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Dannielle - An ideal birth, long labour, detailed second stage and avoids tearing

Transform Your Birth

Release Date: 01/31/2024

Maryn Green - Birth as a rite of passage and rituals for pregnancy show art Maryn Green - Birth as a rite of passage and rituals for pregnancy

Transform Your Birth

Maryn Green has been attending women as a midwife since 2009; first as a licensed midwife and now as a spiritual midwife that helps facilitate the ceremonies of birth and mothering.  Maryn is well known for being the founder of the Indie Birth Association and Indie Birth midwifery school,  which educates women and midwives all over the world. She has her own podcast, “Taking Back Birth,” that encourages women and midwives to rethink what they have been taught, and re-connect with ancient wisdom and the spiritual journey of birth.  She is also the author of the book Indie...

Catherine Bell on Birth Mapping, a way of avoiding birth trauma show art Catherine Bell on Birth Mapping, a way of avoiding birth trauma

Transform Your Birth

I am so excited to bring you Catherine Bell, the developer of the Birth Mapping process. Decision making during pregnancy and birth will have the most profound and significant influence on how your birth unfolds. The biggest mistake people make during pregnancy and birth is completely handing over the decision making process to their carers. Your job is to step up, understand the landscape, and decide what your needs are in any given situation from pregnancy, birth and after the baby arrives. There are many potential things that can happen, by mapping your chosen options, you are more likely...

Lauren and Dan - Preparation, a great team, long second stage, Post-partum haemorrhage show art Lauren and Dan - Preparation, a great team, long second stage, Post-partum haemorrhage

Transform Your Birth

This week on the podcast we have Lauren and Dan. They share the shift in mindset they experienced when preparing for birth, through the ‘Transform Your Birth’ course. Lauren really enjoyed her birth, largely due to the incredible team of midwives from the birth centre and her student midwife. With Dan well prepared and providing loving and practical support, she stayed completely in labour land and experienced that beautiful high after birth. She goes on to have a long pushing stage, a little problem getting the placenta out, and a post-partum haemorrhage, however with the wonderful team...

Dealing with your fears and overcoming trauma, that could get in the way of your birth, with Jennifer Summerfeldt show art Dealing with your fears and overcoming trauma, that could get in the way of your birth, with Jennifer Summerfeldt

Transform Your Birth

Today I have the pleasure of speaking with Jennifer Summerfeldt from Canada. Jennifer holds an MA in counselling psychology and is a Certified Canadian Counsellor. She is the Chief Empathy Officer of . She is the creator of the . With over 20 years of experience within the fields of maternal health, childbirth, psychology studies, and the transpersonal, she uses her expertise and voice to help advance the dialogue on trauma-informed care, maternal mental health, and healing in general. We are going to speak about her own personal experience of overcoming trauma, as the gateway into her current...

Preparing your body for birth with Lynn Schulte show art Preparing your body for birth with Lynn Schulte

Transform Your Birth

Lynn Schulte has been a Pelvic Health Physical Therapist for over 30 years and she is the Founder and principal instructor of the Institute for Birth Healing.   Lynn helps pregnant women to balance their body, both before and after birth. She is on a mission to help women prevent and avoid  birth complexity, injury and wounding, by promoting optimal physiology for the labour and pushing stages of birth. Knowing we are more than just our bodies, Lynn works on all levels, physically, energetically, and spiritually with women to help them access their full potential.   She offers a...

Alicia - Induction with 2 false starts, the influence of the environment, vaginal examinations, choosing to avoid the drugs show art Alicia - Induction with 2 false starts, the influence of the environment, vaginal examinations, choosing to avoid the drugs

Transform Your Birth

Alicia in her pregnancy didn’t really believe she could have an unmedicated birth, but after doing the ‘Transform Your Birth’ course she starts to open her mind to new ways of thinking. She ends up not even wanting the drugs during her labour.  I loved the level of detail Alicia goes into when sharing her story. She weaves together the different twists and turns of her birth experience and the impact it had on her mindstate. She was exceptional in how she adapted, from going in to have an induction, and being sent home because they were too busy. This happened twice! She was...

Emily and Brad - Fast first birth, posterior, tearing and bonding show art Emily and Brad - Fast first birth, posterior, tearing and bonding

Transform Your Birth

Emily and Brad join us today to share the story of Isabelle’s arrival. We often don’t expect first births to be quick, and yet it can indeed happen. Quick births are often intense, and pushing out a baby who is face up can also be difficult. Emily, with the help of Brad, managed it beautifully, as she had learnt to trust her body and relax deeply. Emily shares her advice, that your body knows what to do - just trust it. Another great episode to help us all to learn to respect the birth process. Links:

Penny - What to expect when baby arrives, the role of Grandparents show art Penny - What to expect when baby arrives, the role of Grandparents

Transform Your Birth

Today I had a conversation with a Mega parent of 8 children and grandparent of 15, and great grandparent of 2 - Penny. We discuss what new parents need and the role of grandparents. This episode will give you a great insight into how you might change when your baby lands and what your needs might be. It is a great episode worth sharing with emerging grandparents as this role is vital and doesn't come with a handbook. We have also attached a popular blog to the show notes. Links:    

Suzzie - The role of a doula, the power of the mind to change birth show art Suzzie - The role of a doula, the power of the mind to change birth

Transform Your Birth

Suzzie is a doula and mother of two. She shares her experiences that led to her becoming a birth worker. We explore the role of the doula, how they can offer continuity and emotional support when the medical system often can’t. We also look at the role of the mind in birth, and how it can change the way you experience your birth and even the pain. Suzzie is a very experienced doula and has great wisdom to share. Sit back and enjoy this episode. Links:

Sheena - VBAC, 3 births, advocacy, patience and surrender show art Sheena - VBAC, 3 births, advocacy, patience and surrender

Transform Your Birth

Sheena joins us again on the podcast with the story of her third birth. She acknowledges the way every experience of welcoming our babies causes us to grow, and will have a profound influence on the next birth.  She has the wisdom of a woman who has travelled 3 completely different paths to welcome her daughters and provides a message of patience, surrender but also the importance of self-advocacy. Such great birth wisdom. Definitely worth listening to. Links:

More Episodes

Dannielle experiences an ideal birth. She highlights to us what she thinks led to this outcome. We always acknowledge we can’t control birth, but there are many things that influence it. Danni helps us to understand those factors. Listen closely for those key ingredients, which all came together to support Danni to discover what she had inside of her. She also experienced the incredible skill from her midwife who was able to read her beautifully and came in just when she needed her most. Well worth a listen.


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