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Goodness of God

Eastgate Plus

Release Date: 10/02/2023

Disciples who make disciples show art Disciples who make disciples

Eastgate Plus

Jesus last words set the agenda for us to be disciple making disciples. With his power and authority, we can do the great commission.  

Bored of Church? Listen To This show art Bored of Church? Listen To This

Eastgate Plus

Can the Christian life be boring? What about church? What does it reveal about our own lives if we find ourselves thinking these things? Dave Foggon looks at the root causes behind some of these mindsets and the solution to them all - which is much simpler than you might think. 

Steph Cox brings us this week's sermon from Eastgate show art Steph Cox brings us this week's sermon from Eastgate

Eastgate Plus

Love looks like something show art Love looks like something

Eastgate Plus

The proof of discipleship show art The proof of discipleship

Eastgate Plus

Loving one another as Christ loved us will prove to the world that we are his disciples.

Pete Carter brings us this week's message from Eastgate show art Pete Carter brings us this week's message from Eastgate

Eastgate Plus

Are You Awake? show art Are You Awake?

Eastgate Plus

  The word of God tells us that there are sleeping Christians and awake ones. Which type are you? Dave Foggon explains how being filled with the joy of your salvation is key to living “awake” and also the most powerful weapon for the salvation of others. God is waking up His bride!    

Joaquin Evans brings us this week's message from Eastgate show art Joaquin Evans brings us this week's message from Eastgate

Eastgate Plus

Built on rock or sand show art Built on rock or sand

Eastgate Plus

Jesus instructs us to make disciples and teach them to obey all he commanded. Understanding obedience to Jesus is key to making disciples whose lives will have a foundation on the rock, not on the sand.

Steph Cox brings us this week's sermon from Eastgate show art Steph Cox brings us this week's sermon from Eastgate

Eastgate Plus

More Episodes

Kim Carter kicks of the Kingdom Culture series at Eastgate