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017 | Building A Referral Culture

Training Women

Release Date: 10/30/2020

046 | Decoding Pelvic Pain and Hypermobility in Women show art 046 | Decoding Pelvic Pain and Hypermobility in Women

Training Women

[Female Health, Physiotherapy] Join me in and epic conversation with Jaime Singleton, a women's health specialist and therapist with over 15 years of experience in the field. Jamie shares her expertise and insights on the often-misunderstood topic of pelvic floor health and explains why the commonly used cue "draw your belly button in towards your spine" is incorrect and can cause more harm than good. Listen in as Jaime shares her understanding of pelvic pain and discusses how conditions like endometriosis, pelvic girdle instability, and irritable bowel syndrome can all contribute to...

045 | How To Create A Recognisable and Memorable Fitness Brand show art 045 | How To Create A Recognisable and Memorable Fitness Brand

Training Women

[Brand, Leadership] In this episode of the Training Women podcast, Nardia shares valuable insights on how personal trainers can build a recognisable and memorable brand. From recognising the value of their profession to seeing themselves as experts and leaders in the fitness industry, Nardia emphasises the need for concerted efforts over time to stand out from the competition. As she says in the show, "What are you willing to do that others won't in order to be in the top 1% of Fit Pros?". Even though there are more personal trainers and fitness coaches than ever, there is a significant need...

044 | Should You Hire Your Own Personal Trainer If You're A Trainer? show art 044 | Should You Hire Your Own Personal Trainer If You're A Trainer?

Training Women

[Business, Leadership] 👉 Women's Health + Program Design Mentorship program, get on the waitlist . In my early days of certifying Personal Trainers at various registered training organisations, I would always ask the students the following question: "Should Personal Trainers hire their own Personal Trainer?" This simple question always led to vigorous debate much to my amusement, so in this TW episode, Olivia and I unpack this and share our thoughts around this.  ****** ⚡ The Training Women podcast by Nardia Norman is where business, female physiology, + soul conversations collide...

043 | Your Competitive Advantage show art 043 | Your Competitive Advantage

Training Women

[Business] My husband and I have worked from home for almost 7 years, and while I am accustomed to managing our spaces well, I've been yearning for another space. A gym space to be precise. Over I realised that I need to be around other humans; to have conversations with someone other than my husband and my coffee guy. As much as I love training from my home gym, I had to get out of the house. So I took advantage of a paid one-week trial at Legacy Through Movement, dusted off my workout shoes and headed in. What I've experienced with them has been nothing short of awesome. In fact,...

042 | Don't Quit If You're Tired - The World Needs You show art 042 | Don't Quit If You're Tired - The World Needs You

Training Women

The long-term consequences of Covid restrictions and all-around fkery are taking a toll on everyone, particularly Fitness Business owners and coaches. I've witnessed, and heard, the stories from coaches who are feeling let down, unmotivated, tired and unsure because of ongoing client illnesses and financial changes. Leading to an uptick in client cancellations, no-shows, a decrease in membership growth and an intense mental burden. If you resonate with this, then please know I SEE YOU. I see your struggles, your doubt and the wobbles in your conviction. Sure, it may all feel fken hard,...

041 | Why Clients Need An Aerobic Base show art 041 | Why Clients Need An Aerobic Base

Training Women

Both Olivia and I have noticed a problem that's been popping up in the fitness industry, more so of late. And that is the issue of injecting women into workouts or training programs that include high-intensity interval training, or high-intensity resistance training, without a foundation of aerobic fitness. We see it all the time. While the responsibility falls on the trainer, part of this can also be blamed on the way the fitness industry has set up expectations. Many clients enter our training partnership with the preconceived idea that the trainer's (Gym) job is to make them sweaty,...

040 | The Secret To Understanding Why Someone Will Pay You show art 040 | The Secret To Understanding Why Someone Will Pay You

Training Women

There's an unfathomable amount of free and readily available information on the interweb. If you want to learn about random obscure things, you can. If you want to become an expert in a field you can by watching YouTube videos; you can. So then, why would someone pay you for something when it's free on the webs? This commonly asked question came up in a recent workshop training that I delivered; . To give you context we were discussing price points of different types of information or experiential products. I encouraged the students to explore their limiting beliefs around selling their...

039 | You Get To Change Your Mind In Your Business show art 039 | You Get To Change Your Mind In Your Business

Training Women

Have you ever thought about throwing your business in and starting again from scratch? Or perhaps you're feeling 'off' about your business and you don't know why. Whatever it is for you, these feelings are an indicator or soul nudges that something isn't in alignment for you. And that's a good thing. Too often businesses get stuck in the 'I have to stay the same' way of operating, and *that* my friend is a one-way ticket to business resentment, burnout, sabotage and loss of clients. Not long ago, after experiencing months of uncertainty, and unsureness in my business, I made the decision...

038 | Be Thankful For Your Social Media Following show art 038 | Be Thankful For Your Social Media Following

Training Women

Have you ever felt down about the size of your social media following?  Perhaps you put in a ton of work, but the followship doesn't grow, and as a result, you find yourself wondering whether it's all worth it? If so, today's Fitness Legitness quickie is for you.   In this conversation, I ask you to flip your perspective. This isn't about strategy or tactical tips to grow your following, rather it addresses the mindset and energy you bring to it. Because you've got two choices - the first is to keep complaining about it and let the number negatively impact your headspace. Or...

037 | How To Feel More Legitimate In The Fitness Industry show art 037 | How To Feel More Legitimate In The Fitness Industry

Training Women

A new year is typically a time for new ideas, enthusiasm and motivation.  However, my observations of late have led me to believe that many (many) women in fitness have started the year feeling the opposite. That is, they are tired, overwhelmed, unsure of what direction to take their business, and are on the verge of quitting. I don't blame them, and if this is also feeling familiar to you, then know you aren't alone. The past 2 years of C-Fkery have taken a toll.  Businesses, relationships, finances, physical and emotional health have all taken a hit.  From what I've...

More Episodes

Building a successful business takes time and effort. One of the integral parts of running your own business is getting more clients, which can be challenging. The good news is that it’s easy to get your biz-sass back.

In this episode, I will talk about five steps you can follow to bring more clients to your business. We will discuss why many personal trainers don’t ask for referrals and what they miss out on by doing the same. From changing your mindset to devising a referral strategy, you can take small steps to up your fitness legitness. Referrals aren’t just something you ask for- they’re a part of an entire culture.

I’m going to talk about how you can add value to your clients. Your audience adores how you can help them towards their goals. They may need rewards in return for referring other people and encouraging them to sign-up for your business. Most importantly, you’ll need to make your business such that people know you’re a true fitness queen. Your clients must come back to you because they know that you can get them the results they want.

Once you’re able to get referrals, you need to make it easy for clients to refer to you. I’ve spoken about some strategies in the podcast. From developing a mission statement to building an online business presence, there’s work that you need to do.

Listen to this podcast so that you can come one step closer to being a badass business owner. Every piece of information I share in the podcast will help. I’m not going to talk about any ‘hacks’ or ‘tricks’ or any other shit that people don’t want to know. I’ll talk about real, actionable steps that will help you change how you look at your business.

It’s time for you to give your business the recognition that it deserves.


(00:05:25): And honestly, the easiest place for you to start is by asking your current clients whether there are people that they know who they think would benefit from working with you in your business.

(00:08:30): You need to think about shifting your business from a referral, being seen as a negative thing into seeing the referral as a positive thing, just knowing that a referral is a natural part of your business.

(00:13:25): I'm sharing my big business vision with them. (clients) So, it's less about you, the personal trainer, or the individual. It’s more about your mission.

(00:21:30): When it comes to building out your business, the stronger your community is, the less likely it is that people will leave the community.

(00:32:01): Shout that from the rooftops, that cream rises to the top. So, you are part of that cream. You're not the skanky leftover piece of the milk at the bottom of the milk bottle.

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Comments and questions can be sent to [email protected] and you can also DM me here on my Instagram page.