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Emotional Freedom Technique for Singers: Sing with Confidence & Live Them Dreams

Fearless Singer

Release Date: 04/02/2023

As singers, our voices and our mind are our instruments. And really, it’s our brain that is calling all the shots. The voice is also intrinsically linked to our nervous systems, so if we are suffering from stress or not expressing our truth often enough, a physical manifestation will appear in the voice. One of our lovely and talented Fearless Singer Members – Bernie – calls it her ‘glitch’! I love that she’s named it fondly and uses its appearance as a friendly reminder to check-in. I have not told this story for a while now, but there was a part of my instrument that I couldn't access: my low notes. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get the resonance I wanted, and I always felt like something was holding me back. At the time – I thought I might have a small larynx. And it was physically impossible for me to reach these notes. It wasn't until I discovered Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) or tapping that I could finally break through the barriers that were holding me back!