Episode 52: Julia Kristeva, Metaphor as Resistance
Dr Great Art! Short, Fun Art History Artecdotes!
Release Date: 05/12/2019
Dr Great Art! Short, Fun Art History Artecdotes!
My recently released philosophy book, A Philosophy of Visual Metaphor in Contemporary Art, from Bloomsbury Press, features short descriptions of artists and their works which I find important to visual metaphor. Here is one, one of several times I discuss the great William Conger. Get the book and read it! But here is an excerpt. Link to page for my book on Bloomsbury Press: US: Europe:
info_outline Episode 76: Brandl Interviewed by Dan HillDr Great Art! Short, Fun Art History Artecdotes!
This is a crossover episode, it is a short interview Dan Hill made on his EQ Spotlight podcast with me, Mark Staff Brandl, about my book A Philosophy of Visual Metaphor in Contemporary Art. Dan Hill’s EQ Spotlight podcast link: Link to page for my book on Bloomsbury Press: US: Europe:
info_outline Episode 75: Visual Metaphor the Back CoverDr Great Art! Short, Fun Art History Artecdotes!
Last episode, I discussed the ins-and-outs of the front cover of my new book from Bloomsbury Press, A Philosophy of Visual metaphor in Contemporary Art. This episode we have a few discussion points about the recommendation blurbs on the back cover by three very important and creative scholars Dr Daniel F. Ammann, Dr James Elkins, and Dr Philip Ursprung. Link to page for the book on Bloomsbury Press: US: Europe:
info_outline Episode 74: I'm Back! Visual MetaphorDr Great Art! Short, Fun Art History Artecdotes!
The podcast is back after a break of about one year. I was extremely wrapping up my book titled A Philosophy of Visual Metaphor in Contemporary Art for Bloomsbury Press. This is the first of an arc of podcast episodes where I will be working my way somewhat improvisationally through the book. Not reading it out-loud, though. I will go through and find certain details, points, examples, artists and ideas that I want to expand on or use as springboards. Bloomsbury link:
info_outline Episode 73: No Back to Normal in ArtDr Great Art! Short, Fun Art History Artecdotes!
Catastrophes, such as the Covid pandemic, don't cause problems and breakdowns in society as much as reveal and intensify the problems already present. The coronavirus crisis has accelerated already existing troubles in the artworld. Normal was not all that great anyway, and to revive it as a zombie would be even worse.
info_outline Episode 72: Design vs Fine ArtDr Great Art! Short, Fun Art History Artecdotes!
A new Dr Great Art Podcast Episode 72: Design vs Fine Art
info_outline Episode 71: Santa's Look RepriseDr Great Art! Short, Fun Art History Artecdotes!
Christmas time! A Dr Great Art podcast about how Santa Claus LOOKS. St. Nicholas, Thomas Nast, Fred Mizen, Coca-Cola, Luther, the Orthodox Santa, "Twas the Night Before Christmas," Puritans, Nazis and more including the Swiss Samichlaus and Schmutzli This is the 71st Dr Great Art podcast. This is a reprise from number 5, updated a bit. Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa, Happy Yuletide, Happy Solstice, Happy Bodhi Day, Merry Pancha Ganapati, Happy Human Light Day -- in short, Happy Holidays.
info_outline Episode 70: The Grammar of Visual Metaphors Part 3 of 3.Dr Great Art! Short, Fun Art History Artecdotes!
The New Dr Great Art Podcast, Episode 70. The Grammar of Visual Metaphors Part 3 of 3. The third of three parts of a breakdown of the fourth chapter from my in-the-works philosophy book for Bloomsbury Press titled 'Visual Metaphor in Contemporary Art and Analytic Philosophy.' Conceptual Blending, Foundational Metaphors and Allusciviousness in visual metaphors. Sonya Clark, William Conger, and more.
info_outline Episode 69: The Grammar of Visual Metaphors Part 2 of 3.Dr Great Art! Short, Fun Art History Artecdotes!
The New Dr Great Art Podcast, Episode 69. The Grammar of Visual Metaphors Part 2 of 3 from the fourth chapter of my in-the-works philosophy book for Bloomsbury Press titled 'Visual Metaphor in Contemporary Art and Analytic Philosophy.' Trope: including metaphor, metonymy, simile, synecdoche, litotes, hyperbole, irony, analogy, allegory, symbol, metalepsis etc. Visual metaphors are not linguistic, nor illustrations of them; they are more deeply embodied. Analytic philosophy and cognitive metaphor theory.
info_outline Episode 68: The Grammar of Visual Metaphors Part 1 of 3.Dr Great Art! Short, Fun Art History Artecdotes!
The first of three parts of a breakdown of the fourth chapter from my in-the-works philosophy book 'Visual Metaphor in Contemporary Art and Analytic Philosophy.' Is there a set of structural rules governing the creation of visual metaphors by artists that parallels the conventions of linguistic grammar? Analytic philosophy, Literary theory, cognitive metaphor theory, Anti-Positivism, Similarities and more interesting dissimilarities between linguistic and visual tropes, and the ludic!
info_outlineJulia Kristeva, the Bulgarian-French philosopher, offers in her theorization hope for resistance against ruling ideologies within artworks themselves. Artists can produce "openings" by creating metaphors through serious play, turning rules upside down, displaying pleasure, laughter and poetry which include thoughtful critique --- delightful, anarchistic, alternative visions that are embodiments of and empower other forms of resistance.