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Healing from Racial Stress and Trauma: A 4-Step Approach

Espresso Talk Today

Release Date: 03/22/2024

Confronting the Chaos: Living Black in white spaces show art Confronting the Chaos: Living Black in white spaces

Espresso Talk Today

Join host Ama-Robin as she dives deep into the relentless chaos of living Black in predominantly white spaces. In this episode, we explore the challenges faced by Black people, from microaggressions and tokenism to racial profiling and economic exploitation. We also confront the emotional labor of constantly educating others about racism and the toll it takes on our well-being.  Through powerful storytelling and insightful commentary, Ama-Robin sheds light on the pervasive assault on our humanity. Tune in as we confront the complexities of race, power, and identity, and reclaim our voices...

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Espresso Talk Today

In this episode of Espresso Talk Today, host Ama-Robin dives into the often undiscussed aspect of "Making a Way out of No Way." While resilience, resourcefulness, and determination have driven the Black community to achieve remarkable successes, these traits have also taken a significant toll on our health. Ama-Robin explores the phenomenon of John Henryism, highlighting the chronic stress, early mortality, and mental health struggles that result from the constant pressure to work twice as hard in a system stacked against us. This episode emphasizes the urgent need for self-care and self-love...

Unstoppably Black: Making a Way Out of No Way show art Unstoppably Black: Making a Way Out of No Way

Espresso Talk Today

"Making a Way out of No Way." Join host Ama-Robin as she explores the resilience, resourcefulness, and determination in the Black community. From historical figures who defied the odds to contemporary history makers like Misty Copeland and Barack Obama, she dives deep into the theme of "Making a Way out of No Way." Get ready for inspiring stories, insightful discussions, and practical tips for navigating life's challenges with strength and determination. Tune in and join the movement of empowerment and liberation.

My Unexpected Pilgrimage through Black History show art My Unexpected Pilgrimage through Black History

Espresso Talk Today

Join Ama-Robin on a profound journey through America's most iconic museums and libraries. In this episode, we dive into what makes a pilgrimage more than just a trip as Ama-Robin retraces the steps of pivotal African American figures and explores key artifacts that shape the narrative of African American resilience and culture. From the hallowed halls of the National Museum of African American History and Culture to the artistic corridors of The Met and the historic collections of The Legacy Museum in Montgomery, discover how connecting with our heritage can transform our understanding of the...

Everyday Discrimination Scale: Confronting Racial Stress in the Workplace show art Everyday Discrimination Scale: Confronting Racial Stress in the Workplace

Espresso Talk Today

Join Ama-Robin and Mel on a powerful episode of Espresso Talk Today, where today's brew is rich with insight and empowerment. Diving deep into the Every Day Discrimination Scale (EDDS), this episode tackles the often-overlooked yet deeply impactful issue of workplace discrimination and harassment. Discover how subtle, daily acts of discrimination shape our professional environments and personal well-being. Through vivid real-life examples, Ama-Robin and Mel explore each question of the EDDS, shedding light on the invisible forces at play in workspaces. Tune in for an empowering discussion that...

Black & Bold: Core Values ain't just for White folks! show art Black & Bold: Core Values ain't just for White folks!

Espresso Talk Today

Join us in a thought-provoking episode as we delve into the unique journey of identifying and living by core values as Black folks. Racism, a pervasive force, often acts as a formidable obstacle, diverting our focus and energy from our guiding principles. Through powerful anecdotes and insightful analysis, we explore how racism can disrupt our alignment with core values, making it a challenging endeavor. Yet, amidst adversity, there's empowerment. Discover how embracing core values serves as a source of strength, resilience, and liberation against the effects of racism. From practical steps to...

More than Just Words: Core Values for Empowered Living show art More than Just Words: Core Values for Empowered Living

Espresso Talk Today

At Espresso Talk Today, empowerment is at the heart of everything we do. In this episode, we dive into the transformative power of core values—the guiding principles that shape our decisions and actions. Knowing your core values is more than just an introspective exercise—it's a tool for empowerment. It empowers you to reduce stress, set meaningful goals, and live a life that aligns with your true essence. Join us as we explore the profound impact of core values and how they can lead you toward a more fulfilling and empowered life. This is the episode that you didn't know that you needed!...

Breaking Barriers: Black Women in Outdoor Spaces show art Breaking Barriers: Black Women in Outdoor Spaces

Espresso Talk Today

Join Ama-Robin and Mel as they interview Demiesha Dennis, founder of . Dive into Demiesha's inspiring journey from self-taught fly-fisher to advocate for Black women in nature. We discuss:  1. The challenges faced by women of color in outdoor spaces, from racial profiling to lack of representation.  2. How is reshaping the narrative on who belongs outdoors and fostering inclusivity through education and community.  3. The transformative power of nature as a form of Black empowerment and liberation. Tune in to hear firsthand accounts and insights from women who are defying...

Healing from Racial Stress and Trauma: A 4-Step Approach show art Healing from Racial Stress and Trauma: A 4-Step Approach

Espresso Talk Today

Today, we bravely dive into the topic of managing racial trauma. We are uniquely guided by Professor William A. Smith's framework of trauma-informed care: the 4Rs. By realizing, recognizing, responding, and resisting, we can navigate the complexities of racial trauma and foster healing within ourselves and our communities. Join us on our journey of diving into each R and exploring actionable--and effective!--steps for healing and empowerment.  The 4Rs of Trauma Care: Realize the nature of systemic racism. Recognize the symptoms of racial trauma. Respond to the symptoms of racial trauma....

Five Uncomfortable Truths about Racial Stress show art Five Uncomfortable Truths about Racial Stress

Espresso Talk Today

Racial stress is a fact of life for most Black Americans. We suffer its physical and mental effects daily at work, at school, in public spaces, anywhere or anytime. Headaches. Hypertension. Insomnia. Anxiety. Depression. These are a few of the symptoms of racial stress, or Racial Battle Fatigue. We have learned about Racial Battle Fatigue from its founder, Professor William A. Smith, a psychologist from the University of Utah. By popular demand, we are addressing five statements by Professor Smith about racial stress. These "Uncomfortable Truths" are difficult to hear but important to know....

More Episodes

Today, we bravely dive into the topic of managing racial trauma. We are uniquely guided by Professor William A. Smith's framework of trauma-informed care: the 4Rs. By realizing, recognizing, responding, and resisting, we can navigate the complexities of racial trauma and foster healing within ourselves and our communities. Join us on our journey of diving into each R and exploring actionable--and effective!--steps for healing and empowerment. 

The 4Rs of Trauma Care:

  1. Realize the nature of systemic racism.
  2. Recognize the symptoms of racial trauma.
  3. Respond to the symptoms of racial trauma.
  4. Resist racial re-traumatization.

Five Self-care Activities to Manage Racial Trauma:

  • Take time to check in with yourself regularly and assess your mental and physical well-being.

  • Be attentive to changes in your mood, behavior, and physical health.

  • Foster open communication with trusted friends, family members, or mental health professionals about your experiences.

  • Practice mindfulness, meditation, or other self-care techniques to manage stress and promote emotional well-being.

  • Seek out supportive communities and spaces where you feel empowered and validated.