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The Spirit Empowers

Free Mustard Seeds

Release Date: 06/29/2024

The Meeting Tent Revival show art The Meeting Tent Revival

Free Mustard Seeds

In Chapter 11 of the Book of Numbers, we read the story of Moses being told to gather 70 elders of the people and to bring them to The Meeting Tent, a spot where "the Lord used to speak to Moses face to face." (Ex 33:11)  After being touched by God, the 70 elders begin to prophesy.  We consider in this homily how we too have been touched by God as temples of the Holy Spirit and are empowered to listen to God and to prophesy.

His Way show art His Way

Free Mustard Seeds

In Mark 9:33-37, we see a beautiful instance of Jesus taking time to correct the incorrect thinking of His apostles...giving them wisdom.  Through the gift of the Holy Spirit, the disciples of Jesus still have the opportunity to commune with Jesus and receive wisdom from Jesus, the gift of seeing things His way.

At The Cross show art At The Cross

Free Mustard Seeds

At the Shrine of the Sorrowful Mother, beginning the celebration of the 175th anniversary year of the Shrine, this homily was offered on September 15th, the feast of Our Lady of Sorrows...

Streams Will Burst Forth show art Streams Will Burst Forth

Free Mustard Seeds

Isaiah prophesied, "streams will burst forth in the desert." (Is 35:6)  In and through Jesus Christ, God's love has burst into this world, and of His disciples filled with the Holy Spirit, Jesus declares, "rivers of living water will flow from within..."(Jn 7:37)

Limp Gone & Hearing Restored show art Limp Gone & Hearing Restored

Free Mustard Seeds

The lovely testimonies of Cindy & Marisella, who recieved remarkable healing graces from Jesus at an Encounter Ministries Healing Service at St. Brigid Catholic Church in Hanford, CA...praise you Jesus!!!

All of Heaven's Love show art All of Heaven's Love

Free Mustard Seeds

A reflection on the The Most Blessed Sacrament at a Eucharistic Evening at Holy Spirit Catholic Church in Fresno, California...

In All His Glory show art In All His Glory

Free Mustard Seeds

In the dramatic final scene of The Bread of Life Discourse, Jesus invites his listeners to consider, "what if you were to see the Son of Man ascending to where He was before?" (Jn 6:62)  Today, here and now, if a man or woman wants to see God...show them the Eucharist.

By Faith show art By Faith

Free Mustard Seeds

A dive into the gift of God that is meant to permeate and transform every area of our lives...faith.

Staying Engaged with The Holy Spirit show art Staying Engaged with The Holy Spirit

Free Mustard Seeds

Turning away from perfect love is fair description of the essence of St. Paul's famous and sobering words, "do not grieve the Holy Spirit with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption" (Eph 4:30)  We consider some of the deceptions the enemy uses to get us to turn away from perfect love, the Holy Spirit within us, and two effective methods for staying engaged with the Holy Spirit.

40 Year Deaf Ear Opened show art 40 Year Deaf Ear Opened

Free Mustard Seeds

The beautiful testimony of Isaura, who had experienced complete deafness in her left ear for 40 years after a surgery...until Jesus opened her ear at an Encounter Ministries event.  PRAISE YOU JESUS!!!

More Episodes

Through the gift of the Holy Spirit given in baptism, disciples of Jesus are truly empowered to live supernaturally powerful lives...