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Dodgeball Marketing Podcast #45: SEO Basics: What Makes a Good Website Header?

Dodgeball Marketing Podcast

Release Date: 07/26/2021

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Dodgeball Marketing Podcast

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Dodgeball Marketing Podcast

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Dodgeball Marketing Podcast

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Dodgeball Marketing Podcast

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Dodgeball Marketing Podcast #70: Getting the Most SEO Value Out of Your Webinar Content show art Dodgeball Marketing Podcast #70: Getting the Most SEO Value Out of Your Webinar Content

Dodgeball Marketing Podcast

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Dodgeball Marketing Podcast

In today's episode, we're going to talk about using the power of story to drive your business growth. 00:01:44 - Tell Your Story Well. 00:04:00 - Make Your Ideal Customer the Hero of Your Story. 00:06:33 - Turn Your Customers' Stories into Content. 00:10:06 - Speak to Your Audience with Stories That Work for Each Stage in the Buyer Journey. 00:13:00 - Make an Emotional Connection. For more on the tools and tips in this episode, please visit:

Dodgeball Marketing Podcast #68: Never Run Out of Content Ideas for SEO show art Dodgeball Marketing Podcast #68: Never Run Out of Content Ideas for SEO

Dodgeball Marketing Podcast

In today's episode, we're going to talk about how to never, ever, ever run out of content ideas for SEO. 00:01:02 - Create Standalone Pages for Your Services That List Your Subservices, and Build Pages for Those Subservices. 00:03:59 - Create Landing Pages for Your Major Markets and Regional Identifiers. 00:07:04 - Show Case Studies. Before and After Content Is Very Popular and Helps People Understand Exactly What to Expect from What You Do. 00:09:21 - If You Are a Source of Answers for Questions About Product or Service Options, You Will Reach People Who Are Ready to Buy. 00:13:11 - Compare...

Dodgeball Marketing Podcast #67: Five Easy Ways to Get Started with Your SEO show art Dodgeball Marketing Podcast #67: Five Easy Ways to Get Started with Your SEO

Dodgeball Marketing Podcast

In today's episode, we're going to talk about five easy ways to get started with your SEO. 00:00:18 - See Where You Are Now. Check Out Your Rankings in an SEO Tool. 00:03:15 - Get Your Most Important Keywords Into Your Website Top Nav. 00:06:36 - Develop Stand-Alone Pages for Your Important Products and Services. 00:09:09 - Think of All the Places You Control and Make Sure Your Full, Correct URL Is Included. 00:12:24 - Understand Your Google My Business Ranking and Complete Your Profile. For more on the tools and tips in this episode, please visit: https://www.dodgeballseo.com/

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Dodgeball Marketing Podcast

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Dodgeball Marketing Podcast

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Website headers can either clutter websites or improve usability and SEO. It depends on the choices you make. Here are some things to check:
- Is the Logo in the Header?
- Is There a Link to a Form in the Header?
- Is There a Clickable Phone Number in the Header?
- Is the Header Sticky for Mobile?
- Is the Nav Hierarchy Simple and Focused?

For more on the tips and tools in this episode, please visit https://www.dodgeballseo.com/.