Lighting the Fire of Your Children's Faith E9: How To Help Children Grow Faith
Release Date: 08/08/2024
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When parents decide to focus more on faith in their families, what does this look like? Learn simple ways to start the process of becoming a faith-emergent family, like telling stories of people who have exercised faith, as we discuss how manageable it can be, how you can adjust your approach according to the ages of your children, and how great the rewards are. Visit to find answers for 21st-century parents and more about the podcast.
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Humans are hardwired to have faith. It can be seen when children are young and begin to make choices, and it can grow into something really powerful if we know how to use it. Faith has many mental and emotional qualities to it, and the more we know about them, the better we can use faith to strengthen ourselves, our company, or our family. What does it feel like to have faith? What can you do to build more faith? What is its purpose in the first place? Visit to find answers for 21st-century parents and more about the podcast.
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Faith really impacts whether the mission of an organization, a leadership team, or a family is achieved. If people believe in the mission and focus their mental exertion on it, people tend to be more committed and more focused on producing it. There are risks organizations face when employees don’t have faith in the mission, like low employee morale, and you can see these risks in a family setting as well. So how do you create faith in the mission and make it last, and what do you do when people don’t have faith? Visit to find answers for 21st-century parents and more...
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While faith used in a business sense might sound unusual, faith in your company culture or team culture has a lot to do with how much you enjoy your job, how well your team bonds, and how well people work together to get things done. If you’re a team leader, do you know how to promote faith in the culture of your team? Visit to find answers for 21st-century parents and more about the podcast.
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Many people think that engaging in traditional religious practices, like prayer or scripture study, is enough to produce faith in children, but many children who grow up with these traditional practices do not remain faithful for the rest of their lives. So what else matters? The family environment and how families are organized have a tremendous impact on how receptive children are to parents’ teaching. Learn why and what you can do in your family to help your children better receive what you teach. Visit to find answers for 21st-century parents and more about the podcast.
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While faith is something people might often think about and even talk about, most people still don’t know the full meaning of it and the tremendous and dramatic benefits of using it. In this episode, we discuss an expansive definition of faith—faith in God, faith in yourself, and faith in your culture—and how faith is one of the first answers to the challenges people are facing today. Visit to find answers for 21st-century parents and more about the podcast.
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There is a lot of uncertainty when it comes to knowing what is best for children. This is not much of a challenge when you’re only facing minor situations, but when there are big consequences, knowing what is best matters a lot. Teaching your children to have faith will help you identify what is best in these uncertain times because faith is involved in virtually every possible solution. Visit to find answers for 21st-century parents and more about the podcast.
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Every parent faces times when children bring unexpected experiences home. Teaching about faith successfully will help you prepare for those times so you don't overreact or focus on the wrong things. Besides, teaching children to have faith in themselves, in God, and in their culture prepares them and gives them strength to manage their own challenges. Visit to find answers for 21st-century parents and more about the podcast.
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When parents are able to use the significant moments of their children's lives to teach faith, they bring together a child's experience, the interpretation of it, and knowledge of faith. Putting this together will be helped by the Lord who will send inspiration. Visit to find answers for 21st-century parents and more about the podcast.
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When you decide to learn more about faith, it may amaze you to learn how much more there is to learn. And when you learn more, you will be able to see more different and interesting ways to teach it. Visit to find answers for 21st-century parents and more about the podcast.
info_outlineGrowing children's faith usually requires much more than talking. Children will need to be receptive to what they hear, and parents can adjust their methods of teaching as needed. In this episode, you can see the need for thinking both about what you already do and how to create an environment where your children are more likely to receive and believe what you teach. Visit to find answers for 21st-century parents and more about the podcast.