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How do we help people choose to come to church on Sunday?

Your Church Matters

Release Date: 02/11/2017

Non-judgmental Analysis

Church vs. the Recliner – Is the “recliner” your main competition?  

How do we get people to feel comfortable coming – Is your church really uncomfortable? 

Our time of Praise, Worship, and Bible Teaching – This may provide us with a good transition point.  “Our time” suggests to me that we are trying to get them to join us in what we are doing.  

Possible Diagnostic Questions

  1. What are people in our area doing on Sunday morning instead of going to church somewhere? 
  2. Is our church really uncomfortable? 
  3. Is our church comfortable to insiders but we are not communicating it well to guests or potential guests?  
  4. If our church closed, how long would it take for the non-church-attenders in our community to notice?  
  5. Does our church communicate that we are interested in the lives of the people who live around us?  One of the greatest hindrances to people coming to church is our failure to BE the church.