Flickering Waves
Since Pan's Labyrinth was deemed to be the 39th movie Terry would watch this year, he decided to focus on foreign films for this episode. Just over half of these titles can be streamed on the Criterion Channel. Also discussed are the last couple of films he saw on the big screen including Portrait of a Lady on Fire (now streaming on Hulu). A certain Friday the 13th experiment is also discussed as well as a starter film for non-fans of foreign films and a horror classic of the new century.
info_outline Episode 30 - Greatness Yet To ComeFlickering Waves
Continuing the format of the last episode, Terry reviews the first fourteen movies he saw during February 2020. This batch is a little heavier on revisiting movies especially as Valentine’s Day approached. For streaming fans, Terry visits the Criterion Channel and Shudder for some of his picks, including episodes of Joe Bob Briggs’ Last Drive-In. There's a bit of overselling of a Hal Hartley favorite (aren’t they all) as well as what happens when childhood joy turns into adult indifference.
info_outline Episode 29 - 39Flickering Waves
In short, Terry reviews the thirteen movies that he watched during January 2020. Vinegar Syndrome titles figure significantly in the movies discussed in this episode covering their efforts to preserve cult, horror and adult titles. By going to this style of episode, it is hoped that the show will be going out monthly.
info_outline E28 - Walking To New Orleans (PRT '18)Flickering Waves
The heart of this episode is a discussion of Jim Jarmusch's third film, Down By Law. Terry tries to discuss this and probably too much else in this episode. Included in this episode is a discussion on I-4 (recorded while on I-4) and personal tales of New Orleans (the setting of this episode's film.
info_outline Episode 27 - Let's Go Away For AwhileFlickering Waves
The return of the podcast after a lengthy time away brings the listener a review of the year that was and the year ahead in both movies and music. Naturally, this is shot through Terry's favorites from both. If Episode 28 and the rest of the Road Trip episodes are the journey then this episode is the lengthy process of packing all the bags before the trip. Besides it is great to know where one is coming from before worrying about getting somewhere new. If you are enjoying the podcast then tell a friend.
info_outline Episode 26 - Got To Get Better In A Little WhileFlickering Waves
Terry found himself revisiting the catalogue of Eric Clapton back in April. Once he heard that tour dates were getting rescheduled due to illness, it seemed like a good time to share a list of some of the deeper cuts before they could possibly become part of a posthumous tribute to the guitar great. Before that Terry goes into a mostly fun explanation of why the podcast has been away. Then the close explores where the next twelve episodes are going to go (hope everyone like a road trip, not literal - of course). And while it is not intended to be away again for two months,...
info_outline Episode 25 - Low BudgetFlickering Waves
This is a mad dash of a week for the podcast. If all goes to plan, this is the first of three episodes in the days leading up to Record Store Day 2017. This installment deals with seven records that Terry bought over the years that were infinitely better than the low, low prices paid for them would suggest (not free, just cheap). Some of these have even become essential recordings in his collection. Terry reflects on one of his favorite radio stations as well as some of the places where he bought these records. Sometimes one cheap record can someone a fan for...
info_outline Episode 24 - Hey NineteenFlickering Waves
This episode features an unique discussion of the 1998 film Next Stop Wonderland starring Hope Davis and directed by Brad Anderson. As we are one year from the 20th anniversary of the film, Terry didn't want to do a regular breakdown of the film. There are likely spoilers in this episode but one hopes that the discussion will encourage watching or re-watching one of Terry's favorite films of 1990s. So in this discussion, Terry explores some history with some of the actors in the film as well as his own personal history of watching the film. Also, Terry speaks about his...
info_outline Episode 23 - Tell Me When Did Things Go So WrongFlickering Waves
This is a relatively short episode of the podcast to bring the machinery back up to speed for more episodes in 2017. The time away was just that. Thought was given to hanging it up but as long as the downloads keep happening, there will be more but there is no guarantee of the frequency. So perhaps the last few months feel strange. Yeah, me too. Looking briefly back at November and last Oscar Sunday, Terry offers thoughts on how he feels about award shows now and what these two events might mean for the episodes ahead. Perhaps new vistas will be exciting or...
info_outline Night of the Creeps (Halloween 2016 - Part 3)Flickering Waves
For this final installment of the three-part Halloween jamboree, Terry has some last minute horrifying suggestions for Halloween or simply some horror-related suggestions for any time of the year. Many of these are available thru the Fandor streaming service while others are Blu-Rays that Terry has picked up hoping to find some time to watch them. The episode deals with some classics like Carnival of Souls and moves through some more contemporary favorites like Frankenhooker and finishes with some international selections like Santa Sangre. Hopefully, if one likes horror, one...
info_outlineIn the longest solo cast so far, Terry tries to discuss the how and why of movie going for him. As it turns out, there is quite of who and what to be told here too which means that the surface is barely scratched. However, there are discussions of the theatrical and home video experiences as well as IMAX and 3D and drive-ins. The recent closing of Movie Stop gives Terry a chance to reflect on a darker side of film fandom but there are also reflections of great experiences throughout the years. Ultimately, biases can be revealed and standards established so they can be reexamined against additional who's and what's in upcoming episodes. This episode also serves as a preview of what the movie side of the podcast will look like for the rest of 2016.
Don't forget Facebook (The Flickering Waves Podcast group page) and Twitter (@flickeringwaves) as well as iTunes (subscribe, comment and submit reviews) and YouTube (Flickering Waves channel). The YouTube playlist promises to be epic and hopefully pretty good as well. When Episode 20 comes on next time, Terry goes into the weeds of how and why again but with music. Thanks for downloading and listening.