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Ep. 272: What has your attention?

Getting Things Done

Release Date: 08/21/2024

Ep. 277: David talks with Charles Duhigg show art Ep. 277: David talks with Charles Duhigg

Getting Things Done

David has a fascinating conversation with Charles Duhigg, whose new book is . Charles says, "With the right tools, we can connect with anyone." You can watch the entire conversation from February 2024 at . -- This audio is one of many available at GTD Connect, a learning space and community hub for all things GTD. Join GTD practitioners from around the world in learning, sharing, and developing the skills for stress-free productivity. Knowing how to get the right things done is a key to success. It’s easy to get distracted and overwhelmed. Stay focused and increase productivity with...

Ep. 276: David Allen talks with Gina DiRoma show art Ep. 276: David Allen talks with Gina DiRoma

Getting Things Done

In this wide-ranging conversation, David and Gina DiRoma cover a variety of GTD topics. They even get around to GTD and improvisational comedy. Gina is the Corporate Events and Sales Director at , where the motto is "we make stuff up." That's a perfect complement to David's phrase, "Make it up, make it happen." You can watch the entire conversation from January 2024 at . -- This audio is one of many available at GTD Connect, a learning space and community hub for all things GTD. Join GTD practitioners from around the world in learning, sharing, and developing the skills for...

Ep. 275: GTD and Holacracy Intersections show art Ep. 275: GTD and Holacracy Intersections

Getting Things Done

When asked how a company does GTD, David Allen's answer is, "Holacracy." It's a self-organizing management framework that has GTD built in. The David Allen Company has been running on this framework since 2011. This recording on how GTD is incorporated into Holacracy's governing structure is from a presentation for the Holacracy community of practice. You can watch the entire conversation from January 2024 at . -- This audio is one of many available at GTD Connect, a learning space and community hub for all things GTD. Join GTD practitioners from around the world in learning, sharing, and...

Ep. 274: Slice of GTD Life with Ariadne show art Ep. 274: Slice of GTD Life with Ariadne

Getting Things Done

Ariadne begins by recounting how this interview stayed on her Someday/Maybe list for quite some time before becoming a reality. She also describes her GTD journey, the tools she has tried, and her daily and weekly processes for living a balanced, low-stress life. You can watch the entire conversation from January 2024 at . -- This audio is one of many available at GTD Connect, a learning space and community hub for all things GTD. Join GTD practitioners from around the world in learning, sharing, and developing the skills for stress-free productivity. Knowing how to get the right things...

Ep. 273: Are Long Lists a Problem for You? show art Ep. 273: Are Long Lists a Problem for You?

Getting Things Done

This is the recording of our Long Lists webinar. We had a lively discussion about how lists get to be long, how long they "should" be, what lists to review when, and how to narrow your focus on any given day. You can watch this webinar from December 2023 at . -- This audio is one of many available at GTD Connect, a learning space and community hub for all things GTD. Join GTD practitioners from around the world in learning, sharing, and developing the skills for stress-free productivity. Knowing how to get the right things done is a key to success. It’s easy to get distracted and...

Ep. 272: What has your attention? show art Ep. 272: What has your attention?

Getting Things Done

Let's get all that stuff off your mind and into a system you trust. This recording will guide you through externalizing what's grabbing your attention personally and professionally. Also includes time for clarifying what you've captured, and organizing it into your system. You can watch this webinar from December 2023 at . -- This audio is one of many available at GTD Connect, a learning space and community hub for all things GTD. Join GTD practitioners from around the world in learning, sharing, and developing the skills for stress-free productivity. Knowing how to get the right things...

Ep. 271: Optimizing Your System with David Allen show art Ep. 271: Optimizing Your System with David Allen

Getting Things Done

David Allen presents a webinar on how to optimize your GTD system, so that you have the information you need to be productive, when you need it. Includes Q&A with participants. You can watch this webinar from July 2014 at . -- This audio is one of many available at GTD Connect, a learning space and community hub for all things GTD. Join GTD practitioners from around the world in learning, sharing, and developing the skills for stress-free productivity. Knowing how to get the right things done is a key to success. It’s easy to get distracted and overwhelmed. Stay focused and...

Ep. 270: Your Projects - What to Know When show art Ep. 270: Your Projects - What to Know When

Getting Things Done

What do you need to know, and when, to stay on top of your projects from start to finish? This webinar examines how you define and list your projects, how you track what's necessary for completion, and the rhythm for reviewing that assures you are in relaxed control. You can listen to the entire webinar from December 2023 at . -- This audio is one of many available at GTD Connect, a learning space and community hub for all things GTD. Join GTD practitioners from around the world in learning, sharing, and developing the skills for stress-free productivity. Knowing how to get the right things...

Ep. 269: Slice of GTD Life using Emacs show art Ep. 269: Slice of GTD Life using Emacs

Getting Things Done

You may have heard of a text editor called Emacs, which has been around for a long time. This is your chance to hear how Matt has used it to create a GTD list manager. He talks about how he got into GTD, and goes into plenty of detail about the system he has developed, through many iterations, using Emacs. You can listen to the entire conversation from December 2023 at . -- This audio is one of many available at GTD Connect, a learning space and community hub for all things GTD. Join GTD practitioners from around the world in learning, sharing, and developing the skills for stress-free...

Ep. 268: Slice of GTD Life with Blanka show art Ep. 268: Slice of GTD Life with Blanka

Getting Things Done

You will learn that Blanka moves around quite a bit. After several other countries, she and her family have landed in the US in Sarasota, Florida. In addition to her work as a GTD trainer, Blanka has a fascinating range of interests, from organizational development to fiber art.  You can listen to the entire conversation from October 2023 at . -- This audio is one of many available at GTD Connect, a learning space and community hub for all things GTD. Join GTD practitioners from around the world in learning, sharing, and developing the skills for stress-free productivity. Knowing how...

More Episodes

Let's get all that stuff off your mind and into a system you trust. This recording will guide you through externalizing what's grabbing your attention personally and professionally. Also includes time for clarifying what you've captured, and organizing it into your system.

You can watch this webinar from December 2023 at GTD Connect®.


This audio is one of many available at GTD Connect, a learning space and community hub for all things GTD. Join GTD practitioners from around the world in learning, sharing, and developing the skills for stress-free productivity.

Knowing how to get the right things done is a key to success. It’s easy to get distracted and overwhelmed. Stay focused and increase productivity with GTD Connect—a subscription-based online learning center from the David Allen Company. GTD Connect gives you access to a wealth of multimedia content designed to help you stay on track and deepen your awareness of principles you can also learn in GTD courses, coaching, and by reading the Getting Things Done book. You’ll also get the support and encouragement of a thriving global community of people you won’t find anywhere else.

If you already know you’d like to join, click here to choose from monthly or annual options.

If you’d like to try GTD Connect free for 14 days, read on for what’s included and how to get your free trial.

During your 14-day free trial, you will have access to:

  • Recorded webinars with David Allen & the certified coaches and trainers on a wide range of productivity topics
  • GTD Getting Started & Refresher Series to reinforce the fundamentals you may have learned in a GTD course, coaching, or book
  • Extensive audio, video, and document library
  • Slice of GTD Life series to see how others are making GTD stick
  • David Allen’s exclusive interviews with people in his network all over the world
  • Lively members-only discussion forums sharing ideas, tips, and tricks

Note: GTD Connect is designed to reinforce your learning, and we also recommend that you take a course, get individual coaching, or read the Getting Things Done book.

Ready to start your free trial?