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Season 4, Episode 3 | Precipitation Enhancement Program

The Recharge Zone Podcast

Release Date: 08/02/2023

Season 5, Episode 6 | 2024 Reflections show art Season 5, Episode 6 | 2024 Reflections

The Recharge Zone Podcast

Listen along to Brent and Ann-Margaret as they close out the year with an episode all about the EAA's 2024 highlights. The new year will bring impactful initiatives for our agency as we continue to carry out our mission of managing, enhancing, and protecting the Edwards Aquifer!

Season 5, Episode 5 | The EAA Rebranded show art Season 5, Episode 5 | The EAA Rebranded

The Recharge Zone Podcast

On this historic episode, hosts Brent and Ann-Margaret sit down with Edwards Aquifer Authority (EAA) General Manager, Roland Ruiz; EAA Executive Director for Communications and Development, Michael De La Garza; and EAA Creative Manager for Communications and Development, Ed Flores, as they share how the EAA is rebranding. They will discuss how the EAA brand has evolved over the past 28 years, the initiatives that led to the rebrand, and the new look of the EAA!

Season 5, Episode 4 | Agriculture Out West show art Season 5, Episode 4 | Agriculture Out West

The Recharge Zone Podcast

On this episode, hosts Ann-Margaret and Brent catch up with Isabel Martinez, EAA Senior Permit and Conservation Coordinator, as she discusses the importance of agriculture out West and the EAA’s Groundwater Conservation Grant Program.

Season 5, Episode 3 | 28 years of Managing, Enhancing, and Protecting the Edwards Aquifer show art Season 5, Episode 3 | 28 years of Managing, Enhancing, and Protecting the Edwards Aquifer

The Recharge Zone Podcast

EAA General Manager Roland Ruiz met with hosts Brent and Ann-Margaret, earlier this month, to discuss aquifer conditions, managing through drought, and the evolution of the agency that has occurred over the past 28 years. 

Season 5, Episode 2 | Highway to the Vadose Zone show art Season 5, Episode 2 | Highway to the Vadose Zone

The Recharge Zone Podcast

The vadose zone, also known as the unsaturated zone, is a critical part of the research happening at the EAA Field Research Park (EAA FRP), and Logan Schmidt, EAA Senior Modeler, joins us on this episode to discuss this intriguing piece of the aquifer system. From defining what the unsaturated zone is to sharing the special techniques used to study this important area, Logan offers insight into how this data could help further the EAA’s understanding of water infiltration through the unsaturated zone and into the Edwards Aquifer System.

Season 5, Episode 1 | FRP Well Network show art Season 5, Episode 1 | FRP Well Network

The Recharge Zone Podcast

Monitoring groundwater quality and quantity has always been an important aspect of the Edwards Aquifer Authority’s (EAA) mission and core value of science-based policy. The addition of the EAA’s Field Research Park (FRP) property in 2019 provided a unique opportunity to closely study the behavior and characteristics of the aquifer system over the Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone. In 2023, the EAA installed a new monitoring well at the FRP, which provides additional insight into the interactions between the Edwards and Trinity Aquifers, the quality of water in the system, and the effects of...

Season 4, Episode 5 | The Edwards Aquifer Summit show art Season 4, Episode 5 | The Edwards Aquifer Summit

The Recharge Zone Podcast

The inaugural Edwards Aquifer Summit was held this past October, and featured informative presentations from EAA General Manager Roland Ruiz, EAA Deputy General Manager Marc Friberg, EAA Executive Director of Aquifer Management Services Mark Hamilton, and EAA Executive Director for Threatened and Endangered Species Scott Storment. Tune in as Brent and Ann-Margaret provide some recaps and highlights from this historic event where city officials and stakeholders, from throughout the EAA’s 8 county jurisdiction, had the opportunity to hear from and ask questions to the EAA leadership team.

Season 4, Episode 4 | The Internship Experience show art Season 4, Episode 4 | The Internship Experience

The Recharge Zone Podcast

The EAA has provided internship opportunities for a wide range of fields, from science to communications, and over the years many students have worked alongside EAA staff to gain enriching experiences that have set the foundation for their careers. Tune in to this episode, where hosts Ann-Margaret and Brent, interview Destiny, Karen, and Sarah about their internship experiences at the EAA, and where they are now. 

Season 4, Episode 3 | Precipitation Enhancement Program show art Season 4, Episode 3 | Precipitation Enhancement Program

The Recharge Zone Podcast

For the past 20 years the EAA has taken a proactive approach to making rain clouds more productive by partnering with the Evergreen Underground Water Conservation District (UWCD) to perform cloud seeding operations. This initiative at our agency is known as the Precipitation Enhancement Program.  The actual cloud seeding is performed by the South Texas Weather Modification Association  (STWMA), which is a non-profit organization committed to enhancing rainfall across the South Texas region. STWMA is one of five permitted weather modification projects for rain...

Season 4, Episode 2 | The Meadows Center with Robert Mace show art Season 4, Episode 2 | The Meadows Center with Robert Mace

The Recharge Zone Podcast

On this episode of the Recharge Zone Podcast, hosts Ann-Margaret and Brent hit the road to interview Robert Mace in San Marcos, TX aboard a glass bottom boat! Learn about the The Meadows Center for Water and the Environment, the threatened and endangered species that live in the Edwards Aquifer, and more. Robert Mace is the Executive Director and Chief Water Policy Officer at The Meadows Center for Water and the Environment and a Professor of Practice in the Department of Geography and Environmental Science at Texas State University. Robert has over 30 years of experience in hydrology,...

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For the past 20 years the EAA has taken a proactive approach to making rain clouds more productive by partnering with the Evergreen Underground Water Conservation District (UWCD) to perform cloud seeding operations. This initiative at our agency is known as the Precipitation Enhancement Program. 

The actual cloud seeding is performed by the South Texas Weather Modification Association
 (STWMA), which is a non-profit organization committed to enhancing rainfall across the South Texas region. STWMA is one of five permitted weather modification projects for rain enhancement in the state of Texas!

On this episode hosts Ann-Margaret and Brent are joined by Bria Hieatt, State Licensed Program Meteorologist for the STWMA, where she explains the process of cloud seeding and how it's performed over Bandera, Medina, Uvalde counties and the outskirts of Bexar County for the EAA's Precipitation Enhancement Program.