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FTR 148: Skinwalkers and Stranger Things With Chad Riley

Fire Theft Radio

Release Date: 05/19/2024

FTR 159  Secret Psy-Op EPS 3 Psy-op Cosmology With: Josh Monday show art FTR 159 Secret Psy-Op EPS 3 Psy-op Cosmology With: Josh Monday

Fire Theft Radio

You Might not believe in Biblical Cosmology and that's ok, but what is the Psy-op involved in believing a heliocentric model? There is at least a lot of "scientific" implications that are intending to lead people away from a biblical narrative.  Today we talk with Josh Monday to at least see what the Bible teaches about the universe and how learning otherwise could be a Psy-Op for something else. Some people even argue that the Inclosed earth system is the Psy-Op. Well let's talk about it.   As always, Don't forget to spread the fire!!!!  

FTR 158: Entertainment Breakdown: Psy-op Theology show art FTR 158: Entertainment Breakdown: Psy-op Theology

Fire Theft Radio

Before people get triggered and think Fire Theft Radio is asking Christians to go watch horror movies. We are not!  That being said,  Often we assume that a simple act of watching a movie can make your home get possesed. I dont think so. Although sometimes something worst than demonic possesion happens due to the psyop propaganda found in these films. That would be (INCEPTION). False theological view points can often be portrayed and convince even the believer of the "power" Satan has over people. Fear not because true freedom is found in the Lord Jesuschrist. Let's explore the what...

FTR 157 Fire Theft Origins With Camp Hermon show art FTR 157 Fire Theft Origins With Camp Hermon

Fire Theft Radio

On this epsiode fire theft radio gets interviewed on the Camp Hermon show and talks about how it all got statrted. OF course we got a little weird and fringey because thats who we asre baby!  As always,  Don't forget to spread the fire!!  

FTR 156: Redemption & FTR 156: Redemption & "Simulations" With Mike Stibs

Fire Theft Radio

On this episode we here the amazing testimony of Mike Stibs!  It's always a blessing to hear how the power of Jesus changes the life of people who accept him into their heart. We discuss Mikes life and also his supernatural experience with the ouija board. It gets a little wild! And of course, we have to talk weird and fringe and bring to light a possible deception in our near future.    As always, Don't forget to spread the fire!  

FTR 155: Secret Psyops Eps 2 More Moon Shenanigans With Bart Sibrel show art FTR 155: Secret Psyops Eps 2 More Moon Shenanigans With Bart Sibrel

Fire Theft Radio

Why is this information relevant to the body of Christ? What are the spiritual implications and what kind of deceptions are near. This and many other questions were asked to our good friend Bart Sibrel. We invited him back on the show to discuss what it was like being on the Joe Rogan Podcast. We also wanted his perspective on how this information about the moon landing can be easily manipulated and turned into Psyop of sorts. We talk about aliens and even human abductions by some shady individuals.    As always,  Don't forget to spread the fire!

FTR 154: Reel-Tok eps 11 With Chuck & Mav show art FTR 154: Reel-Tok eps 11 With Chuck & Mav

Fire Theft Radio

Let's continue our journey down the rabbit whole that is Reelz and Tik-Tok! 

FTR 153 Secret Psyops Eps 1 With: Odd Man Out show art FTR 153 Secret Psyops Eps 1 With: Odd Man Out

Fire Theft Radio

Let's beggin our journey of discernment. Episode one of this series is reminder of the danger of politics. Listen and try not to get triggered if we say something you disagree with. Odd man Out from The Oddcast joins us on the show and we have an open conversation about things we must watch out for in this election year.  Don't forget to spread the fire!!!  

FTR 152: Secret Psyops Intro show art FTR 152: Secret Psyops Intro

Fire Theft Radio

On this episode Chuck and Mav intro the new series SECRET PSYOPS! We will hopefully connect some dots and make you aware of how the red pill world can also be used to manipulate. We always warn about how long you stay with the mad hatter. Hopefully we can bring some clarity in this world of the "truthers" from a much more biblical and grounded perspective. Like the Hail Hydra series we will get weird and supernatural! Strap on folks because this series will run deeper and deeper every episode we do.    As always, Don't forget to spread the fire!!

FTR 151: Uganda Adventure! With Maverick Pilgrim show art FTR 151: Uganda Adventure! With Maverick Pilgrim

Fire Theft Radio

On this episode Maverick is back from doing the the Lords work in Uganda and shares what ministry looks like in that country. Maverick is teaching the people in Uganda how to approach reading the bible and why that is so important. There's a lot of fals teaching around the world so we have to be careful how we approach scripture. Mav tells a great storry on how God used a potential brothel for his kingdom and how baptism was rattling the cage of some local witch doctors. If any of our listeners are considering help out outside od the USA, this is the episode for you.   As always........

FTR 150: Frequency Wars With: Dr. Laura Sanger show art FTR 150: Frequency Wars With: Dr. Laura Sanger

Fire Theft Radio

On this episode we welcome back author and researcher DR. Laura Sanger. Chuck asks her, what was the origin of music? Through out history how has it been used? At it's root, music is just frequencies. We dont think about it much but all of creation has a specific frequency. Now before I loose some of ya'll, we are approaching this from a biblical perspective. Just think about it....God (spoke) everything that is into existence. God commanded trumpets to be blown to destroy physical matter. With those 2 concepts in mind, sound seems to be able to create and destroy. So we should ask, how has...

More Episodes

How long has the government known about UFOs?  Why is it until recently have they decided to "disclose" more of this phenomena? As usual, there are many connections to the spiritual world when it comes to the aliens and more and more people are realizing it's evil origins. Researcher and film maker Chad Riley join us on the show to talk about his documentary that leaves no stone unturned. We talk about just how connected the military industrial complex is involved in occult practices and emphasize how imortant it is for the body of Christ to know about this subject from a biblical perspective. Get your note pads out folks because this one is loaded! 

As always,

Don't forget to spread the fire!!



Chad Riley Facebook

Skinwalkers and Stranger Things Documentary