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35: Dating coach Sandy Weiner talks about how to have great sex at 50, 60 & beyond

Aging Well For Life

Release Date: 12/09/2015

Victoria Hahn, MS, RDN, talks about the many benefits of prolonged fasting with the Fasting Mimicking Diet ®  show art Victoria Hahn, MS, RDN, talks about the many benefits of prolonged fasting with the Fasting Mimicking Diet ®

Aging Well For Life

In episode 60, I have a fascinating conversation with Victoria Hahn, MS, RDN, about prolonged fasting with the Fasting Mimicking Diet ® Victoria is the Nutrition Science Liaison for L-Nutra, the leaders in the field of nutrition related to longevity and health-span. L-Nutra develops nutri-technologies that mimic the effects of fasting, to enhance the body’s natural ability to rejuvenate itself and promote longevity. Victoria is a Registered Dietitian and Nutrition Science Liaison with a Master of Science in Nutrition, Health-span, and Longevity from the University of Southern...

How Autophagy Can Add Years of Great Health For Us Boomers! show art How Autophagy Can Add Years of Great Health For Us Boomers!

Aging Well For Life

Hello and welcome to health bites! HEALTH BITES is a short podcast meant to provide you with some basic understanding of the often-times complex concepts that are central to the many biological processes responsible for extending our health span. Today, I want to share with you the awe and mystery of autophagy. Autophagy plays a leading role in many of the life-hacks that have a major impact on your health-span. We touched a bit on it back when I talked about Mechanism of cellular authophagy, illustration for Nobel Prize Award in Medicine 2016. 3D illustration showing fusion of lysosome with...

Heads Up Baby Boomers! This is the Wake Up Call That Could Save Your Life! show art Heads Up Baby Boomers! This is the Wake Up Call That Could Save Your Life!

Aging Well For Life

What if I told you that there has been a scientific breakthrough for a new medication that has been proven to protect you from cancer, heart disease, diabetes, colds and the flu? And… that this medication has a powerful healing effect on every system and cell in your body… And, this amazing medication can also enhance your learning ability, memory, and creativity, all, while making you happier, looking younger, thinner, and even improves your sex life? Plus, this new medication has no negative side effects and is completely free. Would this be of interest to you? If so, then I have some...

Help! I Have Zombie Cells and Don't Know What to Do! show art Help! I Have Zombie Cells and Don't Know What to Do!

Aging Well For Life

In this edition of Health Bites, Jim Jensen talks about how our cells can become zombies and what to do about it if they do.

Jim Jensen, shares how simply reducing processed sugar from your diet can quickly improve your health and add healthy years or decades to your life.  show art Jim Jensen, shares how simply reducing processed sugar from your diet can quickly improve your health and add healthy years or decades to your life.

Aging Well For Life

In episode 57, I share a lifestyle hack that can provide very quick benefits to your present health, as well as adding many healthy years to your life. This important lifestyle hack is the drastic reduction of refined sugar from your life. Get your free companion PDF 13 Sure-Fire Tips to Eliminate Refined Sugar From Your Life Click on the button below to download your PDF Most people are aware that too much sugar can cause health issues like diabetes, childhood obesity, tooth decay and hyper-active kids and that sugary soft drinks are becoming a target for law-makers and TV talk shows...

In the first Health Bites, Jim Jensen talks about HORMESIS, and why it is such an important concept for understanding how to extend our health spans.  show art In the first Health Bites, Jim Jensen talks about HORMESIS, and why it is such an important concept for understanding how to extend our health spans.

Aging Well For Life

In this premier Health Bites podcast, Jim Jensen, founder of The Essential Boomer, talks about Hormesis and why it is such an important concept to the process of extending your healthy years while avoiding those terrible chronic conditions typically associated with aging. Boomers! Check it out!

55: How the Sauna Habit Can Make You Younger, Healthier & Happier show art 55: How the Sauna Habit Can Make You Younger, Healthier & Happier

Aging Well For Life

The simple life hack that can change your life. In episode 55 I talk about a simple life-hack that is relatively new to me, but I’ve felt its positive effects in just the few short months since I incorporated it into my weekly routine. The hack I’m talking about is the regular use of the dry sauna. Maybe you’ve been hearing a bit about its beneficial effects in the news or on social media. I first heard about the benefits of sauna use from listening to a podcast by my hero, Rhonda Patrick, PhD. If you’re a regular follower of The Essential Boomer and have been listening to...

53: Jim Jensen shares a simple lifestyle hack called TIME RESTRICTED EATING that can add years of good health to your life.  show art 53: Jim Jensen shares a simple lifestyle hack called TIME RESTRICTED EATING that can add years of good health to your life.

Aging Well For Life

 One of the subjects that I have recently been fascinated by, to the point of obsession, is the concept of health extension, or how to increase our health span. Health span is the time in our lives where we are functional and relatively free of the many serious chronic diseases that are usually associated with aging. I’m now 66 and statistically entering the limits of my health span, so it is of vital interest to me and for you too, if you are a baby boomer or beyond. There has been an enormous amount of exciting research, both animal and human, in this area, particularly over the last...

52: How you can easily grow a powerful little sprout that can protect you from cancer! show art 52: How you can easily grow a powerful little sprout that can protect you from cancer!

Aging Well For Life

This is a special relaunch of The Essential Boomer Podcast so I want to share with you a great topic that can be of immense benefit to you,  and everybody else who listens. Therefore, I have chosen to share with you the awe and wonder of…. Sulforaphane...  Okay, now don’t get all bleary-eyed on me now. I promise that if you listen to, or read, this whole podcast that you will be consuming sulforaphane within a week. So hang in here with me. It will be worth it. Now, What if I were to tell you that there is a natural food supplement available that has been researched extensively...

51 :Paul Zavagno gives us a powerful, in-depth look into his mission to empower people through life coaching with THE WORK of Byron Katie.  show art 51 :Paul Zavagno gives us a powerful, in-depth look into his mission to empower people through life coaching with THE WORK of Byron Katie.

Aging Well For Life

Episode 51 marks the one-year anniversary of the essential boomer podcast and in honor of the of this I’m bringing back the guest who started it all for me back in episode one, Paul Zavagno.   Paul is an educator, a retired school principal, a great humanitarian and a certified facilitator of the work of Byron Katie and he is my life-long friend. So in this episode we do a deep-dive into Paul’s actual coaching practice. In the interview Paul answers the following questions: Can you tell us the story of how you were attracted to this particular practice of life coaching? Will you tell...

More Episodes

Episode 35 marks a first for the Essential Boomer for I interview my very first repeat guest, Sandy Weiner. A lot of you will remember her from episode 24 when she shared with us boomers the low-down on how to find love after 50. Today, Sandy Weiner is going to tell us all about having great sex after 50, 60, & beyond in both new & long-term relationships.

Sandy is a dating coach, founder of LastFirstDate,  a website devoted to empowering women over 40 to achieve healthy, lasting, loving relationships.

Sandy is also an internationally known TEDx speaker, dating coach, blogger and workshop leader specializing in helping women date as the high value women that they are. She writes for many prestigious publications including the Huffington Post and The Good Men Project, and is the dating expert at Better after 50.

You may have heard her as the host of Last First Date Radio, the acclaimed show about attracting and sustaining healthy relationships in midlife.

In the interview Sandy answers the following questions:

  • Let’s start off by you sharing with us how sex is different after 50? How have the rules changed?
  • So how do we boomers know that the time is right to start having sex in a new relationship?
  • What are the biggest mistakes us boomers make in regards to sex in new relationships?
  • I know that many people are in long-term relationships where sex has lost a bit of its luster. How can we spice up a tepid or dormant sex life?
  • I know that sex is often a loaded subject and tough to talk about with the opposite sex. What is your advice on the best way to talk about sex?
  • What about people who haven’t been involved in a sexual relations for a long time? What advice do you have for them?
  • Okay, so say that I’m in a new relationship and so far it’s fantastic. How can we continue to have great sex into our 70’s and beyond?
  • Do you have any parting words of advice for us boomers when it comes to sex?
  • Tell us a bit about some of the irons that you have in the fire.

CLICK HERE to contact Sandy Weiner