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An Eye for Adventure with Aaron Joiner

EXTRAordinary Podcast

Release Date: 04/26/2021

Preparing for Adventure with Trenter Bugg show art Preparing for Adventure with Trenter Bugg

EXTRAordinary Podcast

I first met Parker getting ready for A2A which was a daunting feat, in itself.  He took me (like so many others) under his wing and showed me the tips and techniques on how to survive the 87-mile grind.  And as you will soon hear, that is ultimately his most admirable quality despite all his crazy accomplishments.   Parker has been able to turn his challenges into assets, and he is always prepared for adventure, if his friends are down for the ride.  Buckle up for my wild ride with Parker aka Trenter B

World Domination with DC Gomez show art World Domination with DC Gomez

EXTRAordinary Podcast

At the Extraordinary podcast, we have been blessed to have some amazing guests.  We have had a few authors with new books and amazing stories to tell.  But DC Gomez is a different.  Yes, she is an accomplished author, writing everything from novels to children’s books, to devotionals, but it’s her energy that makes her shine.  After our conversation, Hurricane Gomez seemed like a more fitting title.  Now she hosts a podcast and Facebook live feed every week where you can feel that energy firsthand.

The War of Resistance with Steven Pressfield show art The War of Resistance with Steven Pressfield

EXTRAordinary Podcast

Resistance.  Resistance is the War every artist must face.  Resistance is the War we all face.  It is the battle that must be won to achieve success.  Overcoming resistance is what turns the amateur into the professional.  Resistance takes many forms and fashions its way into our weaknesses.  It knows exactly how to stop you.  It knows just how to make sure you fail.  Give up.  Miserable and alone.  Resistance is what keeps most people from ever realizing their full potential.

Wise Words From Andrew Weiss show art Wise Words From Andrew Weiss

EXTRAordinary Podcast

Andrew Weiss leaped on board as one of the Emcees for Podfest, he had no idea the challenges he would face as Covid arrived simultaneously.  Thinking he would be spending his time on stage, he found himself on camera.  Andrew had to pivot in ways he never expected. Hosting multiple world-record-setting events, Chris, and his team, did what almost no one else was able to do, not just survive, but thrive.  Hear how he came on the scene and learned valuable wisdom along the way.

Inspiring My Audience with Justin Schenck show art Inspiring My Audience with Justin Schenck

EXTRAordinary Podcast

How do you create a movement?  How do you change the world? For starters, you have to inspire your audience. If you can inspire people, you can motivate them in a new direction. A better path. While inspiration is not sustainable, it can be the spark to initiate growth.  It can be the moment that changes someone’s life.  From Ed Mylett to Bert Kreischer, Hear how he connects with some extraordinary people. I hope you enjoy my conversation with Justin Schenck.   

Cultured Conversation with Jamison Smallwood show art Cultured Conversation with Jamison Smallwood

EXTRAordinary Podcast

While a successful software engineer by day, Jamison put in the time and effort to build a podcast that poised him for success.  While it hurt his traditional job, it created a whole new set of opportunities as his church and so many others went digital.  Sharing the word, good food, and a low country lifestyle, Jamison is a joy to your ears.  Learn how to make fish and grits, bring together a community, and plate your food from the pride of south Georgia. 

Making a Difference with Jen Gardiner show art Making a Difference with Jen Gardiner

EXTRAordinary Podcast

Jennifer’s calling came about through cake decorating.  That entrepreneurial journey created many spin-off opportunities. It created a huge online audience and thousands of fans.    It led to writing and TV opportunities.  now, this latest career path may give her the chance to make the biggest difference so far. There’s not much this mother of 5 can’t do.  Jen explains how we are all “Made for More”.  Learn how to Make A Difference with Jen Gardiner. 

The Captains Life with Taylor Morgan show art The Captains Life with Taylor Morgan

EXTRAordinary Podcast

Crafting an extraordinary life is a process.  Lifestyle design is an accumulation of small patterns of behavior that set the stage for great things to happen.  Putting the things in place and keeping track of them has a long-reaching and positive results.  Like a flywheel, the momentum continues to pull you, providing solutions and opportunities as you keep moving forward. It's those little things that matter.  Like the captain demands a tight ship, An extraordinary life demands discipline and structur

Season 7 Finale - The Finish Work  show art Season 7 Finale - The Finish Work

EXTRAordinary Podcast

The Finish work has now begun. This is the last 10%. It's also the hardest. Attention to detail matters. You should no longer have to fail your way forward. This is when having the right tool for the job can make life a lot easier. This is where you develop processes for getting the job done. This is the time for you to get really good at what you do. This is where craftsmanship comes from. How are you crafting your life? What processes have you created and implemented in your business?

Showing Up with Shayda Torabi show art Showing Up with Shayda Torabi

EXTRAordinary Podcast

There’s a famous quote that says “90% of Life is just showing Up”.  And its true.  Just showing up consistently every day will differentiate you from most of the competition.  But what happens when you can’t show up?  What about when you get hurt?  How do you show up when dealing with chronic issues of pain and suffering? 

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An Eye for Adventure with Aaron Joiner

As a skater early on we develop an eye for finding street spots that would be ideal for showing off our latest tricks and grinds.  In the early days, there were no parks or ready-made ramps available.  You had to find your spots.  Over time that eye for finding the best spots becomes automatic.  To this day I still mentally note ideal locations that I probably can’t even ride anymore.  But that eye for adventure will always be with me. 

Aaron Joiner also developed that eye for skating and a passion for the sport.  But that eye also served him in other aspects of life.  Taking off the blinders of a limiting mindset, Aaron found happiness and purpose the right way, completed his family in the process. Aaron has reaped the rewards of falling down and getting back up from his better half to his healthy hobbies.  From creating the 9 Five Adventures Podcast to his line of coffee, Aaron has developed an eye for both opportunity and adventure.  He started his podcast to share how you can live a lifestyle you create.  Tricks and tips like how to leverage business opportunities to take family trips to Hawaii or leveraging his background in wholesale food distribution to launch his own product line, Aaron continues to develop that eye.  And the answers he has found along the way, demonstrate so many of the principles behind 8 Keys 2 great.  Now branching off into a brand-new fitness business, it’s obvious Aaron’s eye is right on the money.  Listen to how developing that eye for adventure is the key to an extraordinary life in my conversation with Aaron Joiner. 

