Your Faith Journey
Today is Christ the King Sunday or Reign of Christ Sunday. Pope Pius XI in 1925 began this festival which was around the time of World War I. He felt that the followers of Christ were being lured away by secularism. They were choosing to live in the kingdom of the world and focus on themselves and not the kingdom where God reigned where the focus is on others. Christ the King Sunday was declared to counter nationalism. People at that particular time were getting the 2 kingdoms blurred. Could this be what we are experiencing today? The worldly kingdom, nationalism, is about gaining power and...
info_outline Special Music - Will Give You ThanksYour Faith Journey
This is a special musical presentation of Will Give You Thanks with the Chancel Choir at Faith Lutheran Church in Okemos, Michigan.
info_outline Special Music - Leaning on the Everlasting ArmsYour Faith Journey
This is a special musical presentation of Leaning on the Everlasting Arms with the Chancel Choir at Faith Lutheran Church in Okemos, Michigan.
info_outline Special Music - God Will Make a WayYour Faith Journey
This is a special musical presentation of God Will Make a Way, a solo by Bob Nelson at Faith Lutheran Church in Okemos, Michigan.
info_outline Sermon - 11-17-24Your Faith Journey
Jesus has called each one of here this morning and we have answered that call. He wants to speak to us today and give us a message of trust and hope. Through word, sacrament, and each other we are reminded of Jesus’ love for each one of us and then he calls us to share that love with others and then encourage them to share it. Through times of happiness and joy as well as times of disappointment, anxiety and anger we can come here to experience Jesus though word, sacrament and each other. Many of us are still trying to process the election. Each of us are at a different place. Wherever we...
info_outline Special Music - Days of ElijahYour Faith Journey
This is a special musical presentation of Days of Elijah with the Chancel Choir at Faith Lutheran Church in Okemos, Michigan.
info_outline Sermon - 11-10-24Your Faith Journey
Have No Fear, Little Flock Have no fear, little flock; have no fear little flock, for the Father has chosen to give you the kingdom; have no fear, little flock! ELW 764 For many of us, though not all of us, this has been a very hard week. For many of us, though not all of us, the path ahead looks frightening. For many of us it looks especially frightening for the lives of the poor and marginalized. In Jesus’ day, this included widows, orphans, strangers, lepers, and anyone else considered unclean. In our day for those of us who are worried, it is...
info_outline Sermon - 11-3-24Your Faith Journey
Jesus Cries with Us, Jesus Cries Out for Us Last Sunday afternoon Jamie, Laurie, Phylis and I sitting at a large round table visited with Anna, Ashley, Alison (from Panama), Fatima (from Venezuela), three little people, and a faithful member of St. Christopher Episcopal Church. St. Christopher is a sanctuary church in El Paso, Texas, a safe place for migrant people to live until they can travel on to a more permanent safe and caring community in which they could live and work and thrive. Many take dangerous and often illegal risks. Many are filled with great anxiety and...
info_outline Special Music - Hine Ma TovYour Faith Journey
This is a special musical presentation of Hine Ma Tov with the Chancel Choir at Faith Lutheran Church in Okemos, Michigan.
info_outline Special Music - A Mighty Fortress Is Our GodYour Faith Journey
This is a special musical presentation of A Mighty Fortress Is Our God with the Chancel Choir at Faith Lutheran Church in Okemos, Michigan.
info_outlineHow many of us have said that we really don’t understand some people’s way of thinking? Our culture today has many conflicts and/or paradoxes. It hasn’t changed since the time of our Gospel lesson today. Only today it seems to be more polarized.
History continues to repeat itself and only we can be responsible for ourselves. The last verse of our Gospel lesson last week was “but many who are first will be last, and the last first”. Then in between last week and this week’s Gospel lesson Jesus forewarns of his pending death again.
So, when James and John ask Jesus to do for them what they want, you just want to say , “where did that come from?” Did they hear anything that Jesus had said? Following Jesus was about giving all that you had to help others. It wasn’t that long ago that that we heard Jesus say to follow means that disciples need to deny themselves.
James and John were attempting to put themselves above others, let alone their friends. Jesus challenged them, Are you able to drink the cup that I drink, or be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with? They said, yes we can do that. Jesus has just once again predicted his death, were they really willing to say that they would be willing to die also?
Thus far, it didn’t seem that they liked all of the negative attention from the church leaders. Here they were saying that they were willing to be leaders of the other disciples. Didn’t they realize that leadership puts you in the hot seat more than you usually want to be?
Jesus thought, well I don’t think they really understand what this means, but so be it. In the end, as God’s Son, he doesn’t make those decisions. Of course, once the other disciples had heard about their request, they were angry. Maybe because they hadn’t thought of it or why do they think that they are better than us?
Jesus reminded them that the people who were not Jewish recognize as their rulers, men who lorded it over them. The greatest being those who were tyrants. We have those rulers in our world today where there is no democracy. Jesus once again defines what God is looking for, which is that the greatest rulers are servants.
Jesus says if you want to be on the top, then you must be a slave to all. He gave the ultimate model for this in dying on the cross. This ransom that we hear about in our Gospel lesson is not about any transaction as Jesus does the work for us. It is a liberating action for us. It frees us to be the servant that Jesus has modeled for us and calls us to be.
I like how the inclusive Bible states what God is not looking for, someone who is domineering and arrogant, those great ones know how to make themselves important. Often these leaders have low self-esteem. When one feels that they have to dominate someone, it is often because they feel less than others. It’s very tricky because if you have to make yourself important, then you may not realize that you are already important in God’s eyes.
Jesus continually brings us back to what God wants leadership to look like. First of all, it is important to realize that we are already important in God’s eyes and that is the most important thing to recognize and accept. When we can recognize that God loves us is when we can begin to love ourselves in a healthy manner.
Jesus is describing leaders as a person who can listen and realize that they don’t have all the answers. He is also looking for a leader who can be honest in a respectful way. It is not about telling people what they want to hear.
At times in our life, we can be domineering or feel dominated. We are all called to be leaders as we are all called to model what it means to follow Jesus, thus we are called to keep ourselves in check. In the end it is about power and control. Do we feel the need to have authority and exert power and control over others?
One of the red flags for us is whenever we feel defensive. If we feel that we have to justify ourselves, then we can easily become domineering. If we feel insecure enough we can also become arrogant.
Unfortunately, we have gotten to a place in our country where too many think it has to be one way. There are leaders who will say or do, or justify whatever they have to have it their way. Similar to James and John who felt that if they were in control they may be able to keep things more in their way of thinking.
Now of course we can’t really relate to James and John, can we? At some time in our lives, each one of us has felt the need to control people and to have their approval. It is really part of being human, our brokenness.
As Christians, Jesus is reminding us today we need to check ourselves in how we relate to people. I believe that we are all leaders in faith and are reminded that in reality we don’t have control over other people. When we try is when we are really telling Jesus that we know better. This is what James and John were doing.
Whether everything makes sense to us or not, Jesus tells us that God is in control. We are loved and valued by God and not all others will love and value us, but we do not need their approval. Through Jesus death and resurrection, we have seen modeled how to serve and that new life comes from it.
Let us pray: Gracious and loving God, thank you for loving and valuing us as your children. There are times that we do not recognize this and then try to go it on our own. This is when we may put ourselves over others. We are sorry for this. May your Holy Spirit help us to rest in you and give us the ability to see and hear how we relate to people that we may model that all of us are equal in your eyes. Also, to be able to discern future leaders in our country, according to what you are looking for in leaders. In Jesus Name, Amen