Respiratory syncytial virus outbreak… Why now?
Freedom From Addiction/Share Your Mission/Truth Just Below the Surface
Release Date: 11/15/2022
Freedom From Addiction/Share Your Mission/Truth Just Below the Surface
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info_outlineRespiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) is all over the United States right now. Why is this important?
First, RSV can cause severe disease. According to the CDC, it is the most common cause of bronchiolitis and pneumonia in children younger than one year of age in the United States. And each year, RSV results in millions of outpatient visits for young children, tens of thousands of hospitalizations among children and adults aged 65 and older, and thousands of deaths.
We have never seen this outbreak of RSV so early. And the rates keep increasing daily.
Secondly, experts give no reason for the alarming and rapidly spreading infections in children and adults over 65. But in my observation of what has been happening with the weaponized COVID-19 toxic injections, and the fact that by the 4th injection, the recipients, as scientific studies have shown, 100% of their innate immune system has been destroyed. A true weaponized mass COVID-19 injection, another WMD [Weapon of Mass Destruction], leaving those taking these injections up to 100% defenseless against all the seasonal diseases, be they natural or manmade.
Third, it is no doubt that children whose parents have been COVID-19 injected, also have lost, or progressively are losing their innate immune system from the transmission {some like to use the word shedding} of the immune destructive toxic chemicals that are found by Microscopy by scientists. This must be the reasonable conclusion for the rapid spread of the disease as well as others coming down the pike, natural or synthetic (laboratory manmade diseases).
Fourth, with a big majority of the seniors at home, in hospitals, and in nursing homes already having their immune systems destroyed by the weaponized COVID-19 toxic, life-threatening injections that left them with no innate, GOD-created immune system, death will be the evidential result. There is no treatment available for RSV.
Fifth, just because the supposed experts say that it mainly affects children 6 and under and seniors 65 and older does not mean those between the age of 7 and 64 are safe either. Those in that age group that have taken one to 5 of those weaponized COVID-19 injections will also have the same outcome. From 25% loss of their innate immune system from the first injection to 100% after the fourth injection. With 100% loss (destruction) of the injected human experimental serum, the injected will be susceptible to one disease but possibly numerous diseases at the same time. It is time for them, before it is too late, to get their affairs in order.
No doubt, there will be many in the alternative field of natural medicine to try to come up with natural remedies to treat and cure these diseases or so-called viruses. However, being into the studies of natural, medicinal product studies as I have been in the past years, and I might say have had exceptional results with myself, family, and friends, I have learned one of many important things for these types of therapies to work successfully. For them to work successfully, you must have a good healthy diet and, most importantly, an immune system to work with. In many cases where the diseases have progressed so far, the individual has an over-compromised immune system, alternative natural medicines will not work very successfully. However, when the weaponized COVID-19 toxic injection has destroyed your entire innate immune system 100%, there is no cure whether conventional or alternative that will be effective.
To the un-COVID-19 injected, you should take all the necessary actions necessary to protect yourself and your family from the RVS even if you have a strong immune system or it is compromised. Hand washing, keep your distance from others. Avoid large gatherings of groups of people inside homes or buildings, which would compromise you to airborne infection.
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