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071 - Park Chan-wook

G&T with Greta & Taylor

Release Date: 03/03/2023

077 - Tomm Moore show art 077 - Tomm Moore

G&T with Greta & Taylor

The Secret of Kells (2009) and Wolfwalkers (2020)   We had a weird time at Poor Things, and decided to pivot from talking about Yorgos Lanthimos, as previously announced. We're glad we did, cause these Tomm Moore movie absolutely rule.

076 - Frame Tales show art 076 - Frame Tales

G&T with Greta & Taylor


075 - Melissa McCarthy show art 075 - Melissa McCarthy

G&T with Greta & Taylor

Tammy (2014) and The Heat (2013). 

074 - Hayao Miyazaki show art 074 - Hayao Miyazaki

G&T with Greta & Taylor

Greta and Taylor have NO IDEA how to speak about the cinema of Hayao Miyazaki, but they sure do give it a try!

2023 in Review show art 2023 in Review

G&T with Greta & Taylor

In which we talk about our favorite movies and performances of the year 2023 across a variety of cateogories. 

073 - Scientists show art 073 - Scientists

G&T with Greta & Taylor

Movies about scientists!!!

072 - Jack Black show art 072 - Jack Black

G&T with Greta & Taylor

Ring-gig-goo-ging gig-goo-gig-goo-ging! It's our Jack Black episode! We'll talk King Kong and Bernie, what makes us comtinue to love Jack Black, and run down our top 5 Jack Black performances. It all culminates in our most bizarre episode selection process EVER! Enjoy!

Commentary 003 - Inception show art Commentary 003 - Inception

G&T with Greta & Taylor

This commentary was recorded in March of 2023. Please excuse the very dated references found therein. 

071 - Park Chan-wook show art 071 - Park Chan-wook

G&T with Greta & Taylor

In which we discuss two horny movies with creepy uncles. We also talk a bunch about Scream.  Next time: King Kong (2005) and Bernie (2012)

Special: Our Favorites of 2022 show art Special: Our Favorites of 2022

G&T with Greta & Taylor

Greta and Taylor discuss their favorite movies, scenes, and performances of the film year 2022 across a variety of categories. Seeya next time. 

More Episodes

In which we discuss two horny movies with creepy uncles. We also talk a bunch about Scream. 

Next time: King Kong (2005) and Bernie (2012)

