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Your Questions Answered EP 24

Find Loving Homes for Your Art

Release Date: 05/29/2019

Artist Interview: Patricia Griffin show art Artist Interview: Patricia Griffin

Find Loving Homes for Your Art

Fine Art Ceramist Patricia Griffin and I explored several topics in this podcast. We explored her transition to becoming a full-time artist. Her transition to opening a public space and becoming a retail shop owner. And we took a journey into her most recent and equally profound career changes. Along the way, you will hear some smart business and marketing concepts and you can easily apply them directly to your art business.

Who Is It For? EP 44 show art Who Is It For? EP 44

Find Loving Homes for Your Art

This episode will make you do a deep dive into your soul. It will likely be quietly inspirational. It will create optimism where you now allow self-doubt. Because, as you will learn, becoming a thriving artist is not as complex as the world makes it seem. I hope you will take a moment to rank me here on iTunes and leave a comment. Then join us at MyGoldenWords.com by clicking on the link to the left and add your two cents in the comments.

Don't Start an Argument EP 43 show art Don't Start an Argument EP 43

Find Loving Homes for Your Art

There's something in the air. There is a gathering storm of opinions that clash. The "them against us" atmosphere is choking out the rational voices. But one place that incivility is totally useless and damaging is within the walls of one's business profile. While you're here, take a moment to rate my podcast. Then visit my posting page and add to the "loving" comments at mygoldenwords.com or click the link on the left.

Get on the Brand Wagon EP 42 show art Get on the Brand Wagon EP 42

Find Loving Homes for Your Art

The concept of a "brand" can be nebulous and on the face of it can seem all about corporate/big business. Yes, the major "brands" have that look and feel and strong ties to giant marketing machines, but artists need to have a branded look, too. In today's 11-minute podcast, I will let you in on a few secrets to help you tweak your branding and fine-tune your public-facing information. From your website to your social media and even in your in-person events and art shows, you will connect more quickly and be

Focus on the ...Squirrel! EP 41 show art Focus on the ...Squirrel! EP 41

Find Loving Homes for Your Art

Please channel your inner squirrel. Yes, you read that right. This is about focus and about finding loving homes for your art through the eyes of a squirrel. I am sure you will want to add to the discussion, so join in over on the website mygoldenwords.com This episode will be waiting for your contributions in the comments.

Put It In Neutral EP 40 show art Put It In Neutral EP 40

Find Loving Homes for Your Art

This will be controversial. I am sure someone out there will feel like I have crossed the line. But I want you to find loving homes for your art. So I have no choice but to "go there". Please rate me here then head over to mygoldenwords.com and join in the conversation. It's gonna be lively!

Is Your Art For Sale? EP 39 show art Is Your Art For Sale? EP 39

Find Loving Homes for Your Art

I will admit up front that this week's episode is a rant. But I am shocked at how many artists and makers are wasting precious time on social media and not actively letting their followers know that their work is for sale. Listen and then comment on mygoldenwords.com What are you doing to prove that your work is for sale?

The Five Words EP 38 show art The Five Words EP 38

Find Loving Homes for Your Art

This is likely the only episode that you will need to listen to on an on-going basis. It's the core teaching from the "E's of Selling Art System". It's the Five E's that I have been teaching for several decades. This is powerful, so be ready to really pay attention so you can find loving homes for your art. PLEASE: Leave comments at mygoldenwords.com

Money, Money, Money...MONEY! EP 37 show art Money, Money, Money...MONEY! EP 37

Find Loving Homes for Your Art

Is money actually the root of all evil? Artists seem to have a more difficult time pricing for a decent livelihood then other business owners. Partly because it's harder to understand the "true value" we create and partly because there is such a vast array of pricing in the arts and crafts industry. What are your widgets "worth"? And what is the danger of underpricing? Let's explore, shall we? Then post your comments at mygoldenwords.com

Afraid EP 36 show art Afraid EP 36

Find Loving Homes for Your Art

Everyone share common fears. We humans all face various challenges to our egos. However, when it comes to selling art, there are some fears that you might not even realize are holding you back. I hope you will share your thoughts over at mygoldenwords.com ...the community awaits you!

More Episodes

This episode is a bit of a departure. I have been fairly consistent in bringing you into the "system" - the E's of Selling Art System. A huge percentage of what I have discussed in the past 23 episodes (with the exception of the two interviews) has been based on that guidebook.

But recently, especially with so many of you reaching out with questions that are not related to one-on-one selling best practices, I have started daydreaming about other helpful topics. And then, it hit me. I get so many questions thrown in my direction and even more so lately.

So... I am going to answer three in particular that came in my inbox just this last week.

  1. How do I grow my email list?
  2. What is the best Social Media platform to use?
  3. Is the E's of Selling Art System available as a download?

And here's one additional question I will answer right here and now: yes... there is still time (offer ends May 31st) to get your discount on the guidebook. Click here if you want to buy now and use the code: BUYNOW

And listen closely this week: I will give you a very unexpected and rather compelling reason why even if you never sell face-to-face the E's of Selling Art System could really rock your studio world. Learn more here.

(by the way...I don't do this kind of promotion very often, so it might be months before I do this again.)

Okie Dokie! Enjoy the show! I look forward to seeing YOUR questions in the comments. ALOHA!