406 Theology
The hardest time to give thanks are in times of great trial and great abundance. We often feel gratitiude when things are going well, but that is more of a feeling than real thankfulness to God. Here is a sermon that reminds us of the real gift giver behind all abundance.
info_outline 1 Peter 1:3-9406 Theology
This sermon is about three truths Peter offers us in the midst of suffering, and how to be full of joy and thankfulness despite our suffering.
info_outline 1 Peter 1:1-2: "To the Exiles. Pt. 1"406 Theology
This last week our country elected a number of officials to office. Some Christians rejoiced, while others lamented. This sermon addresses three core truths that Christians need to remind themselves in times when we can be divided over something as important and powerful as politics. The first part of the scripture reading was cut off, so sorry!
info_outline Ruth 3: "The Lovingkiness of God."406 Theology
Sermon preached at 1st Presbyterian Church in Whitefish, MT. This sermon tells the story of Ruth and Boaz in their display of covenantal love to each other. This love models the love that God has for us, which dislodges idols in our hearts and draws us to worship Him and Him alone.
info_outline Ruth 1: "Coming Home"406 Theology
This is a sermon preached at 1st Presbyterian church in Whitefish. This sermon is one of four on the book of Ruth. In this sermon we see how the book of Ruth is set in the context of the days of the "Judges", yet also starts to answer the question of who will be King over God's people. Ruth, in so many ways, gives us a greater insight into the kind of King we need and have been given in the person of Jesus Christ.
info_outline Titus 3: "Grace Be With You All"406 Theology
This is the last sermon I will preach at All Souls Church in Missoula, MT. In many ways this is like a graduation or commencment speech by Paul to Titus. Paul lays out is final thoughts and instructions to Titus as the church is established on Crete.
info_outline Order in the Church Pt. 2: Titus 1:5-16406 Theology
We all need leaders in the church to help us navigate the lanscape of being in a church with one another. This episode contains a sermon preached at All Souls Church in Missoula, MT, on the qualifications of an elder and what their role in the community looks like. The focus of this sermon is contained in this big idea: As grace expands in depth and width, the gospel needs to be defined and defended, for the sake of the hope of eternity and peace here on earth in God's community.
info_outline Titus 1:1-4: "Order in the Church pt. 1"406 Theology
The foundation of ordering the church is the grace of God in our lives as given through Jesus Christ. He is our foundation. If we get this wrong, everything is tainted. In this sermon, we see Paul instruct Titus with a mission to put the church in order, but he must start with the foundation of God's grace.
info_outline John 15: "Abide in Me"406 Theology
The last "I am" statement by Jesus in the book of John is recorded in John 15:1. Jesus says, "I am the true vine." This imagry is taken from the O.T. in regards to a picture of the nation of Israel. Jesus is saying that he and all who are connected to Him are now the true Israel. There is no longer an ethnic distinction, but rather a spiritual demarcation of those who are God's people. This is why it is so important that we abide or remain in Jesus, the true source of Spiritual Life.
info_outline John 14: "I am the Way"406 Theology
Various statements of Jesus have been wresteled with over different times and cultures. The statement Jesus makes in John 14:6, "I am the way, the truth and the life.", is the statment that sets Jesus apart in our time and culture. Jesus is making a truth claim that confronts against our pluralistic ideology. In the context of John, this statment was meant to be encouraging. So what hope does Jesus promise here?
info_outlineSermon preached at All Souls Church, Missoula MT.