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166. 17 Years of Organic Business Growth: a Business Birth Story with Bridget Michael, founder of Deu Doulas

Nichole Joy Show

Release Date: 02/21/2023

181. Rest is productive! Your invitation to the Birthworker Retreat in January show art 181. Rest is productive! Your invitation to the Birthworker Retreat in January

Nichole Joy Show

You’re invited to the Birthworker Retreat in Clearwater, Florida, this January! Meet your retreat hosts: Nichole Joy, Darcy Sauers, Kaitlin McGreyes and Jodi Congdon. Join us for a conversation on:   The benefits of being away from your usual environment to work on your business, gain clarity, and find inspiration. The energy and motivation of gathering with other birth workers. How & why healing is so important to building the sustainable business of your dreams, that fits your life. The value of putting yourself in a room where people are doing what you aspire to do. The...

180. The Markers of Success are Shifting- Here's Proof from a Centennial show art 180. The Markers of Success are Shifting- Here's Proof from a Centennial

Nichole Joy Show

Be honest - how do you assess people online, when you’re scoping them out? I had a very interesting conversation with a young man from Ireland on my plane ride back from London. He was a centennial approximately 23 years old, and we got into the topic of metaphysics and spirituality. He mentioned that he was interested to know more about these topics and so  I ended up referring him to somebody I know. I gave him the Instagram account, and gave a quick disclaimer: I told him that this lady is not actively posting on Instagram but usually responds when someone DMS.  And his response...

179. I took my 70-year old dad to see Beyoncé in Wales! show art 179. I took my 70-year old dad to see Beyoncé in Wales!

Nichole Joy Show

Yes, you read that correctly. I took my 70-year old dad to the Beyonce concert in Wales, UK! In this episode, you’ll hear about our trip, including how we manifested a flight upgrade, my dad falling in love with several women in a few days, and the backstory to all of this time of our lives.   And here’s the thing - this episode isn’t just about a concert. It’s about: modeling what a healthy adult child and elderly parent can look like, modeling celebrating ourselves as mothers for our children, and hopefully inspiring you to continue to expand the way that you navigate your role...

178. Your Motherhood Default Settings are Due for an Update show art 178. Your Motherhood Default Settings are Due for an Update

Nichole Joy Show

Have you watched the Fair Play documentary on Netflix yet? Admittedly I only half watched, but that was all I needed for my takeaway: The most important piece (for me) is that society is beginning to recognize the mothers’ (sometimes) unpaid contributions to the family: the physical & mental load. For example, remembering the groceries, who has clean uniforms for tomorrow, what extras to pack for each kid, snack bags etc. And for that alone, good job “Fair Play.” Progress! What’s next? In this episode, you’ll hear where I feel that we are going next in terms of recognizing what...

177. 6-figure MLM career turned human design / homeschooling (5) / author / spiritual coach show art 177. 6-figure MLM career turned human design / homeschooling (5) / author / spiritual coach

Nichole Joy Show

The conversation on conscious motherhood continues. In this episode, you’ll meet AmyLee Westervelt, mother of 5, author of “The Colors Inside of Me,” and MLM executive turned spiritual coach.   You’ll hear AmyLee’s journey from a multiple six-figure career with an MLM company, to prioritizing her family and starting her spiritual coaching career. AmyLee shares how she applies her expertise in human design to parenting & homeschooling all five of her children, one of whom has a genetic disorder. She met her husband in 2011, who already had five children from a previous marriage....

176. Soul Contracts with Our Babies with Guest Vivienne Gerard show art 176. Soul Contracts with Our Babies with Guest Vivienne Gerard

Nichole Joy Show

In this episode, you’ll meet Vivienne Gerard, Mother of two, Scribe, Guide, and Energy Healer. You’ll hear Vivienne’s  personal experiences that led her to learning more about reading energy, and she explains  the concept of soul contracts between babies and mothers, how our souls get to choose to come into human bodies on Earth, and how we also get to choose our Mothers and Fathers for our human experience. 
In this episode , you’ll learn about:  The concept of "soul speak" sessions for parents who want to connect with their baby before it is born How souls can...

175. Grief, Reclamation of My Power and a Journey in Healing Yourself While Raising Children show art 175. Grief, Reclamation of My Power and a Journey in Healing Yourself While Raising Children

Nichole Joy Show

As much as possible, I try to avoid sharing intimate and personal details of my kids’ experience, but I also want to share the most incredible, life changing fit that I’ve given to my children–and that gift is ME!  As I stepped into the role of motherhood, I realized that the motherhood narrative on the streets didn’t resonate with me. The whole “martyr mother” and “mommy needs more wine” persona did not land with me at all. And because nothing seemed to click at that moment, I looked for more tools and resources and stumbled across energy work.   And so for this...

174. Healing Yourself While Raising Children with guest Kaitlin from Be Her Village show art 174. Healing Yourself While Raising Children with guest Kaitlin from Be Her Village

Nichole Joy Show

You know how those people that come into your life, where the conversation just flows and things just instantly connect? That is Kaitlin McGray for me. Kaitlin is the founder of Be Her Village where they create registries for pregnant people, to have doula services, postpartum doula, birth doulas, lactation consultants, and other services so that mothers can have all kinds of support while connecting birth professionals with mothers who are pregnant.   In this episode, we dove deep into:  How she’s operating in motherhood  The importance of working on ourselves as we...

173. When should you outsource content creation? show art 173. When should you outsource content creation?

Nichole Joy Show

I get it - you want someone to create your content for you. You’re busy as F, you have A LOT of life going on, and it takes SO much of your time. I hear you, I really do.   With new AI (artificial intelligence) tools, content outsourcing may now be within reach. In this episode, you’ll hear another perspective regarding the ‘right time’ to outsource your content creation.    Join me for a  dive deep into:  My honest thoughts on Chat GPT and other AI tools to help (not substitute!) your content creation Knowing when and  which part of your content...

172. Take Two Steps Toward Being More Authentic In Your Content show art 172. Take Two Steps Toward Being More Authentic In Your Content

Nichole Joy Show

What you appreciate the MOST about my content:  it’s authentic, real, transparent, valuable, it’s YOU. First, thank you. As a digital creator and entrepreneur, that is one of the highest compliments that you can give me. You see me! And, again, you’ve inspired an episode. In this episode, you’ll learn: more about what it means to be authentic two steps toward being more authentic in your content. The difference between authentic vulnerability and forced vulnerability Boundaries while being authentic   And more…Enjoy!    Announcement Links : The Portal...

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This week, I am honored to introduce you to my client, Bridget Michael.

Bridget is the founder of Deu Doulas in Germany and Spain and has been attending births as a birth doula since 2006. She has worked hard to train doulas and her stories of her early days of marketing are particularly inspiring. She is a true powerhouse and is making a movement in Europe with doulas. 

We met in 2020, and by then she had already been in the birth industry for more than a decade. And when we started working together, she expressed her desire to do things differently in her business. 

In this episode, you will be hearing about the natural progression of her business’s growth.  It's such a gift for me to witness people walking in their purpose,moving forward on their path, and  to be a part of and witness a client’s growth. 

I hope you find her story inspiring, enjoy! 


Connect with Bridget Michael on IG: 



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