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EP12: Brenda Baptiste on Indigenous Tourism in BC

Explore Magazine's Live the Adventure Podcast

Release Date: 08/06/2020

EP39: Jeff Mycock—The Future of Our Forests show art EP39: Jeff Mycock—The Future of Our Forests

Explore Magazine's Live the Adventure Podcast

Forestry—what do you think when you hear the word? Maybe it conjures up logging and clearcuts. Maybe you think of economic drivers, wood products and heritage. Maybe you’re not 100 percent sure what it means! We outdoor enthusiasts spend a lot of time in forests. Forests have deep social and cultural value to us. But they also supply the materials that build the houses in which we live—and even the paper on which Explore Magazine is printed. Can we reconcile that? Or more specifically, how does Canada’s forestry industry reconcile the needs of all Canada to ensure we have healthy...

EP38: Chris Mahony—Let's Get Into An RV! show art EP38: Chris Mahony—Let's Get Into An RV!

Explore Magazine's Live the Adventure Podcast

As Canadians, we have a big country to explore. How do you do it? Fly place to place? Stay local? Road trip to a hotel? All good, sure. But lately, I’ve been exploring differently. A new lifestyle altogether... I’ve become an RV’er. Yes, I am part of Canadia’s robust RV community! And I love it. My entire family has camped out more this year than we collectively had in all years previously. My kids love the “caravan,” as they call it. We’ve made wonderful memories as my kids throw off the day-to-day schedule and get muddy and wild. And we do so knowing that common camping...

EP37: Colin Carson—Is Prince George BC's Best Adventure Destination? show art EP37: Colin Carson—Is Prince George BC's Best Adventure Destination?

Explore Magazine's Live the Adventure Podcast

I love domestic travel. Don’t get me wrong, I also like to get my passport stamped. But there’s something fun and cool about spending your vacation time locally or regionally. It’s fun because you don’t waste your days off travelling or recovering from jetlag. It’s cool because you can buck travel trends and mainstays for off-the-beaten track destinations that offer exceptional experiences—often without super-premium price tags or other tourist-trap pitfalls. My home province of British Columbia is blessed with an abundance of awesome outdoorsy destinations—from the world...

EP36: Zane Buchanan—Connecting with Indigenous Tourism in Canada show art EP36: Zane Buchanan—Connecting with Indigenous Tourism in Canada

Explore Magazine's Live the Adventure Podcast

  It’s summer. Let’s go on vacation. But where? When you look for a tourism experience—what draws you in? An incredible adventure? A cultural connection? A chance to expand your mind? Maybe even do some good in the meanwhile? Well, today my guest is Zane Buchanan.  Zane is the Creative Manager at the Indigenous Tourism Association of Canada—a global leader marketing and developing Indigenous tourism experiences. And we’re going to talk about how you can do all of the above and more, right here in Canada. How you can enjoy life-changing experiences, forge cultural...

EP35: Krista Halling & John Freeman—Better Adventures With Your Dog show art EP35: Krista Halling & John Freeman—Better Adventures With Your Dog

Explore Magazine's Live the Adventure Podcast

Let's talk about dogs. We love them! Walks, cuddles, playing fetch... But what about travel and adventure with your dog? Have you boarded a plane with your pup? Embarked on a multi-day backpacking adventure? An epic road trip? If you're like most people, you likely look for a dog-sitter when you're travelling. But what if you changed your mindset and looked at ways you can bring your do with you. It's possible. Krista and John can show us how—and this is why they founded DogPacking.com, a website devoted to information and inspiration for better adventures with your dog.   Krista is a...

EP34: Dr. Saeid Mushtagh and Burgess Andre—Pine Pollen, Canada's Home-Grown Superfood show art EP34: Dr. Saeid Mushtagh and Burgess Andre—Pine Pollen, Canada's Home-Grown Superfood

Explore Magazine's Live the Adventure Podcast

We’ve all heard the term “superfood” before. Often in relationship to things like acai, a berry native to south and central America, or coconut oil—maybe avocado. All of these foods, for Canadians anyway, would need to be imported. Such is the way… So, when I heard about a superfood that was being wild and sustainably harvested right here in British Columbia—one that can bring you increases in energy, stamina, recovery and more—I was very interested. Have you heard of pine pollen? A powdery dust harvested from the small male cones of the lodgepole and ponderosa pine? Maybe...

EP33: Michael Spivak and Daniel Mazour—We're Going for a Cold Plunge show art EP33: Michael Spivak and Daniel Mazour—We're Going for a Cold Plunge

Explore Magazine's Live the Adventure Podcast

It’s December. It’s cold. Do you want to warm up? Or do you want to get even colder? Colder than you’ve ever been? We’re talking up to your chin in ice cold. Fozen. And you’re doing it all for your mental and physical health. Welcome to the world of cold plunges. You may have seen it online lately. Folks submersing themselves in frigid H2O and claiming mental acuity, physical activation, fat loss and more. Is this for real? Are regular folks like you and I actually doing it? And are the benefits actually measurable? Today, my guests are Michael Spivak and Daniel Mazour....

EP32: Anne Bouchard—Desire, Discipline and Trail Running show art EP32: Anne Bouchard—Desire, Discipline and Trail Running

Explore Magazine's Live the Adventure Podcast

Welcome to episode 32 of Explore Magazine's Live the Adventure Podcast. What drives you? What gets you out of bed in the morning? And how do you stay focussed on this passion so that it enhances all other aspects of your life? Well, today we’re talking to an expert in mindset, focus, desire, discipline—and trail running. Anne Bouchard is a The North Face athelete, professional trail runner, mother of two and works ful-time in the world of corporate taxes! So she has a lot going on. But still she balances all while training and competing at a high level—running races and events in excess...

EP31: Alex Man and Melissa Stefaniw—Mountain Biking in Manitoba, Really? show art EP31: Alex Man and Melissa Stefaniw—Mountain Biking in Manitoba, Really?

Explore Magazine's Live the Adventure Podcast

When you think of a mountain biking destination in Canada, where comes to mind? Vancouver? Golden? Canmore? How about Neepawa, Dauphin and Minnedosa—all in Manitoba? Yes, it's true. Manitoba has a burgeoning mountain bike scene, with parks and trails popping up all over the province. Today, my guests are Alex Man and Melissa Stefaniw. Based near Dauphin, they raise funds, build trails, organize events and get the word out about Manitoba's mountain bike scene. But what exactly is Manitoba's mountain bike scene? How does it differ? And can it compete?  Let's find out!

EP30: Curtis Matwishyn—Let's Talk About Bears show art EP30: Curtis Matwishyn—Let's Talk About Bears

Explore Magazine's Live the Adventure Podcast

Welcome to episode 30 of Explore Magazine's "Live the Adventure" Podcast. Let's talk about bears. Those majestic, beautiful creatures that roam the wild lands of just about every region in Canada... Those apex predators who can be misunderstood and feared by humans... And who, due to habituation and encroachment, are every so often the subject of a dicey (or worse) human-wildlife encounter. Today, my guest is Curtis Matwishyn. Curtis is a wildland firefighter and wildlife photographer living in Prince Albert National Park, Saskatchewan. As you can imagine, he's see a few bears. But one in...

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Let's talk about context. Travelling deeper. Finding meaning within new experiences, and experiences you thought you knew.

Today, I'm chatting with Brenda Baptiste, chair of the board of directors for Indigenous Tourism BC.

ITBC is the organization that empowers Indigenous tourism operators around the province to achieve their potential. 

But what is Indigenous tourism? What can you expect? And what does it look like in the time of COVID-19? Let's find out.