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The Mentor’s Satisfaction

Fellowship of Kingdom Professionals with Michael A. Blue

Release Date: 11/04/2022

The Five Pillars of Kingdom Professionalism show art The Five Pillars of Kingdom Professionalism

Fellowship of Kingdom Professionals with Michael A. Blue

In this episode of the FKP Podcast, Michael A. Blue revisits the foundational pillars of Kingdom professionalism that were introduced in Episode 2: perspective, principle, practice, partnership, and progeny. Joined again by guests Elder Dr. Ready Long, Jr. and Pastor Elisha Sumo, they explore the critical importance of seeing our work as worship and the profound impact of a kingdom mindset. Together, they emphasize how understanding these pillars empowers professionals to shape culture and fulfill their divine calling. Tune in to discover how to elevate your purpose in the marketplace! New...

Kingdom Perspective on Scarcity vs. Abundance show art Kingdom Perspective on Scarcity vs. Abundance

Fellowship of Kingdom Professionals with Michael A. Blue

In this enlightening episode of the FKP Podcast, Michael A. Blue engages in a profound conversation with Elder Dr. Reddgo Long and Elisha Sumo. They explore the contrasting perspectives of the Kingdom of God and the world, emphasizing the principle of abundance over scarcity. As they discuss the importance of collaboration and healthy competition, the hosts challenge listeners to recognize their unique purposes and cultivate partnerships that uplift and empower. Tune in for insights on how to reflect God's intentions and manage His world effectively, fostering a culture of abundance and...

Foundational Values: The Five Pillars of Kingdom Purpose and Impact show art Foundational Values: The Five Pillars of Kingdom Purpose and Impact

Fellowship of Kingdom Professionals with Michael A. Blue

In this episode, Michael A. Blue unpacks the essence of the Fellowship of Kingdom Professionals (FKP)—a transformative vision that transcends a simple group. FKP embodies a Kingdom-centered perspective, calling professionals to fulfill their God-given purpose through five core pillars: Perspective, Principle, Practice, Partnership, and Progeny. Through these values, listeners are invited to see their work as redemptive, anchored in divine principles, and impactful for future generations. This is a journey of purpose, excellence, and legacy. New podcast episodes are available on Mondays...

Stewarding God’s Creation Through Excellence show art Stewarding God’s Creation Through Excellence

Fellowship of Kingdom Professionals with Michael A. Blue

Welcome to the Fellowship of Kingdom Professionals, a movement not bound by geography or ethnicity but united under a higher calling—the Kingdom of God. In this insightful message, Michael A. Blue explores what it means to live as a Kingdom Professional. Drawing from Scripture, he reveals how every talent, profession, and sphere of influence belongs to God, the original Creator, Owner, and rightful beneficiary of all things. From Psalm 24:1, 'The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it,' to the profound implications of work as worship, he unpacks the privilege and responsibility of...

Your Assignment Can Keep You Alive show art Your Assignment Can Keep You Alive

Fellowship of Kingdom Professionals with Michael A. Blue

A large percentage of humanity has no clarity regarding God’s purpose for their lives. This is such a critical need, even in a practical way. Notice that even among the elderly, the thing that often enables them to withstand physical and mental challenges is their sense of purpose, of usefulness. Well-meaning caregivers have actually, inadvertently, sometimes crippled those whom they love by taking away all responsibilities. Though the elderly one may need to be “protected” from some functions, if that person who has been the breadwinner, the mover-and-shaker all his or her adult life...

The Critical Need To Know Your Assignment show art The Critical Need To Know Your Assignment

Fellowship of Kingdom Professionals with Michael A. Blue

The fact that many unbelievers AND many believers do NOT have a sense of divine purpose and assignment makes them collectively a “marginalized majority”. Through a lack of “assignment awareness”, too many wander through life never really locking in upon their “why”. Religious indoctrination that most of humanity will be lost and damned in hell has aided in fostering this mentality among the masses. They observe others who seem to be clear, the exceptional ones who are “chosen,” but they see themselves as outsiders, outliers, and thus are effectively marginalized. They comprise...

The Kingdom Professional Prepares For Successors show art The Kingdom Professional Prepares For Successors

Fellowship of Kingdom Professionals with Michael A. Blue

In this week’s episode, host Michael Blue continues the series “Knowing Your Assignment” by taking a closer look at “Know Your Successor.” Mentors must acknowledge that there will arise a developmental need that the mentee has – a need that this leader does not have the ability to supply – and that the leader will direct that understudy to another resource or resource person, intentionally. Leaders grant their successors permission to grow beyond the leaders themselves, permission to be-come. Unbeknown to his followers, John the Baptist is preparing them for a future without him,...

The Kingdom Professional’s Assignment: From Satisfaction to Successors show art The Kingdom Professional’s Assignment: From Satisfaction to Successors

Fellowship of Kingdom Professionals with Michael A. Blue

One of the outcomes of knowing one’s assignment is “satisfaction”. The satisfaction of a man or woman on divine assignment in the professional arena is threefold: 1) the glory of God, 2) the good of people, and 3) the gratification of oneself. When you do what you were created to do professionally, it will accomplish all three of these. Another major aspect of one’s calling is to prepare the way for “the next”. Why would a leader do such a thing? It is because the development and success of his or her successors means more than his or her own “need to be needed.” This may be...

The Kingdom Professional’s Satisfaction: Material Wealth show art The Kingdom Professional’s Satisfaction: Material Wealth

Fellowship of Kingdom Professionals with Michael A. Blue

Material wealth attainment CANNOT be the goal of the professional because it cannot satisfy the human heart. It must always be a MEANS, but never an END.  It is the lowest rung on the ladder of satisfaction. However, it is a legitimate level of satisfaction. God has no problem with material profit as a fruit of the Kingdom Professional performance. It is the hyper-religious who demand a vow of poverty from the people of God. God Himself sets forth the precedence, from the Garden of Eden to His interactions with the patriarch, that it is His pleasure to see His people abound materially....

The Kingdom Professional’s Takeover show art The Kingdom Professional’s Takeover

Fellowship of Kingdom Professionals with Michael A. Blue

In this episode, host Michael Blue describes how God shaped his perspective and has given him a passion to teach the Kingdom of God and to enable believers to understand that God’s intention for us is to “take over” the systems of this world through the power of the Gospel. The takeover that God instigates has nothing to do with natural weapons or warfare. His takeover utilizes Galatians 5:22 and John 13:35, the fruit of the Spirit, I Corinthians 12:8, the gifts of the Spirit, can TAKE OVER in every realm through supernatural excellence in his or her performance and in his or her...

More Episodes

The greatest satisfaction for a Kingdom leader, teacher, or mentor is to know that he or she has pleased God. The second greatest is the success of the follower, the student, or the mentee. Leaders work to make themselves progressively unnecessary in the lives of those whom they lead. If the leader has not continued to grow and evolve, he can see the growth of the follower as a compliment and a threat simultaneously, because he or she is not needed as before. All leaders must continue to individually develop so that their identities are not defined in a transitional function. 

New podcast episodes are available on Fridays everywhere you listen to podcasts. The Fellowship of Kingdom Professionals meets every Monday live with Michael A. Blue at 11:30 AM via Facebook and Youtube. Stay connected to all things Fellowship of Kingdom Professionals and connect to other Kingdom Professionals by joining our Facebook Group, https://www.facebook.com/groups/MABlueFKP

To bring FKP to your locale, ministry, school, business, etc., or to learn more, contact us by email,  [email protected]