Some Things You Need To Know About God
Bible Study Podcast w/Marcus Stewart
Release Date: 06/13/2024
Bible Study Podcast w/Marcus Stewart
The 3rd lesson from the book of Acts. This lesson goes into how to seek God for your purpose & how to continue to persist in your purpose in spite of difficulty
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Today's lesson comes from a story in the book of Acts about a man named Cornelius and the Apostle Peter. This great lesson teaches how God breaks down walls that separate His people. Maybe God is trying to bring you out of one mindset into another
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1st lesson from the book of Acts. This is a powerful lesson about growing your faith & being used by God to do amazing things
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This lesson teaches you why it's important for you to pay attention to what you hold in your heart & spirit. You Could be the cause of your own detriment
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What does it mean to be spiritual? I use the story of Jesus saying this difficult statement to His disciples to give you the right understanding. The 3rd Bible study from the Gospel of St. John
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In this 2nd lesson from the gospel of John I use the story of Jesus healing the nobleman's son to teach about faith. God is always trying to grow & strecth your faith, don't miss the subtle details
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This is the 1st Bible study coming from the book of John. In this lesson I go into the 1st meeting between Jesus & some of His disciples. I believe this encounter between Jesus, Andrew, & Simon gives insight into how to effectively be a witness for Jesus
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This lesson gives insight into how God gets your attention when He wants to redirect you. Sometimes you miss the message of God because you don't realize that it's God. As you isten to this lesson think about the messages you may be missing and realign yourself with God's will & purpose for your life. The 1st lesson from the book of Haggai
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This is an awesome Bible study from the minor prophet Zephaniah. Many people don't venture this far into the OT (lol) but this turned out to be a great lesson. This Bible study will help you to think about your commitmtnet to God in a totally different way. The nation of Israel become an illustration of how it's so easy to get comfortable in things that are not good for your mind, body, spirit, & emotions. As you listen you will see that God is merciful but His kindness can't be mistaken for weakness.
info_outlineBible Study Podcast w/Marcus Stewart
this is the 1st lesson from the minor prophet Zephaniah. Most people have not yet ventured this far into the old Testament, but we are going there! Think of this Bible study as an introduction to understanding this book. This is a great lesson for those of us who love the history & understanding of the Bible. As you listen you will gain insight into the way God deals with His people (including you!) I hope you enjoy. . .
info_outlinethis is the 1st lesson from the minor prophet Zephaniah. Most people have not yet ventured this far into the old Testament, but we are going there! Think of this Bible study as an introduction to understanding this book. This is a great lesson for those of us who love the history & understanding of the Bible. As you listen you will gain insight into the way God deals with His people (including you!) I hope you enjoy. . .