When Jesus is revealed to you it will REAL to you. For more about Gloribites
Father, Forgive them for they know not what they do For more about Gloribites
Satan has asked to sift you like wheat. Satan needs permission...... For more about Gloribites
This will give you an opportunity to bear witness. For more about Gloribites
Why try to question the man who has all the answers For more about Gloribites
If you knew the peace you could have in Jesus For more about Gloribites
We are to pray at all times and not give up. For more about Gloribites
We must watch ourselves to prevent stumbling, forgive others, obey Christ, have faith, and await his return For more about Gloribites
There is no scripture indication that salvation is available beyond the grave For more about Gloribites
You cannot serve God and Money For more about Gloribites
The Bite: Luke 2:1-20
The Savior was born She gave birth while they were there and she wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger bc there was no room
- The Savior is for ALL people The shepherds were keeping watch over their flocks and the angels brought them good news of great joy for ALL people
- The Savior is accessible You will find a baby wrapped in clothes
The Savior gives peace to those who are submitted to him Then a great company of angels praised God saying Glory to God and peace on earthy to the people he favors and returned to heaven. This was not a universal peace
The Savior is to be sought out and shared The shepherds then sought out to go see this thing that had happened which the Lord told them about
The Digest
- We must realize that the good news is for all people. Even when it is not received with joy like it is here. It is available and accessible.
- Peace is what belongs to those who make people with God through Christ
- Once you have Jesus, you are to share him. You don't hide him. You show him off by the fruit of your life.
- You want others to experience that peace you have.
- Sometimes we share outloud and some testimony we treasure like Mary and store into the time is right to share.
Have you accepted the gift of salvation from Christ? He was born to save you. Salvation is his name
If you have, are you sharing the "thing which has happened" in your life?
The Chew
Receive Christ and then Share Christ