Booster Shots
This is part 2 of a series looking at perioperative medicine, with a few updates from CONVERGE on the effectiveness of mobilization postop and coffee for faster return of bowel function, and a revisit to the Society for Perioperative Quality Improvement (SPAQI) for pulm, GI, and dietary meds. Quick note: we don’t discuss dietary meds in depth at all since there are so many of them and the yield is low, so look to the links below! | 00.44 - Early mobilization is associated with reduced time in the hospital [] | | 02.08 - Your local coffee shop’s next bespoke coffee formulation: NGT coffee...
info_outlineBooster Shots
In this episode, we hear the rest of the interview with Dr. Marlene Martin, Hospitalist and Addiction Medicine specialist at SF General. She spoke at CONVERGE, but this year we got to her first! Last episode she discussed some topics around methadone initiation. Today we will here about Dr. Martin’s thoughts on applying these concepts in the hospital, and how YOU can do it too! Other topics include discussing with patients about the the positive urine screen, and gabapentin in the treatment of AUD. Stick around to hear a bit about Dr. Martin’s touristy wishes! | 00.00 - Episode open: WE...
info_outlineBooster Shots
In this episode, we say Hi to all our new listeners after SHM, we are glad you are joining us and hope you stick around! Make sure to follow on your platform of choice. Today we are broadcasting part 1 of an interview with Dr. Marlene Martin, an addiction medicine specialist who works at the SF General. We talk to her about methadone initiation issues including faster initiation, QTc checks, and pain management during an admission. Note: this episode is provided for informational purposes only. We do not directly endorse the use of these discussions, including CAM2038, without proper input...
info_outlineBooster Shots
Before we head off to SHM CONVERGE this weekend, here are a few articles that may be of use in your practice. A random assortment from end-of-life care to ketamine in pain control, hopefully its something for everyone. | 00.05 - Intro | | 00.48 - CONVERGE - come visit me on Saturday in Hall F! Or email if you want to discuss at other times! | | 01.42 - Empagliflozin delays CKD progression in diabetic or glomerular disease, but not necessarily hypertensive or renovascular disease [ (subscription required), ] | 03.14 - Antibiotics and end of life care - I recommend you look at the paper [] | |...
info_outlineBooster Shots
Taking a look at some of the American Gastroenterological association guidelines from the past 6 months that covers Fecal Microbiota Transplantation, IBD biomarkers and dietary recommendations, and a few more updates in ascites and cirrhosis management via albumin and vasoactive medications. | 00.00 - Intro | 00.52 - FMT [] | | 03.31 - The use of Biomarkers in Crohn’s Disease [] + a quick call do Dr. Sara Lewin, inpatient IBD specialist at UCSF | | 10.42 - IBD dietary recommendations [] + a chat with RD Neha Shah, IBD dietary specialist at UCSF | | 22.26 - Albumin, vasoactives, and ascites...
info_outlineBooster Shots
No episode today. Just a brief call to listeners! We are looking for people to join our team in one of several areas: Content generation: come push your Medical Education agenda and develop episode structure, summarize guidelines and develop content. Record your own clinical updates! Be a guest-host: interview consultants, or summarize information from a conference you attend. Be that informative disembodied voice! Earn the title of Producer: work with us to master your own episodes, collect residents to develop a new resident-driven segment. If you find one of those interesting, or would...
info_outlineBooster Shots
In the sequel to last week’s episode, we are back with Dr. Jonathan Davis, Director of the Heart Failure program from San Francisco General. We continue our tour of GDMT for HF, by covering SGLT2-i, MRAs, as well as some AKI and outpatient considerations. This is part 1 of 2 parts which will cover an overview of GDMT medications, and dive into Beta-blockers and ARNIs. Part 2 to come out next week! | 00.33 - Previously on Booster Shots | | 01.31 - Chapter 3: SGLT2-i | The now famous EMPA-REG OUTCOME trial [] Empagliflozin in HFpEF (not discussed in this episode [] | 04.24 - Chapter 4:...
info_outlineBooster Shots
We talk to Cardiologist Dr. Jonathan Davis, Director of the Heart Failure program from San Francisco General about goal directed medical therapy in heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF). This is part 1 of 2 parts which will cover an overview of GDMT medications, and dive into Beta-blockers and ARNIs. Part 2 to come out next week! | 00.34 - Introduction | | 01.55 - Consult Q: GDMT for HF | Heart failure outcomes | 05.20 - GDMT medication summary and overview | | 07.17 - Effect on blood pressure and relative risk reduction for each drug | | 10.59 - What order to start in | ...
info_outlineBooster Shots
Medicines gonna med, surgeons gonna surge. What do we change and do in the perioperative period? Join us for some bites from the MHP 2023 talk on Perioperative management updates, a few JHM articles around NPO status and buprenorphine continuation, and the start of a summary series on SPAQI position papers on what to do with various medications in the perioperative period. | 00.22 - TOC | | 01.17 - MHP-1 Post-operative AFib and Anticoagulation [] [] | | 02.50 - MHP-2 ASA for DVT ppx in Ortho trauma cases [] [] | | 04.20 - MHP-3 Post-op delirium [] [] | | 05.11 - Perioperative NPO status: When...
info_outlineBooster Shots
ID consult questions with Dr. Sarah Doernberg - today she will discuss the court case Latent v Active TB in patients with planned immunosuppression, the effects of BCG treatment for bladder cancer, and when to think about “treatment failure” for complex bone/joint infections. | 00.34 - Introduction to Dr. Sarah Doernberg | | 01.29 - TB associated eConsults: Latent v Active TB in patients planning immunosuppression | | 07.20 - TB prevalence in SF and testing| | 09.52 - A case of disseminated BCG in a patient with previous malignancy history and bone disease | | 15.33 - Possibly silly...
info_outlineCKC February 2022 Dispatch: In this edition we review a studying using fuzzy regression discontinuity design to answer a question about the risk of contrast induced nephropathy. We even take a brief detour to talk about what the heck fuzzy RDD is. In the latter half we discuss a subject that still keeps a lot of people salty, NS v plastma lyte or LR.
00:00 - Intro
00:55 - IV Contrast and Kidney Function - Association of Intravenous Radiocontrast With Kidney Function: A Regression Discontinuity Analysis
03:54 - Balanced Electrolyte Solutions vs Normal Saline in the ICU - Balanced Multielectrolyte Solution versus Saline in Critically Ill Adults | NEJM | Balanced Crystalloids versus Saline in Critically Ill Adults — A Systematic Review with Meta-Analysis | NEJM Evidence
05:22 - Outro