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Great Leaders E11: Finding the Right People and Activating the Freedom to Choose

First Answers

Release Date: 04/01/2021

Lighting the Fire of Your Children's Faith E7: Take A Deep Dive Into Faith, And See How Powerful It Has Always Been show art Lighting the Fire of Your Children's Faith E7: Take A Deep Dive Into Faith, And See How Powerful It Has Always Been

First Answers

Those who think you might want to do more with teaching your children about faith might discover that it offers more than most of us know, and then we realize it has always been so and we have neglected to use its great blessings for our families. Visit FirstAnswers.com to find answers for 21st-century parents and more about the podcast.

Lighting the Fire of Your Children's Faith E6: What Happens to Parents When They Decide to Become a Faith-Emergent Family show art Lighting the Fire of Your Children's Faith E6: What Happens to Parents When They Decide to Become a Faith-Emergent Family

First Answers

Deciding to give more emphasis to teaching children to be faithful appears to lead to five very positive conditions. In this episode, learn what many parents discovered about the power of doing more to teach children to develop faith and keep it. Visit FirstAnswers.com to find answers for 21st-century parents and more about the podcast.

Lighting the Fire of Your Children's Faith E5: Become a Faith-Emergent Family show art Lighting the Fire of Your Children's Faith E5: Become a Faith-Emergent Family

First Answers

Even in the busyness of life, parents can make changes in their families when their children are involved. If you decide to become a faith-emergent family, this means you give more emphasis to teaching faith and organizing your family to ensure that your children will trust you and learn how to exercise freedom—not as an option but as an essential part of the recipe. Visit FirstAnswers.com to find answers for 21st-century parents and more about the podcast.

Lighting the Fire of Your Children's Faith E4: Parent-Child Communication That Determines Whether Children Have Faith and Keep It show art Lighting the Fire of Your Children's Faith E4: Parent-Child Communication That Determines Whether Children Have Faith and Keep It

First Answers

Discover the types of parent-child communication that influence whether children are receptive to parents’ teachings, and see how ritualized forms of communication can either lead children to mistrust their parents or honor and learn from them. Visit FirstAnswers.com to find answers for 21st-century parents and more about the podcast.

Lighting the Fire of Your Children's Faith E3: Discovering the Connections Between the Family and Children's Faith show art Lighting the Fire of Your Children's Faith E3: Discovering the Connections Between the Family and Children's Faith

First Answers

For many years, we thought of faith as an individual quality that develops within each person. But research has revealed that families influence children's faith in several different ways. This means that parents can actively teach children to develop faith and ensure that their faith works for them while they are children and when they are adults too. Visit FirstAnswers.com to find answers for 21st-century parents and more about the podcast.

Lighting the Fire of Your Children's Faith E2: What Parents Don't Know About Teaching Faith show art Lighting the Fire of Your Children's Faith E2: What Parents Don't Know About Teaching Faith

First Answers

When Dr. Scoresby began to ask what parents do or could do to teach their children about faith, he said he got a lot of strange looks and then was told by many parents that they read scriptures, pray, and attend church with their children. This is a great answer, but then he asked them if they had specific ideas about how parents could teach it. When met with uncertainty, he discovered that there are some things parents would like to know, so if you listen to this episode, you will begin to get an idea about what we as parents may not know and should know about teaching faith. Visit...

Lighting the Fire of Your Children's Faith E1: Why You Should Light the Fire show art Lighting the Fire of Your Children's Faith E1: Why You Should Light the Fire

First Answers

What would you say if someone asked what you thought was the one single thing we could do to help our families and our society? Lighting the fire of your children's faith is the one thing that will help them the most and help you create the type of family you would like. This episode will introduce you to what this series will bring to you and will help you get ready to learn some amazing things about teaching and increasing faith in many areas of life. Visit FirstAnswers.com to find answers for 21st-century parents and more about the podcast.

A Parent's Guide to Gender Identity E10: Helping Children Sort Out Confusion show art A Parent's Guide to Gender Identity E10: Helping Children Sort Out Confusion

First Answers

In this episode, learn how to resolve two risk conditions for healthy gender identity: emotional enmeshment and influence from the internet. Emotional enmeshment reduces freedom and creates anxiety. At the same time, ever-increasing access to the internet creates a perfect storm of confusion, but you can compensate for it. Visit FirstAnswers.com to find answers for 21st-century parents and more about the podcast.  

A Parent's Guide to Gender Identity E9: What Parents Can Do And What They Should Not Do When It Comes to Gender show art A Parent's Guide to Gender Identity E9: What Parents Can Do And What They Should Not Do When It Comes to Gender

First Answers

Learn more about what you can do to avoid the errors that can lead to gender-related problems, and learn how to solve the extreme emotions that many consider to be a cause. Visit FirstAnswers.com to find answers for 21st-century parents and more about the podcast.

A Parent's Guide to Gender Identity E8: Mutual Respect Early Improves Relationships Later show art A Parent's Guide to Gender Identity E8: Mutual Respect Early Improves Relationships Later

First Answers

We are often allowing children to learn negative words and hostile reactions to the other gender. As a result, both boys and girls often carry these ideas and feelings into their relationships later on. Now is the time for greater emphasis on respect rather than pursuing equity or equality. Visit FirstAnswers.com to find answers for 21st-century parents and more about the podcast.

More Episodes

We know that leadership is mostly about relating to people and using this knowledge to exert positive influence toward a desired outcome. Great leaders, however, make this happen by knowing how to find the right people and then activating the freedom to choose. In this episode, Dr. Scoresby offers the most up-to-date methods of selecting the right people and also suggests several ways to activate freedom so they are more creative and productive than they would be around leaders who offer mediocre leadership.