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Are You Willing to Sacrifice? | Stewardship

First Assembly NLR Audio Podcast

Release Date: 04/29/2024

Are Your Words Helping Others?  | T.H.I.N.K. Before You Speak show art Are Your Words Helping Others? | T.H.I.N.K. Before You Speak

First Assembly NLR Audio Podcast

If you list the qualities of your favorite person to spend time with, chances are. the word"helpful" will be included. We all love spending time with helpful people. But being helpful is not just about your actions, it's also based on your words!  In this message, we continue learning how to THINK before we speak. As we get to letter H, you will be challenged. Are your words helpful or harmful?

Tell the Truth  | T.H.I.N.K. Before You Speak show art Tell the Truth | T.H.I.N.K. Before You Speak

First Assembly NLR Audio Podcast

The Bible has a lot to say about the power of telling the truth and the dangers of lying. In this message, we will look at some passages that make the difference clear. As we continue to learn how followers of Jesus should speak and post, you will learn the value of truth in your words.

The Power of Words | T.H.I.N.K. Before You Speak show art The Power of Words | T.H.I.N.K. Before You Speak

First Assembly NLR Audio Podcast

Proverbs 18:21 says, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue…” Your words have power – to hurt and to heal. In this message, we start a new series that will challenge you to speak and post differently, and to THINK before you speak!     What do your words reveal about you?

Faithful In the Moment | Joseph show art Faithful In the Moment | Joseph

First Assembly NLR Audio Podcast

In this message, we finish looking at the life of Joseph. The story of Joseph's rise to the top is encouraging and inspiring - God can bring success from a terrible situation. As we come to the end of his story, you will discover Joseph's true path to success came from his commitment to being faithful in every moment. You will be challenged by Joseph's example!

Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People? | Joseph show art Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People? | Joseph

First Assembly NLR Audio Podcast

In this message we will consider a question that all believers wrestle with - "Why do bad things happen to good people?" It's a question people try to cover up with cliches because they don't have a genuine answer. It may be one you are currently facing! As we continue learning from the life of Joseph, we will stop and consider the terrible situations he faced throughout his life. From his response to trouble, you will gain a new perspective when bad things happen to you!

Have You Been Hurt? | Joseph show art Have You Been Hurt? | Joseph

First Assembly NLR Audio Podcast

When someone hurts you, the world tells you to get revenge. Some call it getting even or making things right. But what does the Bible tell you to do? As we continue to learn from the life of Joseph, we pick up the story where Joseph had the opportunity to pay his family back for the years of misery they caused. His example will challenge how you respond when others hurt you!

How to Handle a Crisis | Joseph show art How to Handle a Crisis | Joseph

First Assembly NLR Audio Podcast

Jesus makes it clear, in this world we will have trouble! (Jn. 16:33) Because we have this promise, it shouldn't be a surprise when stuff goes wrong. As a follower of Jesus, how should you respond when a crisis comes? In this message, we pick up the story of Joseph when his family is in a complete moment of crisis - everything is going wrong. By looking at their response to difficulty, you will learn important lessons for how you should handle a crisis when it comes!

Who Is Unreachable? | Joseph show art Who Is Unreachable? | Joseph

First Assembly NLR Audio Podcast

In this message, we want you to consider the question, "Who is the least likely person to accept Jesus?" Is there a person in your family, at your work, or in your life that even Jesus can't change? As you consider this question, you will learn the life pattern of people we often consider unreachable and God's plan to reach them anyway. The lesson comes from an epic moment in the life of Joseph.

Did God Forget You? | Joseph show art Did God Forget You? | Joseph

First Assembly NLR Audio Podcast

No one likes to wait. Whether you are waiting at the doctor's office, for your food to be ready or for the latest movie to be released, having to wait is frustrating. But the worst kind of waiting is when you are left wondering when God will fulfill His promise and dream for your life. In this message, we will look at a moment in Joseph's life when he was left waiting for God to come through. If you feel alone and forgotten, this message will be incredibly encouraging. In a season of waiting, God is still working!

Why Me? | Joseph show art Why Me? | Joseph

First Assembly NLR Audio Podcast

Have you ever asked “Why Me?” You’ve been faithful and obedient, but things are still going wrong. In those moments, what do you do? How do you respond? In this message, looking at the life of Joseph, we’ll consider this difficult theological question. You’ll discover some encouraging principles and God’s purpose through your pain. It’s going to be a great weekend!

More Episodes

This message is the conclusion of our series on stewardship. We cover a challenging principle and idea - sacrifice. As Americans, we hate the thought of going without comfort and preference. But Jesus calls His followers to a standard that destroys those expectations.  You will learn a radical new way to live.