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A kind debt - 094

Do Something Nice

Release Date: 02/22/2021

Treats and kindness - 119 show art Treats and kindness - 119

Do Something Nice

Even spooky events can be filled with positivity. This episode gives an example of that and we can learn from what this episode has to offer. Join in and learn how instead of tricks, we can indulge in treats and kindness!

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Do Something Nice

Social media is here to stay. No doubt about that. But can we use it for the greater good? I think so. And this episode has a few examples of kind people in the world that also think so.

The 9-11 Monkey - 117 show art The 9-11 Monkey - 117

Do Something Nice

Friends find us and make us better people. Some friends don’t even speak, and they make an impact on our lives. This episode shares a friendship that was unexpected and a story of a man trying to find someone 20 years ago.

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Do Something Nice

Everything around us is constantly changing. Filled with good times and rough times. But one person is making an effort to change the lives of others for the better. Listen in and find out who this person is!

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Do Something Nice

Bringing art to your community makes such a difference to those who live there. Jeff Interviews Amilia Cerney and Matt Kopicko to learn what “Art Belongs Here” is and maybe encourage you to start something where you live!

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Do Something Nice

Sunlight brings so many good things to the world, including the opportunity to shine a light on those who need it and encourage individuals to find ways on how to solve a much-needed problem. Listen in to learn how one girl made a difference.

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Do Something Nice

There are times that you meet someone who lights your heart with inspiration. And with that inspiration comes a lot of great adventures in your life. This episode shares one example of inspiration.

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Do Something Nice

We all can be Nice Ninjas and do something nice for someone else without being caught. You can also just be kind and just ask the recipient to pay it forward. If you are looking for a few examples of how to do that, then this episode is going to be a good one to listen to!

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Do Something Nice

School tuition and student debt hinder the dreams of so many. And when an anonymous scholarship becomes a thing, it can change the lives of those who benefit from it.

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Do Something Nice

Have you heard? About the bird? Well, that’s the word of this episode and we have a great story to share with you so listen in and enjoy!

More Episodes

Debts seem to always be on our minds and in many situations they can cause so much stress including and especially when it comes to medical debt. One fine Dr. did the unimaginable and this episode highlights what he did.

The quote in this episode is from Andy Murray: “I’m incredibly fortunate and it’s important to me to make sure that I give back where I can”