Education Law Insights
On Friday, April 19, the Department of Education released new Title IX regulations, which will be effective August 1, 2024. As expected, the new regulations mark a significant departure from the 2020 Title IX regulations with respect to how institutions are required to respond to complaints of sex-based discrimination. Please join our Title IX team for a discussion providing you with a high-level overview of the new Title IX regulations, key changes, and a discussion of action items your institution can take in preparation for their implementation on August 1, 2024.
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Join Franczek Attorneys Jenny Lee and Mike Warner for a focused discussion delving into the implications of the Supreme Court decision Students for Fair Admissions v. Harvard College. We will analyze the ruling’s impact on affirmative action policies in higher education and discuss its broader ramifications for diversity and inclusion efforts in the workplace.
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Join Franczek attorneys and for a focused 30-minute discussion on preparing for spring teacher staffing issues. This discussion will cover tried and true best practices as well as new legislation affecting probationary teacher non-renewals, reductions in force and teacher tenure.
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Join Kaitlin Atlas, Nicki Bazer, and Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction at New Trier School District 203 Peter Tragos for a legal and practical discussion on the shifting cultural times we're living through regarding books bans, curriculum objections, and much more.
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Join Franczek attorneys Adam Dauksas, James Petrungaro, and Emily Tulloch for a focused discussion on the implications of the new employment history review process under Faith’s Law.
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Join Franczek attorneys Kaitlin Atlas and Jared Costanzo for a discussion on recent amendments to the Part 226 special education regulations.
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This episode, Franczek attorneys Kaitlin Atlas and Amy Dickerson discuss top issues that Complaint Managers and Non-Discrimination Coordinators should be aware of in 2023, including recent and anticipated updates from the Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights on Title IX, Section 504, and Title VI, and best practices for responding to reports of harassment or discrimination.
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Join us for another focused thirty-minute discussion on top issues administrators need to know on key legal topics for schools. In this episode, Franczek attorney Kaitlin Atlas will focus on IEP Best Practices and Ways to Avoid Due Process. We address the recent increase in due process requests state wide and provide best practice tips to keep your school district out of due process. Time will be reserved for audience questions.
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In this episode, Franczek attorneys Melissa Sobota and Caroline Kane focus on Collective Bargaining issues that school districts face, and how to navigate them. We cover best practices for labor relations as well as how to prepare for and handle the unique challenges Districts face in collective bargaining due to the current state of the economy as well as issues of worker burnout.
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Join Franczek attorneys , , and for a discussion on several important developments in property taxes and the impact on Illinois school districts. In this episode, they will cover recent legislative changes directly effecting school district business operations, the latest on property tax incentives and what you need to know about them, when to expect the second installment of Cook County property taxes, the latest goings on at the Property Tax Appeal Board and in the Circuit Court with valuation objections, and assessment trends in Cook and the suburban counties.
info_outlineJoin us for a COVID update where we discuss current IDPH and ISBE guidance, executive orders and more, and what it all means for your school communities. With the 2022-2023 school year right around the corner, Franczek attorneys Shelli Anderson, Nicki Bazer, Amy Kosanovich Dickerson, and Jennifer Smith will review the legal landscape on COVID that schools will have to navigate and address critical questions top of mind for school administrators. Among other topics, we will discuss the updated testing guidance recently issued by ISBE and IDPH and Governor Pritzker’s recent Executive Order extending the testing requirement for unvaccinated staff. With the order extended only until July 24 and additional questions looming, we expect additional clarity and further guidance in the weeks to come, and will discuss all of this and more.