Skirt

KOLBY KOLIBAS is not just a Keynote Speaker and/or High-Performance Business Coach, he is a Corporate Executive, Best Selling Author, Film Producer, Video Course Creator, Relationship Selling Guru, Master of Social Media Marketing, and Devoted Father who is passionate about life, laughter & continuous learning.

#139 - Courtney Carver Talking About Being More With Less and Simple Simplicity show art #139 - Courtney Carver Talking About Being More With Less and Simple Simplicity

Dirt in Your Skirt

Courtney Carver changed her life by simplifying it after a devastating diagnosis in 2006. She’s the founder of bemorewithless.com and minimalist fashion challenge Project 333. Her new book Soulful Simplicity was published by Penguin Random House.

#138 - Alicia Baker is Girl on a Hike show art #138 - Alicia Baker is Girl on a Hike

Dirt in Your Skirt

Alicia Baker is the mastermind behind the website Girl on a Hike. Her site features dog-friendly hiking information for Utah and beyond. Her website is a valuable resource for many in the west looking for great off-leash hiking and backpacking trips with their four-legged friends.

#137 - Graham Roberts on Coaching the Mental Game of Top OCR Athletes and Business Professionals show art #137 - Graham Roberts on Coaching the Mental Game of Top OCR Athletes and Business Professionals

Dirt in Your Skirt

The mental game in sport is often more demanding than the physical. Graham Roberts is the founder of Ispire Motivational Coaching who coaches Obstacle Racing World Champion athletes, professionals, and businesses achieve their highest potential. On the podcast, he talks about why everyone can benefit from a coach.

#136 - Erin Rost - 2018 World's Toughest Mudder 2nd Place Female show art #136 - Erin Rost - 2018 World's Toughest Mudder 2nd Place Female

Dirt in Your Skirt

Erin Rost shocked many in the obstacle racing community including herself when she finished second at the 2018 World's Toughest Mudder. We talk to her about her background in the Air Force and Air Force Academy, the race, obstacle racing, and more.

#135 - Gina Lucrezi Founder of Trail Sisters show art #135 - Gina Lucrezi Founder of Trail Sisters

Dirt in Your Skirt

Gina Lucrezi is the driving force behind the Trail Sisters movement. She is on a mission to get more women out on the trails and create a truly rad community of badass women conquering adventures.

#134 - Rose Wetzel on Obstacle Racing and Motherhood show art #134 - Rose Wetzel on Obstacle Racing and Motherhood

Dirt in Your Skirt

Rose Wetzel is back on the podcast! This time around we are talking about balancing motherhood and her career as a professional obstacle course racer. Rose has been a professional obstacle racer for years on the Spartan Pro Team, competed on American Ninja Warrior more than once, and is sponsored by some incredible companies.

#133 - Bea Johnson Pioneer of Zero Waste Home and Creating Less than a Jar of Waste a Year show art #133 - Bea Johnson Pioneer of Zero Waste Home and Creating Less than a Jar of Waste a Year

Dirt in Your Skirt

Could you imagine a family of four producing less than a jar of waste a year? Bea Johnson and her family do just this. She coined the term zero waste living over a decade ago and teaches people globally how to live with less and have an enriched life through her work Zero Waste Home.

More Episodes

Roshi Joan Halifax, Ph.D., is a Buddhist teacher, Zen priest, anthropologist, and pioneer in the field of end-of-life care. She is Founder, Abbot, and Head Teacher of Upaya Institute and Zen Center in Santa Fe, New Mexico. She received her Ph.D. in medical anthropology in 1973 and has lectured on the subject of death and dying at many academic institutions and medical centers around the world. She received a National Science Foundation Fellowship in Visual Anthropology, was an Honorary Research Fellow in Medical Ethnobotany at Harvard University, and was a Distinguished Visiting Scholar at the Library of Congress.

From 1972-1975, she worked with psychiatrist Stanislav Grof at the Maryland Psychiatric Research Center with dying cancer patients. She has continued to work with dying people and their families, and to teach health care professionals and family caregivers the psycho-social, ethical and spiritual aspects of care of the dying. She is Director of the Project on Being with Dying, and Founder of the Upaya Prison Project that develops programs on meditation for prisoners. She is also the founder of the Nomads Clinic in Nepal.

She studied for a decade with Zen Teacher Seung Sahn and was a teacher in the Kwan Um Zen School. She received the Lamp Transmission from Thich Nhat Hanh, and was given Inka by Roshi Bernie Glassman.

A Founding Teacher of the Zen Peacemaker Order and founder of Prajna Mountain Buddhist Order, her work and practice for more than four decades have focused on engaged Buddhism. Her books include: The Human Encounter with Death (with Stanislav Grof); The Fruitful Darkness, A Journey Through Buddhist Practice; Simplicity in the Complex: A Buddhist Life in America; Being with Dying: Cultivating Compassion and Wisdom in the Presence of Death; and her recently released, Standing at the Edge: Finding Freedom Where Fear and Courage Meet.