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St. Dymphna

Facts of Faith - Busted Halo

Release Date: 02/28/2011

Lenten Church Pilgrimage show art Lenten Church Pilgrimage

Facts of Faith - Busted Halo

Fr. Dave Dwyer, CSP and Fr. Larry Rice, CSP discuss a Lenten tradition in Rome and on the web.

The Big Bang Theory (Fr. Georges Lemaître) show art The Big Bang Theory (Fr. Georges Lemaître)

Facts of Faith - Busted Halo

Fr. Larry tells Fr. Dave all about Fr. Georges Lemaître, the Belgian priest and scientist who came up with the scientific theorem that the universe is ever expanding.

St. Mark’s Remains  show art St. Mark’s Remains

Facts of Faith - Busted Halo

Fr. Larry and Fr. Dave discuses the St. Mark's Remains, everything you should know.

Gregor Mendel (Genetics) show art Gregor Mendel (Genetics)

Facts of Faith - Busted Halo

Fr. Larry talks with Fr. Dave about a scientist who was also a catholic priest; Gregor Mendel and his studies on Genetics.

Relics/St. Anthony Chapel, Pittsburgh show art Relics/St. Anthony Chapel, Pittsburgh

Facts of Faith - Busted Halo

Fr. Larry discuses with Fr. Dave the sacred meaning that Relics of many Saints have to the Church.

St. Vincent DePaul Society show art St. Vincent DePaul Society

Facts of Faith - Busted Halo

Fr. Larry discusses with Fr. Dave the different organizations within the Church and what it is that these organizations do.

Description of the Mass (from Justin Martyr) show art Description of the Mass (from Justin Martyr)

Facts of Faith - Busted Halo

Fr. Dave discusses with Fr. Larry what takes place during mass. Everything you want to know. 

Sacristans show art Sacristans

Facts of Faith - Busted Halo

Ever wonder what a sacristan is? Fr. Dave and Fr. Larry discusses the duties of a sacristan and how they support the Church.

Images of heaven and hell show art Images of heaven and hell

Facts of Faith - Busted Halo

Fr. Larry discusses with Fr. Dave the way today's media portrays heaven and hell to society — vastly different and overly dramatic images from what is seen in and taught by the Church.

Ajacan Missions show art Ajacan Missions

Facts of Faith - Busted Halo

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