Drunk Safari
Armadillos and Rollie-Pollies
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Electric Fish
info_outlineDrunk Safari
Tyrannosaurus Rex!
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Spotted hyenas!
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Orangutans and Ligers
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Canada Goose and Maned Wolf
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Mouse Deers and Moas
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Camel and Tibetan Sand Fox
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Black Tailed Prairie Dog and Lion Fish
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California Rabbit and African Spurred Tortoise
info_outlinea.k.a. ‘weinerdog birds’ and ‘jamba butt juice dogs’
Let's get into animals land-bound and stinky, with gentleman pal CASEY CHILDERS! We talk Kakapos-- a flightless parrot-- and lesser anteaters-- a odiferous mammal-- and also sex trenches. All the normal things you'd talk about with your normal friends, on a totally normal night.