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Young Professionals in Sustainability - with Minjie Lu, S&P Global [Chinese]

Environment China

Release Date: 08/10/2023

Young Professionals in Sustainability: Ruixin Li (in Chinese) show art Young Professionals in Sustainability: Ruixin Li (in Chinese)

Environment China

In the latest episode of Environment China's podcast, we speak to Ruixin Li as part of our Young Professionals in Sustainability series. Ruixin currently works as the lead climate specialist at ICF International Consulting (Beijing). He has eight years of experience working on climate change issues and more than four years of experience implementing international cooperation projects. His focuses include carbon market, green finance, and sustainable aviation. Previously, Ruixin worked for Greenovation Hub and China Youth Climate Action Network. He has also assisted several international NGOs...

Energy and AI: with Anders Hove of BEN and OIES show art Energy and AI: with Anders Hove of BEN and OIES

Environment China

Today, we have a special cross-over episode with the podcast called Preparing for AI, which is hosted by Matt Cartwright and Jimmy Rhodes. The guest for this episode is Anders Hove, long-time host of the Environment China podcast, and Beijing-based Matt Cartwright interviews him about the impact of AI on the clean energy transition. Anders ‘references several points related to China, such as efforts to locate data centers in colder regions, and the results of experiments seeking to make data centers respond to the output of renewables. We hope you enjoy it! You can read a full transcript...

Young Professionals in Sustainability - Zhinan Chen, RMI (in Chinese) show art Young Professionals in Sustainability - Zhinan Chen, RMI (in Chinese)

Environment China

In the latest episode of 's podcast, we speak to  as part of our Young Professionals in Sustainability series. Zhinan is a senior associate with Rocky Mountain Institute's India Program, based in Oakland, California, United States. She collaborates with national and state-level partners in India to accelerate the country’s transition to zero-emission trucking. At RMI, she also helped shape the concrete and cement initiative as one of the founding members, where she designed net-zero strategies for the global concrete and cement industry through thought leadership and...

Corporate climate disclosure in China - with Erica Downs, Ned Downie, and Yushan Lou show art Corporate climate disclosure in China - with Erica Downs, Ned Downie, and Yushan Lou

Environment China

Today's episode looks at the complex topic of corporate climate disclosures. Our guests today are Erica Downs, Ned Downie, and Lou Yushan. They are the authors of a recent report, published by the Columbia Center on Global Energy Policy (CGEP), entitled “China’s Climate Disclosure Regime: How Regulations, Politics, and Investors Shape Corporate Climate Reporting.” Erica Downs is senior research scholar at the Center on Global Energy Policy at Columbia University; Edmund Downie is PhD Candidate in Public Affairs at the Princeton School of Public and International Affairs; and...

Micromobility and sustainability: A day in the life of a bike-sharing scholar - with Wen Yi [in Chinese] show art Micromobility and sustainability: A day in the life of a bike-sharing scholar - with Wen Yi [in Chinese]

Environment China

In the latest episode of Environment China's podcast, we speak to Wen Yi as part of our Young Professionals in Sustainability series. Wen Yi is a doctoral graduate in Transportation Engineering from the University of Tennessee in the United States and a master's degree in statistics. He previously received a master's degree in Environmental Science and Management from the University of California, Santa Barbara. Wen Yi has been deeply involved in the environmental field since his undergraduate degree. During his PhD, Wenyi’s main research area was micro-mobility, especially the study of the...

Emergency Podcast! Sunnylands Declaration and COP28 - with Li Shuo show art Emergency Podcast! Sunnylands Declaration and COP28 - with Li Shuo

Environment China

This is an emergency podcast about the Sunnylands Statement on Enhancing Cooperation to Address the Climate Crisis, which was released just a day ago. Top US and China climate negotiators Xie Zhenhua and John Kerry have held several days of talks at the Sunnylands estate near Palm Springs in California, and released this joint US-China statement in the lead-up to COP28 in Dubai. Just a few months ago, Kerry had visited BJ to negotiate similar topics, and President Xi had used the occasion to emphasize that China would set its own path on climate, and not give in to pressure. So this joint...

Young Professionals in Sustainability - with Qiwen Cui of Dialogue Earth [in Chinese] show art Young Professionals in Sustainability - with Qiwen Cui of Dialogue Earth [in Chinese]

Environment China

In the latest episode of Environment China’s Young Professionals in Sustainability Series, we talk with Qiwen Cui, the China editor at China Dialogue, which in 2024 will launch its new flagship website called Dialogue Earth. Qiwen has worked in various media outlets covering climate action, technology, and entrepreneurship. Her focuses at Dialogue Earth are biodiversity, food systems, energy and climate change. Before moving to London, Qiwen worked at Shanghai-based sustainable social enterprise BottleDream and Curiosity Daily, among others. In the podcast, we will discuss Qiwen’s early...

Coal is back – with Sam Clissold of Carbon Tracker show art Coal is back – with Sam Clissold of Carbon Tracker

Environment China

Coal in China is seeing a multi-year resurgence after years in which the government seemed ready to dial back and ultimately halt coal power construction. Indeed, just months after the 2020 announcement by Xi Jinping on carbon peaking and carbon neutrality, in early 2021 a Central Environmental Inspection Team report criticized the National Energy Administration for approving too much coal and ignoring environmental policy goals (albeit on air quality, not carbon). The report stated that NEA had ‘built what shouldn’t be built (coal, coal power lines), and not built what should be...

"Greener than Ever"? The BRI turns 10! - with Christoph Nedopil-Wang

Environment China

The Belt-and-Road Initiative (BRI) has reached the ripe old age of 10 this month. Those 10 years have seen a lot of change, including on topics like the relative focus on clean energy versus fossil fuels and the interest in and incentives for applying ESG criteria to BRI investments. Today we are joined by frequent guest and longtime friend of the pod, Professor Christoph Nedopil-Wang. This year he became the Director Griffith Asia Institute and is also Professor at Griffith University in Brisbane, Australia. Previously, he was Associate Professor and Director of the Green Finance &...

Marine plastics with Liu Xiao (Women in Sustainability) [Chinese] show art Marine plastics with Liu Xiao (Women in Sustainability) [Chinese]

Environment China

In this episode of our Women in Sustainability series, we are speaking again with Dr Liu Xiao about marine waste and the broader topic of waste and recycling in general. We talk with Dr Liu about a typical day at work on her projects at GIZ. Dr Liu is Project Manager at GIZ of the Rethinking Plastic-Circular Economy Solutions to Marine Litter (China), Integrated Waste Management NAMA (Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions) Project, and Textile Compass Project. She is also a member of Recycling and Waste Minimisation Committee of the International Solid Waste Association (ISWA). She has...

More Episodes
In this latest installment in our Young Professionals in Sustainability series, we talk with Minjie LU, Energy Advisory Consultant at S&P Global Commodity Insights consulting group. He has six years of experience in the energy industry. His technical expertise includes oil and gas field development, project economics, and investment valuation. Prior to joining S&P, Minjie was a reservoir engineer at Totalenergies' Geoscience Centre in Scotland. He holds an MSc in petroleum engineering from Imperial College London and an ME in structural engineering and a BSc in engineering science from University College Dublin.
In this episode we'll explore: 
  1. His academic and work background
  2. Career change: research-oriented work to consulting
  3. S&P Global Commodity Insightsw's energy upstream research business
  4. A Day in the Life of an Energy Advisory Consultant
  5. Interesting energy consulting projects
  6. Recent major industry events and changes in the energy market



1. 旻杰最初是怎么对环境能源领域的学习和工作感兴趣的?可以和我们具体分享一下你在英国和爱尔兰的学业和工作背景吗?



毕业后, 我加入了法国道达尔能源在苏格兰的研发中心,主要负责油气工程建模的研究工作,这也让我对国际大型油气公司的运营模式和企业战略有了更多的了解

2. 旻杰刚刚提到「水力压裂技术」对环境的影响,知乎上有一个帖子名字叫做“你所不知道的水力压裂技术(知识量巨大、烧脑、慎入!)”,你可以用最简单的语言和我们科普一下这个技术,以及它对环境的影响吗?



3. 从苏格兰回国之后,你是怎么加入到标普全球的北京团队的呢?

我是在2019年的下半年加入埃信华迈(IHS Markit)亚太区能源咨询团队的。当时团队的主要负责人还是在美国和新加坡,所以面试基本在线上进行。面试筛选还是挺严格的,公司对我们行业洞察和咨询分析能力都有着非常高的要求,而我也很幸运通过层层筛选加入了团队。2022年,标普全球(S&P Global)和埃信华迈(IHS Markit)合并,我们也从此加入了标普全球的大家庭,另外标普全球大宗商品普氏能源资讯(Platts)所提供的市场信息、基准价格服务等可能大家也都比较耳熟能详了。

4. 旻杰可以和我们分享一下公司在能源上游的业务吗?





5. 你在标普的职称是“大宗商品能源咨询师”,你可以具体地和我们科普一下你的工作内容吗?




6. 要不要和我们分享一个最近你觉得比较有趣的项目?



7. 对比之前在道达尔的研究型工作经历,你觉得现在在标普做咨询,工作内容上的主要变化是什么?


7.1. 要不和我们迅速简单地科普一下“油气藏”吧?




8. 听你分享感觉在咨询行业的工作会更加丰富有趣些,但是consulting总归是consulting,你觉得做咨询比较苦恼的地方在哪里?





9. 最后和我们分享一下你们行业近期的大事件吧?

去年俄乌冲突的爆发,我们看到了世界能源转型的进程的加速,许多国家开启了加强支持可再生能源的政策,包括欧盟委员会提出“REPowerEU”计划,美国提出的“通胀削减法案(Inflation Reduction Act)“等等都推动了全球新能源产业链发展的进程。



10. 播客开头你也提到自己之前对化石能源的刻板印象。虽然现在全球能源转型加速,但也因为种种原因我们对化石能源的依赖居高不下。我身边很多在传统能源领域工作的朋友们总是自嘲自己在“夕阳行业”,尽管他们完全不需要担心失去工作的问题,这一点你是怎么想的呢?

