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The Messiah Comes to Middle-Earth - Philip Ryken

Edge of Faith Magazine

Release Date: 10/01/2020

Beauty in Silence - Makoto Fujimura show art Beauty in Silence - Makoto Fujimura

Edge of Faith Magazine

Makoto Fujimura (archives from 2017) discusses his faith and new book at the time ... Beauty and Silence. A wonderful discussion on Japanese culture, beauty and Christianity.

Troubled Minds show art Troubled Minds

Edge of Faith Magazine

As Christians, what is our responsibility to members of our church suffering from mental illness? Learn more in this article as we address this sensitive issue with Amy Simpson.

Luci Shaw show art Luci Shaw

Edge of Faith Magazine

God’s thumbprints are in everything around us, From a beautiful flower to a peacefully waving ocean. Join us as we talk with Luci Shaw about her insights and enjoy some of her thought provoking poetry.

Cameron Anderson show art Cameron Anderson

Edge of Faith Magazine

The (Former) Executive Director of CIVA (Christians In the Visual Arts) shares his experiences and thoughts about art and the church as we discuss his new book, “The Faithful Artist, A Vision For Evangelicalismand the Arts"

75 Masterpieces Every Christian Should Know show art 75 Masterpieces Every Christian Should Know

Edge of Faith Magazine

Enjoy Terry sharing with EOF about some of the wonderful pieces of art, music and intriguing movies that every Christian should know.

Created & Creating show art Created & Creating

Edge of Faith Magazine

“Created & Creating, A Biblical Theology of Culture”, examines the complexity of Christians engaging in their culture utilizing insights from some of the great cultural theologian such as C.S. Lewis, T.S. Elliot, Abraham Kuyper and others.  

Inklings on Philosophy and Worldview show art Inklings on Philosophy and Worldview

Edge of Faith Magazine

Edge of Faith discusses four world views with Matther Dominguez: Idealism, Materialism, Monism, Theism. Learn the general concept of these world views in a conversational manner that will make it easy for you to understand their constructs and the consequences of following each of these world views to their conclusions. 

Compassion & Conviction - Justin Giboney show art Compassion & Conviction - Justin Giboney

Edge of Faith Magazine

Christianity is in every aspect of our life as Christians, and it should show. Politics is only one of those aspects, and it should be no different. We need to remember we are Imago Dei, created in God's image, and we should treat and support each other accordingly. 

In Search of the Common Good show art In Search of the Common Good

Edge of Faith Magazine

Our politics and culture are divisive. Our culture is in decline. The faith of many Christians has wained and many of those who do claim to be Christian would fail the simplest statement of belief. What has happened to our church and our beliefs. Where is our stand and our ability to be the light in the darkness of the world. In this interview Edge of Faith talks to Jake Meador as he gives an analysis of why much of this has happened and where we should go from here.

The Path of a Peacemaker show art The Path of a Peacemaker

Edge of Faith Magazine

We have conflict all the time in our day to day lives, some might argue even more in these trying times. Conflict and tension are nothing new to us as we walk in a fallen world. Brian Noble shares with Edge of Faith how we can use Biblical examples of tension to work out resolutions and manage conflict to a better conclusion. Grab a cup of your favorite beverage, relax and listen to this interview. You will be glad you did!

More Episodes

Philip Ryken takes us to Middle Earth and more as he discusses his book, "The Messiah Comes to Middle Earth".